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Why I'm a prick....


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because i post too much BS....true..but no

because i backed up ecurb as one of the few chad lovers(eff u e BTW), no

because I posted a rant about how Favre ruined us by running chad out of town when we did a amasterful job of building a team HE can win with, ten times more talented than the fins!!!!

I cowered fearing the wrath and the spewing of hatred.

One of my on;y friends(he might not admit it) sen Fla jet knew i put my foot in my mouth.

AND I RECANTED AND APOLOGIZED AND RODE FAVRE's jock, then the 6 in a row, the 6td's...blah blah

BUT i was right I was mutha ****ING right Chad was better for this team and in 08 IS a BETTER QB. Favre is playing like a third string rookie from North west southern Iowa state!

He sucks. Chad can win it all, not with this garbage miami team but DEFINITELY WITH US.

I didn't have the balls to stick to what i knew was true because i like JN and wanted to be friends and talk jets with other suffering fans. I cowered. That's why I'm a dick.

Chad was the man for this team.

I'll be here, i ain't leaving unless the mods ban me.

My new known fact:

RATLIFF is our guy for 09!!!!!!!!!!!!!


let the bashing begin, i give a RAT's a$$(get the pun)

EFF u Favre retire again!!!You are finito!

Chad, one and done,i wish you a career ending injury, sorry, no offense it's the colors dude!!!!

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