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AIDS has been cured???? Why isn't anyone talking about this


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Possibly. Does sound like a rare case though, and its not entirely certain that the HIV virus has even been removed from all parts of his body. Also, the people most affected by HIV/AIDS (the poor in Africa and Asia) cannot even afford anti-retrovirals. In fact, we cannot even afford to GIVE them the anti-retrovirals. How the hell are we supposed to find enough HIV-resistant genetic mutants to even satisfy the amount of people with the disease, nevermind find a way to pay for it.

Ill grant that its a small step in the right direction, but I wouldn't exactly say that an AIDS cure has been found quite yet.

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Possibly. Does sound like a rare case though, and its not entirely certain that the HIV virus has even been removed from all parts of his body. Also, the people most affected by HIV/AIDS (the poor in Africa and Asia) cannot even afford anti-retrovirals. In fact, we cannot even afford to GIVE them the anti-retrovirals. How the hell are we supposed to find enough HIV-resistant genetic mutants to even satisfy the amount of people with the disease, nevermind find a way to pay for it.

Ill grant that its a small step in the right direction, but I wouldn't exactly say that an AIDS cure has been found quite yet.

Important step.

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Possibly. Does sound like a rare case though, and its not entirely certain that the HIV virus has even been removed from all parts of his body. Also, the people most affected by HIV/AIDS (the poor in Africa and Asia) cannot even afford anti-retrovirals. In fact, we cannot even afford to GIVE them the anti-retrovirals. How the hell are we supposed to find enough HIV-resistant genetic mutants to even satisfy the amount of people with the disease, nevermind find a way to pay for it.

Ill grant that its a small step in the right direction, but I wouldn't exactly say that an AIDS cure has been found quite yet.

Well no. But who says that the mutated enzyme that is found in a number of human being can't be synthesized. If they know what happened all they need it to find an artificial means to replicate it. I worry about curing aids and cancer and seeing what comes next.

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Well no. But who says that the mutated enzyme that is found in a number of human being can't be synthesized. If they know what happened all they need it to find an artificial means to replicate it. I worry about curing aids and cancer and seeing what comes next.

its not that simple.

the way HIV works is it attaches itself to a host cell injects the host cell with its DNA and other proteins that help deliver the DNA strand to the nucleus, where it binds with the DNA of the host cell and starts making mRNA for protien synthesis and other virus components which after completion. makes a new virus, the process continues until the host cell is dissolved.

each host cell can produce hundreds of HIV viruses.

now the genitic mutation in the HIV resistant cells is probably a defective protien on the cell surface that prohibits the virus from fusing to the host cell rendering the virus useless, however it doesnot kill the virus.

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its not that simple.

the way HIV works is it attaches itself to a host cell injects the host cell with its DNA and other proteins that help deliver the DNA strand to the nucleus, where it binds with the DNA of the host cell and starts making mRNA for protien synthesis and other virus components which after completion. makes a new virus, the process continues until the host cell is dissolved.

each host cell can produce hundreds of HIV viruses.

now the genitic mutation in the HIV resistant cells is probably a defective protien on the cell surface that prohibits the virus from fusing to the host cell rendering the virus useless, however it doesnot kill the virus.

Yeah, I understand all of this. My whole point is. That this could give scientists a new angle to go at it. Seeing if they can synthesize that protein or replicate its effects. Who cares if it kills the virus or not if it renders it useless or even if it renders it less effective or if it slows it down a lot. I'm not saying that overnight something is going to happen but if this is a viable solution to the problem we could see something in ten years.

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I would argue that the most interesting question is where this mutation came from to begin with. For a while now, it has been hypothesized that it came about because it offers resistance to the Black Plague, hence it's geographical location, however later studies have shown that it was already widespread in the population before the plague hit Europe.

This is the quintesential example of a deletion mutation. It's a 32-bp segment that was deleted, which results in a nonfuctional receptor. Like Chadharmoon said, this nonfunctional recepter prevents the entry of HIV. An individual that contains a homozygous pair of these alleles will prevent a considerable amount of HIV prevention.

If the doctors in Germany show that their is still no signs of any level of HIV, than this is definitely one hell of a breakthrough. The HIV strain that was present in the patient, which is one that doesn't use the HIV resistant receptor, was not present after the Cancer treatment. This is incredible. Should be interesting.

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you can have HIV but not have AIDS

Magic Johnson's HIV is almost undetectable at this point. I am happy for him about that.

What you need to realize is that he has TONS of money to spend on medications and experimental drugs.

It's sad that the average person can't afford the medicines like he can.

I do hope and pray that they come out with a cure.

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What about Tommy Morrison....or as I like to remember him "TOMMY GUN"? ....actually I just saw him in a fight two weeks ago....yes, he still fights. I guess he doesn't have HIV anymore either....wtf???

Tommy claims he never had it now. Definitely a weird situation.

Either way he should have stayed with Rocky, he would have had a better career.

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its not that simple.

the way HIV works is it attaches itself to a host cell injects the host cell with its DNA and other proteins that help deliver the DNA strand to the nucleus, where it binds with the DNA of the host cell and starts making mRNA for protien synthesis and other virus components which after completion. makes a new virus, the process continues until the host cell is dissolved.

each host cell can produce hundreds of HIV viruses.

now the genitic mutation in the HIV resistant cells is probably a defective protien on the cell surface that prohibits the virus from fusing to the host cell rendering the virus useless, however it doesnot kill the virus.

Wait a second, isn't HIV a retrovirus. Aren't you describing the opposite of what HIV actually does? It uses reverse transcriptase to go from RNA to DNA not the other way around.

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