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how about a HoHo and slushy from the local convenience store and you keep your fat mouth shut

you are way to preoccupied with 2 votes

This can easily be read as you not wanting to stand out by jumping from wagon to wagon again, so waiting to see what will stick and where your vote may be needed..

Yesterday fatman votes everytime he thinks about food. days opens today and he comes out swinging again. I vote for him, call him out on it, now suddenly his balls are the size of his brain and he's afraid to vote at all

He's screaming I'm scum, and nobody's listening cause his belly is is shaking like a bowl full of jelly as he does it..

HoHo and slushy? Man your a retarded monkey boy and your low class. Sad.

Im not preoccupied with two votes, but in case you haven't noticed you have brought me up in 80 of your post as of late. So Im focused on making sure people don't make the mistake of believing you tunnel vision boy. Your a handful. Like babysitting a incontinent dog in a home with only white carpets.

Yesterday was day 1 and fatman, or Crusher as it might be was searching for scum and trying to contribute the best he can. You vote for me and call me on it, but again your only a stupid little monkey and all your doing is grining my organ and keeping me from being able to do my job.

The size of my balls are perfect for teabagging a monkey boy like you. Matter a fact you could hide from the zookeeper if you so choose.

I am not screamin,"Im scum", I'm screaming "Your dumb", I could see why this confuses you because they do sound similar.

besides day 1 is a crapshoot and you know it. now we have plantey to work with and Im trying to get through it. but, I have to stop and take my time to deal with you because your not paying attention to anything in this game but my balls.

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I will stuff your midget ass inside crushone's big ass if you continue..

Tony.. Could you stop focusing on me as a sexual object and actually start paying attention to the other players in the game. Even if I where scum, two other people and a SK would still exist.

just so you know the JiF and I thing is a gag. Im not gay so your love for me would be un-requited and that would be sad for you.

Your homo erotic fixation with me is approaching an un-healthy level. Im getting uncomfortable and I think as the moderator EY should step in. I feel like iM sitting at a poker table and the guy next to me put his hand in my lap. "SHIVER"

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Tony.. Could you stop focusing on me as a sexual object and actually start paying attention to the other players in the game. Even if I where scum, two other people and a SK would still exist.

just so you know the JiF and I thing is a gag. Im not gay so your love for me would be un-requited and that would be sad for you.

Your homo erotic fixation with me is approaching an un-healthy level. Im getting uncomfortable and I think as the moderator EY should step in. I feel like iM sitting at a poker table and the guy next to me put his hand in my lap. "SHIVER"

So calling you fat is sexy talk 2 u?

Friggen weirdo

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So calling you fat is sexy talk 2 u?

Friggen weirdo

Dude thats how JiF gets 95% of his play.

Jif: Hey fatty

fatty: take me Im yours

Anyhow Im in the process of trying to contribute if you can stop obsessing on me and undressing me with your monkey eyes. I will have something to contribute in a bit. I had a cancellation this morning so I have a little time right now.

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I never said you were leading the town. I said Lefty's dumbass was. You are just a dork face who agrees with everyone.

You sound like a petulant child that needs a spanking. If you want this mythical leadership role you are constantly whining about why don't you put down the rum and coke and come up with a case.

If not I suggest you shut your filthy mouth until one of us needs you. Got it?

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Vote Count:

Al Capone (2) - Tony Montana, Tony Soprano

Michael Corleone (1) - Carlito Brigante

Nicky Sartoro (4) - Lefty Ruggerio, Virgil, John Rooney, Marcellus Wallace

Lefty Ruggerio (1) - Henry Hill

Carlito (1) - Vito Corleone

With 14 players remaining, it takes 8 to cancel an account.

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Vote Count:

Al Capone (2) - Tony Montana, Tony Soprano

Michael Corleone (1) - Carlito Brigante

Nicky Sartoro (4) - Lefty Ruggerio, Virgil, John Rooney, Marcellus Wallace

Lefty Ruggerio (1) - Henry Hill

With 14 players remaining, it takes 8 to cancel an account.

I have a vote on Carlito, EY

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You sound like a petulant child that needs a spanking. If you want this mythical leadership role you are constantly whining about why don't you put down the rum and coke and come up with a case.

If not I suggest you shut your filthy mouth until one of us needs you. Got it?

It's so nice to have pac playing again


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Fredo (5) - Virgil, Henry Hill, Tony Montana, Ace, Al Capone

Henry Hill (3) - Fredo Corleone, Marcellus, Nicky, Frank Costello

Frank Costello (7) - Carlito, Tommy Devito, Vito Corleone, Tony Soprano, John Rooney, Michael Corleone, Lefty

With 17 players, it takes 9 to lynch.

Monday, High Noon.

my main reason for voting fredo is that his train stalled, it's really the first one that picked up steam and then just died. I also think al capone had a good post against him.

It has little to do with what that little jerk henry is saying. As far as i'm concerned him next.

Also, after being active, he's now gone into hiding a bit, which usually is a good sign of scumminess. (to be fair, it's still early today)

I have gone back and re-read the last four or so pages, and I think that Al makes a good case on Fredo

unvote: Henry

Vote: Fredo

monkey boy...... By the way no way Montana is someone not from JI. he is way to good at picking on me. My guess is CTM, though he's not doing his bull**** oratories in order not to out himself. He may be just picking on me to keep himself from being looked at. Then when I flip town he could start doing his bull**** thing. kinda what he did as the crossdressing zombie in the zombie game. A role that fit his well. In that game he killed alot of townies and just blamed it on them.

Above he actually agreed with my vote on Fredo. This is pecualiar because all I did after that was go back to fredo then to Michael who I mentioned numerous times was at the top of my list. So his entire case on me is the fact I came out at Michael and I didn't respond about the death of Doggin the awesome, not worrying about the fact that we also loss atownie and a power role that night and killed an innocent earlier. The dogggin death thing didn't impress me, I was sad he turned out sum quite honestly.

If Tony/Chan is MJ this would followe the zombie game pretty well. Someone told me my brain was stupid. Thats something Ive heard Chan say before. Im going to go look and see.

This game would be alot easier if I wasn;t the onyl one playing without an alt. but don't worry children, the awesomeness that is THE CRUSHER will prevail.

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dude, you keep saying that i am distracting you by being fixated on you and you're the one that keep initiating the dialog with me. Make up you mind.

And yes, during the heat of the moment, looking at posts individually, i hadn't noticed your scummy behavior. It was only when I went back and reread day 1 and took a birds eye view that I was able to see the entirety of you and your scumminess. It's perspective and like many large things, you need to get far away to take it all in.

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dude, you keep saying that i am distracting you by being fixated on you and you're the one that keep initiating the dialog with me. Make up you mind.

And yes, during the heat of the moment, looking at posts individually, i hadn't noticed your scummy behavior. It was only when I went back and reread day 1 and took a birds eye view that I was able to see the entirety of you and your scumminess. It's perspective and like many large things, you need to get far away to take it all in.

Once you pick a fight with the Crusher a fight your going to get. I actually went back to look at Nicky and a couple others but when i got down on my kness to look under a rock I saw you. Like many tiny little annoying things you have to get closer to look at them.

Well now I'll put you under the microscope. Im still trying to find the your brain is dumb post. Cause I think that person would be CTM.

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unvote michael

I think he's 1 away, might as well wait and see what he has to say.

Your brain is dumb.

FOS Tommy and Ace

I believe michael is PS17 learning the ropes and am suspicious of those looking for the easy lynch...

vote: Ace

woah. you guys do realize you get unmasked at the end of the game.

Ace is fine, just a little scummy.


vote Tony Soprano

Seems eager to pounce on fastest train to me.


vote Fredo

Lookign back his train stalled at 4 and the was quickly follow by a fast moving train against costello. seems like scum could be involved in such a quick change of fortunes..

This defense is mildly compelling. I'll unvote cause I think I got a better target anyway

Bring it!

These are the last few Virgil posts (i think 1 about MJ's death has been skiped and maybe another)

All about voting Frank, all threatening to do so, but no votes. Really feels like he's trying convince other people to vote Frank, without blood on his hands. (The first post was in response to the 5th vote on Frank by Rooney)

vote Virgil

Mixed results, but glad Michael Jackson got a pedo for us.

Well Ace was my first serious vote of the game, then decided to give him the benefit of the doubt once I realized it was doggin and I didn't think he could make such a slipup. The fact that doggin was scum means it's possible any of us are, very much so including lefty.

I'm going to go with the #1 on my list which is Virgil. he did everything he could to get frank lynched without actually voting frank. Also think Tony S should be looked into.

vote: Virgil


vote Al Capone

Bro has been on and off every single bandwagon. I suggest everyone reread him

I know I went back and found it. I also searched the forumns and noticed it's common place for people to say it. Yet it would make sense maybe Henry is another strong player that wants to remain anonymous therefore the harsh EY impersonation. As you can see it pays to have people not know who you are. So either you or Henry are most likely chan. Maybe Henry could be Vic? not sure. Would have to go search the word ego.

But on my way thru the thread I did take a look at your voting record and you have hopped around a little as well. Maybe more time than me, but take that for whatever.

Seems you keep spreading your votes around until you found someone you could keep pushing and stick with. Not sure what it means. But I think it means something.

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Why do i now feel like a side of beef and crusher is hungry?

Not sure. but for now Im done with you. Im taking a look at other people. Just in case, who do you think might be scummy if you can answer and stop thinking about my testicles for a moment.

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Not sure. but for now Im done with you. Im taking a look at other people. Just in case, who do you think might be scummy if you can answer and stop thinking about my testicles for a moment.

from day 1, still virgil

Have to reread some since I'm getting nowhere with you..

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I know I went back and found it. I also searched the forumns and noticed it's common place for people to say it. Yet it would make sense maybe Henry is another strong player that wants to remain anonymous therefore the harsh EY impersonation. As you can see it pays to have people not know who you are. So either you or Henry are most likely chan. Maybe Henry could be Vic? not sure. Would have to go search the word ego.

But on my way thru the thread I did take a look at your voting record and you have hopped around a little as well. Maybe more time than me, but take that for whatever.

Seems you keep spreading your votes around until you found someone you could keep pushing and stick with. Not sure what it means. But I think it means something.

Montana has been very aggressive in this game. Although reading through this thread I like his initial case on Virgil. I looked through this thread late last night but this is my first time getting online today so I need to read through it again to be more specific.

I did though find it suspicious though that Montana called out people who backed off of Ace when they found out he was Doggin and yet then admits that he himself done exactly that. It was confusing.

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For the record, I have a problem with the current push against Al (crusher) because I think it's mostly because of who he is. While true that he's damaging to the town as scum, he's very benefitial as a townie (remember the zombie game?).

Fredo, I was the one who mentioned who he is. BUT, as I said above, who he is is in addition to the case stated made against him (as noted below by Montana & Lefty). In otherwords, it's Case + Crusher = Vote NOT Crusher = Vote.

It's not iron clad, but it's the best I've seen to support my vote. Unless we're facing a random lynch and I have to chose between someone close to the end, then I'm staying with what I have now.

****ing BS.

Dude. Review his posts, it's pretty damning

Why would anyone chose to push on JN's version of Santa Claus if they were seeking an easy lynch.

Much more likely the folks voting michael were after a thoughtless lynch. Lynching crusher is going to be an obstacle. I don't undertake attempting so lightly.

Alright Tony I just read Capones entire game thus far and I definitely see why your suspicious. Some things that stuck out are:

- Early on he seemed anxious to lynch as he randomly gave an "ok guys Frank is at L2" post without saying anything else.

- He subtly tried to detract from the case against Ace early on

- After Aces death he was noticeably silent until that afternoon. With his first post back he didn't say anything about the NK's and instead immediately voted for Michael C.

It's possible he didn't know what to do upon learning of his mentors death and needed time to brainstorm about a new strategy. It does seem strange that a townie wouldn't comment whatsoever on mafia being killed night 1 considering how big that is.

I can't say I'd feel "comfortable" about switching my vote because of how strongly I feel about Nicky but if I absolutely had to, I wouldn't lose sleep over voting for Al Crushone.

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It seems to be tougher for the players with big egos to keep themselves hidden. It's a little different this time, but the EY got revealed early last game just like Doggin. I don't really find it strange. I think there's a piece of them that wants to be known, because they want to be recognized for what they do.

My guess is that Lefty and Ace are on the same team, either both town, or both scum.

This was a post that stood out to me.

I notice you haven't followed this initial "guess" - To the point where you not only didn't bring up any sort of suspicion towards Lefty after Ace was killed but actually agreed with his post.

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Montana has been very aggressive in this game. Although reading through this thread I like his initial case on Virgil. I looked through this thread late last night but this is my first time getting online today so I need to read through it again to be more specific.

I did though find it suspicious though that Montana called out people who backed off of Ace when they found out he was Doggin and yet then admits that he himself done exactly that. It was confusing.

I unvoted Doggin because my initial case on him wasn't as strong considering his experiance level. I thought he was being blatently scummy, and then thought doggins too good a player to do something so obvious. If ace was a newer player, i wouldn't have unvoted

My comment abotu rats jumping ship was based off of those that unvoted just because he was doggin, it seemed like some people hopped on the wagon for an easy lynch and then jumped off when realized it was doggin and the lynch wouldn't be easy.

Make sense?

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Fredo, I was the one who mentioned who he is. BUT, as I said above, who he is is in addition to the case stated made against him (as noted below by Montana & Lefty). In otherwords, it's Case + Crusher = Vote NOT Crusher = Vote.

It's not iron clad, but it's the best I've seen to support my vote. Unless we're facing a random lynch and I have to chose between someone close to the end, then I'm staying with what I have now.

You have been absolutely devoid of independent thought this game. Even when you post your case against me it's based on what others say.

What have you actually contributed this game? Anything? One thing that someone else didn't tell you, not one.

But you sit their and read me and Montana going back and forth and then you qoute three people add an equal sign and a couple plus signs? This is the best you can do? Really?

Fine I will go back and look at what you've done this game. If i find a single independent thought I will apologize to you.

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So, no one wants to help me smoke Carlito out?

I actually checked on Carlito and I have almost as many accidental post as THE CRUSHER than he does at all. But this seems to happen every game with a couple people. Not to mention NEW Michael doesn't seem to be doing alot more than OLD Michael.

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You have been absolutely devoid of independent thought this game. Even when you post your case against me it's based on what others say.

What have you actually contributed this game? Anything? One thing that someone else didn't tell you, not one.

But you sit their and read me and Montana going back and forth and then you qoute three people add an equal sign and a couple plus signs? This is the best you can do? Really?

Fine I will go back and look at what you've done this game. If i find a single independent thought I will apologize to you.

Wow, a little snippy there, Crupone.

Take your time with your review, it's a long weekend.

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I think it's Nicky's reactions that are bothering me more than anything else. They reek of OMGUS. He's trying to shift the attack to Lefty by saying that Lefty's only attacking people who come after him. Yet that's exactly what Nicky's doing. I realize that Lefty's pushing, but up until that last post, all of Nicky's posts have been of the omgus variety.

The other thing that bothers me is that only three people weren't on either Fredo's or Frank's train, and I have to think one of them is likely scum. Those three were Sonny, Montana, and Nicky. I want to observe our leaders more before I consider voting them off, so Montana's out for now.

vote: Nicky

Do you realize that whole case you made was just based on a 100% backward statement? It was Lefty who came after me the second I dare to challenge his right as unquestioned confirmed innocent. Ever since then suddenly Lefty has been so sure that I'm guilty and is making up the most assinine arguments why (e.g., I was acting "too innocent"). People actually buy this load of horse crap? The guy threw a tantrum the second he was questioned and since then has used that as fuel to have tunnel vision on me.

Lefty was the one who went into major OMGUS mode, all I did was start pointing out how absurd he was acting and how much scummier he looks with each and every post he makes. At this point I wouldn't even care to see him dead, because its clear to me that even if he is townie (which I'm starting to doubt), he is completely useless to us anyway with his ridiculous antics.

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I'm overlooking the defense of PS17 (aka newdweeb), but the above sort of thing bugs me.

A guy votes for you, you do a faux analysis bringing up a random alternative, and then you vote for the guy who originally voted for you. That's a good enough reason for me to switch my vote.

Unvote: Sonny

Vote: Ace

Ok Fine Tony you fat lazy turd this is a very good thoughtful post. Probably your only one though. Im sorry.

But since you voted for me you have really done nothing yet the one above is good. More than a few other players.

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Wow, a little snippy there, Crupone.

Take your time with your review, it's a long weekend.

nothing to really review. I found this very good post above you put on Doggin, and I know since you changed your vote to me on Montana's recommendation you haven't contributed a thing.

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So, no one wants to help me smoke Carlito out?

I have my concerns about him, but I'm also concerned about getting a train going on him that winds up stalling us the whole weekend - like Frank last weekend. I think he needs to post, or he needs to be looked into, but maybe the timing isn't right.

Ironically, of his ten posts he made a couple about inactivity:

Is everybody active in this game yet or are we missing some people from the fray. Part of the crap about day 1 is we can start multiple trains and do some circle dancing around people, losing track of people who have or haven't been active.

He did say he had things to do, but only 2 quick posts without much after that at this point during the day seems a bit slow to me.

This is his most curious post:

Perhaps next time you shouln't make it so overtly obvious as to who you are. That is the supposed point of the alts in changing our play style and consealing our identities. Let it annoy you, I'm fine with that, but now that you're outed I'm a little more comfortable with everyone else knowing. Considerate it a vote of respect, I don't feel comfortable you working in the shadows and pulling the strings.

Now that I've gotten what I wanted out of this I want to hear more from Costello. We've had a vote or two on him only to have it removed and he's been relatively absentee during the course of this game.


Vote: Frank Costello

Carlito was happy just to out Doggin, then quickly unvoted having "gotten what he wanted." It's suspicious because whoever is MJ also got what they wanted out of Doggin's reveal and knew he didn't have to lynch him.

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nothing to really review. I found this very good post above you put on Doggin, and I know since you changed your vote to me on Montana's recommendation you haven't contributed a thing.

Just so we're clear, I didn't change my vote to you. You're my first vote for day 2.

I reviewed what was said about others. In deciding who there was the best case against, I saw HenriF's post (I think it was him) who poked fun at you for posting under your original username. My original thought was, "Oh, that's Crusher being Crusher." Then I realized I made the mistake of underestimating you. I reviewed your posts again and with that in mind, plus the case against you, I made my vote. I don't know what else to say. This is my best guess thus far.

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