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A-Rod Press Conference (Tuesday @ 1:30 PM)


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At this point, I don't even give a crap anymore. I've never been an ARod fan anyway. This isn't shocking news. An entire era of baseball is tainted. I get it. Can we move on and get back to the game now?

I really hate that the media is now doing to sports what it has done to every other aspect of life.

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This is going to be ridiculous.

Since the media has gotten so global, writers and "journalists" have tried to make this business all about making the biggest stink you can. More focus on me. Let me say the most controversial thing. Let me hate on the popular franchises.

No matter what anyone says or does in the media against the Yankees I will forever be a Yankee fan, I will forever bleed pinstripes. Any media member or other fans of rival teams that hate on us can suck on it IMO. Love the game, dont' love hating on a team.

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If I was Alex and I was clean and wanted to prove to people that I don't need PEDs to be the best I would announce that starting today I will submit weekly blood tests that can be saved forever. This way no one can say he is on HGH or some other indetectable drug because eventually they will be able to test for it.

From a privacy standpoint, it is a little scary. 20 years from now we may hear that someone has cloned ARod using his stored blood samples but if his reputation is that important and he wants to get in the HOF this would go a long way.

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If I was Alex and I was clean and wanted to prove to people that I don't need PEDs to be the best I would announce that starting today I will submit weekly blood tests that can be saved forever. This way no one can say he is on HGH or some other indetectable drug because eventually they will be able to test for it.

From a privacy standpoint, it is a little scary. 20 years from now we may hear that someone has cloned ARod using his stored blood samples but if his reputation is that important and he wants to get in the HOF this would go a long way.

Clone ARod? Pass.

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I found his story hard to believe. Why would he be injecting himself with this stuff twice a month for three years and have no idea of its effects?

He should have just come out and said "Yes, I took steroids for three years, everyone was doing it, I thought it would help me play better." Instead he just created more questions that the media will obsess over.

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well he actually said he didn't think it was steroids....just some over the counter crap. he's telling half-truths.

I think he said it was over the counter in the Dominican Republic, not in the United States. You're right about the half-truths. He just cannot get out of his own way.

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well he actually said he didn't think it was steroids....just some over the counter crap. he's telling half-truths.

It was over the counter, in the Domincan Republic... where he said his cousin got from.

He said it was called "Bolly" which is a street name for Primobolin.

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It was over the counter, in the Domincan Republic... where he said his cousin got from.

He said it was called "Bolly" which is a street name for Primobolin.

he still said he didn't think it was steroids........come on now. i've known some stupid motherfu*kers. but even they knew whether or not they were taking steroids when they were.

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What ever.

He isn't the only one.

More proof the media is the biggest bunch of hypocritical jerkoffs on the planet.

When someone takes Selena Roberts, the new queen of media integrity, to task for trying without justificatioon to ruin the lives of the Duke lax guys, let me know.

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he still said he didn't think it was steroids........come on now. i've known some stupid motherfu*kers. but even they knew whether or not they were taking steroids when they were.

So why he is injecting something into his body- for the hell of it. HAH

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let me get this straight.....over nine days since the Peter Gammons interview your story is an unnamed cousin suggested you take primobolan or bole for an energy boostand twice amonth for three years you had him inject you with something that you don't think gave you much benefit, you weren't sure you were using correctly, and didn't research what did to your body? hmmmm. oh and Selena Roberts isn't a crazy beeyotch stalker?


just to let you know...primobolan isn't just an energy booster, it's a building block steroid that you use in conjunction with testosterone and other steroids. In other words, you weren't just using bole, dude...so, you're lying.

oh and one other thing...you were 24, 25 and 26 when you took this stuff. Your "i was young and stupid" excuse doesn't work. You were a grown up.

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I'm 26, I've started working out a lot and really focusing on losing weight and building muscle.

Long story short, I've invested and take supplements. A-Rod is notorious for being a health "freak" that he doesn't eat anything bad. I'm like that now. And when you're like that you know EXACTLY what you're putting in your body. For example I'm taking ZMA supplements in pill form, it's a concentrated form of Zinc, magnesium and B-6 Vitamins. I take Whey Protein, I take a Essential fatty acid 3-6-9 pill which is a combo of fish, sunflower and nut fats.

My point is... I know what's going in my body. When you're obsessed with this you damn well know. Although I will say this much. As of right now I dont' know if it's helping me or not. I am losing weight and building muscle... but is that a result of my hardwork? I'm not sure. But I haven't dont' it for 3 years, nor have I been off it for 3 years.

I understand being "ignorant" in the sense of being young and thinking you're invincible. The way A-Rod is making it sound is he was legally retarded but could still swing the hell out of a bat up until 2004.

I'll still cheer him and hope he can put this behind him and produce on the field cause the way he's addressed this will haunt him.

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let me get this straight.....over nine days since the Peter Gammons interview your story is an unnamed cousin suggested you take primobolan or bole for an energy boostand twice amonth for three years you had him inject you with something that you don't think gave you much benefit, you weren't sure you were using correctly, and didn't research what did to your body? hmmmm. oh and Selena Roberts isn't a crazy beeyotch stalker?


just to let you know...primobolan isn't just an energy booster, it's a building block steroid that you use in conjunction with testosterone and other steroids. In other words, you weren't just using bole, dude...so, you're lying.

oh and one other thing...you were 24, 25 and 26 when you took this stuff. Your "i was young and stupid" excuse doesn't work. You were a grown up.

Friend of mine had a brother-in-law played junior hockey in Canada in the 1980s and 1990s with several guys who eventually made the NHL(could name names, and if you know hockey, you'd know who they were; several were even allstars). There was no drug testing. Was pretty much an open secret that Canadian athletes took trips to Latin America to stock up on roids over the counter. It was cheap and easy.

This is no different.

If you want to live on the fantasy island where all the athletes are wonderful, clean-living and PED-free, take up checkers.

Get the impression unless A-rod shoots up on stage or provides an old video of such or drops a shopping bag of empty vials ans syringes on the podium,the media will

still hound him. Move the eff on already.

Again, when Selena Roberts, Mitch Albom and Mike Lupica their ilk are going to be the arbiters of right and wrong, we're are extra cripsy effed. That bothers me a whole bunch more than pro athletes trying to get and edge with PEDs.

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No matter what he would of said everyone will still pick it apart and call him a liar. I am satisfied he didn't go the same route as Bonds and Clemens.

Lets play some baseball.

Unfortunately TD he didn't go to far from that script. Pleading ignorance over complete denial isn't too far in my book. For the sake of the team and for his own I hope whatever he said today was not a lie and this ugly thing is all there is. Because as you said, I just want to see baseball.

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Unfortunately TD he didn't go to far from that script. Pleading ignorance over complete denial isn't too far in my book. For the sake of the team and for his own I hope whatever he said today was not a lie and this ugly thing is all there is. Because as you said, I just want to see baseball.

Totally disagree. Bonds and Clemens flat out denied they took steroids. They even lied about it under oath.

A-Rod admitted taking steroids, and has taken responsibility. He also told us how he took it (injected it) when he took it (3 years in Texas), why he stopped (neck injury, and because drug testing was put in place), where he got it from (Dominican Republic), and who he got it from (His cousin). You don't have to believe him, but he gave us something. The other 2 just denied taking it.

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Totally disagree. Bonds and Clemens flat out denied they took steroids. They even lied about it under oath.

A-Rod admitted taking steroids. He also told us how he took it (injected it) when he took it (3 years in Texas), why he stopped (neck inury, and because drug testing was put in place), where he got it from (Dominican Republic), and who he got it from (His cousin). You don't have to believe him, but he gave us something.

ARod admitted it only after he was outed by Sports Illustrated. Up until now, he's denied it. He's as big a douche today as he has always been. I'm not giving him any awards for this "honesty".

Just get out on that field and hit the ball, you f-ing toolbox. I don't want to hear another word out of you. Ever. (That was directed at ARod, not you TD)

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Totally disagree. Bonds and Clemens flat out denied they took steroids. They even lied about it under oath.

A-Rod admitted taking steroids: Kinda

and has taken responsibility: I was young and stupid? Really?

He also told us how he took it (injected it) when he took it (3 years in Texas), why he stopped (neck injury, and because drug testing was put in place), where he got it from (Dominican Republic), and who he got it from (His cousin). Yup, you're right here

You don't have to believe him, but he gave us something. The other 2 just denied taking it.

The difference between A-Rod and those two scumbags is the fact is there is a test with his name on it that he failed. What makes you so certain he'd deny. Look no further then 60 minutes. To me this is a damn shame TD, a damn shame. I'm not an A-Rod hater, this is sad to me.

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ARod admitted it only after he was outed by Sports Illustrated. Up until now, he's denied it. He's as big a douche today as he has always been. I'm not giving him any awards for this "honesty".

Just get out on that field and hit the ball, you f-ing toolbox. I don't want to hear another word out of you. Ever. (That was directed at ARod, not you TD)

I agree, but all these guys who get outed still have a choice to deny or be honest.

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The difference between A-Rod and those two scumbags is the fact is there is a test with his name on it that he failed. What makes you so certain he'd deny. Look no further then 60 minutes. To me this is a damn shame TD, a damn shame. I'm not an A-Rod hater, this is sad to me.

I don't like A-Rod enough for me to be sad, if it was Bernie Williams or Derek Jeter, well that's a different story. I don't care about any of this, but we need Alex to succeed. He's a Yankee for the next 9 years, so I chose to support him.

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Nothing would make me happier than seeing A-Rod having a huge year, and a huge post season then ending with the Yankees being World Champions. That would be sweet. That would make all this disappear, for the Yankees and there fans at least.

Join the club... Arod is the lead member... lol

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I don't like A-Rod enough for me to be sad, if it was Bernie Williams or Derek Jeter, well that's a different story. I don't care about any of this, but we need Alex to succeed. He's a Yankee for the next 9 years, so I chose to support him.

Just sad to me cause I really wanted to believe he did it right. I'm definitely on the same boat as you are for the next 9 years.

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