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Who decided that coffee goes good with eggs?


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I don't drink coffee

But did you ever have a chicken sandwhich with egg - I call it "The before and After"

Thats an awesome idea.

Beans and baby chickens are a strange combo?

There a good fit, they both could have gone on to have a good life...

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Coffee is nasty. How do you people drink that stuff?

How can people not enjoy a fabulous cup of java? I can't live without it. I'm actually so addicted, that if do not consume some within a hour of waking, I get a tremendous headache. I'm a junkie. I admit this.

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Not a fan of Coffee, here's why...

I woke up the first day of my internship two summers ago got ready, and grabbed a coffee for the train ride. It was my first coffee and I only got it cause I thought it looked cool and professional(haha). Drink the whole thing on the way to work, its was okay I wasn't choking it down. By the time I got to the building It was on, had to **** so bad. Got off the elevator said hi to my boss quickly and B-lined to the bathroom.

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Think about it.. strange combo.


That's because coffee isn't really a beverage, it's a drug. A tool to stay awake and focus and not fall asleep at your desk. Coffee is for closers!!! Decaff is like drinking near beer, you can do it and hang out with your friends, but they all think your teh ghey.

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Not strange at all. People wake up and drink coffee to become more alert and awake. People wake up and eat breakfast. Eggs are a common breahfast choice.

See, simple.

Next week: Beer and Pizza, a drunken hookup?

Followed by White Castle and Weed --- HUH?????

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Who told you that coffee goes with eggs? It doesn't.

OJ goes with eggs. You drink the coffee after you finish the eggs with OJ.

Coffee goes with donuts and pastries, or alone. Not with eggs! ;)


With adults it's about bitter balanced by sweet. The yin and the yang. the kit and the kaboodle. ok, maybe not the kit and the kaboodle.

With beer, we balance sweet malted barley with bitter hops.

Some people put a dollop of ice cream in a bitter stout.

Coffee and doughnuts is the same idea.

This may not be exactly the post you were hoping for...but you might find it...bittersweet.

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