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What would the world be like if womens and mens roles were reversed?


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What if a Bizarro swap took place say in the 1950s..

The more aggressive males were the main child rearers, ran the household day to day, while the women all went to college and got the jobs, went out with the girls after work while man cooked and waited etc.

Women also would hold 90% of all political offices, while males dominated the PTAs.

nature stays intact as women still bear children. That alone could have impact as less kids due to women in career roles since 1950.

What kind of world would be living in today??

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What if a Bizarro swap took place say in the 1950s..

The more aggressive males were the main child rearers, ran the household day to day, while the women all went to college and got the jobs, went out with the girls after work while man cooked and waited etc.

Women also would hold 90% of all political offices, while males dominated the PTAs.

nature stays intact as women still bear children. That alone could have impact as less kids due to women in career roles since 1950.

What kind of world would be living in today??

I'd masturbate a lot more.

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I'd go to "guys night out" 2x a week (fishing or beer/movies)

...and when she wants to do something on the weekend with her friends I'd remind her of all the crap she never gets done around this house.

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I would waterboard every c ocksucker as a party favor. When the Geneva Convention applies, give me a call. I make a great lasagna.

I just checked Jet-O's profile....did you people know that "she" and another banned in the football forum Pats fan poster share the same birthday? Just sayin'....

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What if a Bizarro swap took place say in the 1950s..

The more aggressive males were the main child rearers, ran the household day to day, while the women all went to college and got the jobs, went out with the girls after work while man cooked and waited etc.

Women also would hold 90% of all political offices, while males dominated the PTAs.

nature stays intact as women still bear children. That alone could have impact as less kids due to women in career roles since 1950.

What kind of world would be living in today??

World wouldnt exist. World War III would have ended it all in 1982.

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Holy crap, my wife would be huge. I on the other hand would be very sexy.

Hmmmm, I just realize something. I would never touch my wife if she was my size. I on the other side would wank myself into a dehydration coma and die. Either way things work out.

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-We never would've landed on the moon as 100% of our federal budget would've been spent on social programs.

-The Internet never wouldn't have been invented because women don't care much for porn.

-Gucci and Godiva would be the two largest corporations on Earth.

-Our GDP would decline by 12% as every women would be given 4 "woman days" off from work a month.

-The Democrat Party wouldn't exist since women wouldn't vote to see money they actually had to work for go to moochers (lot easier to be generous when you have no idea how soul-draining working for your money is).

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