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So, you think you're pretty smart...take the test


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Hey wait a minute -- if a 26 is 42.9 prcnt smarter how the heck does a 23 get you 49.3 prcnt -- is there a curve for women or blondes in general :)

i am not blonde ;)

i think that the percentages change based on all the tests that were taken and the scores the people get..

take it again.. i bet your percentage will change :D

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'Einstein's got competition'; but I call BS on some of those questions. What's with the Biggie Smalls/Tupac crap? Einstein wouldn't get any of that, unless he just picked any old one and got lucky with the law of averages. Cultural trivia does not make people dumb nor smart.

EDIT: I re-did it even faster and randomly guessed without cheating at the questions I thought were bogus and got a 27. I'm better at logic, not trivia; which is essentially what that test is. "If I gave you six apples, and then ate one, how many did I give you?" "Six." Like that.

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