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come on! you know it won't work!

I think it would work fairly close. I mean the whole soak up the liquid under the rug is a stretch. But they never said it would suck it out of the foam that's under the carpet. They just showed a carpet and a hard surface.

The laws on false advertising are getting stricter and its tough for direct response ads to trick as much as the used to.

But somehow fast food commercials get away with murder. The best is when I walk into a McD's and they have the food served on fine square china in the menu pictures. I want that, not a greasy ****in wrapper.

But yeah, there's a bunch of tricks commercials used to pull. Campbell soup use to fill the bottom of the soup bowl with marbles which forced all the noodle and chicken to the top of the bowl. Thats a big no no these days.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I can't help but laugh at Subway's ads. They fold every piece of meat and have it hang out of the side of sub. If you were to open that sub, there would be almost no meat in the middle of the sandwich, it would all be hanging off the cut side.

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The charm of Vince Shamwow is in his hypnotic eyeballs.

He has one eye with a small pupil and and arched eyebrow and one eye with a giant pupil and and un-arched eyebrow. In many cultures, that triggers the impulse purchase behaviour. There have been studies.

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I got shanwows from my sister for Christmas....she ordered everything online.....hell she bought my fiance a snuggie.

The blue ones don't work as well as the yellow ones..but they dry up real fast after a cleaning and the yellows are very absorbant.

the rug thing is an edit...all you TV guys should catch it right away..notice the overspill of coke disappear when he begins to tamp the shamwow on it.

They obviously cleaned it up a bit before doing the demonstration.

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