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Jets Pain From New York To England


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I went to school in the mid to late 80`s, surrounded by people wearing shirts of the Raiders, 49ers, Giants, Dolphins and Bears, the most popular teams at the time. I was told that the JETS SUCK!

Great article.

I feel your pain. The worst was the Giants fans were giving me crap because why wasn't I a Giants fan, being from New York.

The early 80's were a nightmare trying to get word of what was happening, especially with phone calls costing so much - we used to cross the border to use a phone box in Northern Ireland once a fortnight, as it was a fraction of the price to call the US from there. As bad a station as Channel 4 is now, I will always be grateful for their coverage. (Well, the Vicious Boys excluded)

And I was always envious of you lot in England who could pick up the Armed Forces Network.

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Thank you PDM!

The worst thing about the Armed forces signal was it repeatedly gave way to some Spanish singer.

"first down at the 22 and the Jets have the........crrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ooooooooooooooollll

mmmmmmmmmmmmmangannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnato sooooooooooooooooo beooo

no poooooooooooooooooo taganaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! etc etc...

And the apparent Giants fan who told me the Jets sucked but couldn`t even tell me what

colour the Giants played in? I weep I really do!!

We are the best fans in the world, how dare anyone tell us different!!

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Just keep repeating to yourself "I am a Giants fan now" and maybe eventually it will work. It's slowly working for me. I cleaned out my closet yesterday and found a bunch of blue stuff, and I thought "wow this stuff is really beautiful" "blue is really a great color."

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great article, I am an overseas fan also, being in trinidad i am surrounded by Dolphin fans needless to say from the fake spike incident to pennys success this season i constantly am being tortured here , but as you said we love our Jets.

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