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Jets Beating Giants in Media Game


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By Toni Monkovic

Fifty years after the founding of the Jets put them in competition with the Giants for New York area fans, the two teams are playing to type, with the Giants as the establishment team and the Jets scrapping for attention and respect.

The Jets (the Titans back then) played in the Polo Grounds in 1960 and struggled to draw fans. In a Fifth Down post in April about the differences between Giants fans and Jets fans, some readers said the Jets

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Awesome. We're like Paris Hilton to their Meryl Streep. Keep your trophies, we pwn Page 6..

I know CTM, if that's what we've been reduced to; seeing who wins most headlines on the back page of The Post instead of actual games-somebody post me Captain Picard holding his head please

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I know CTM, if that's what we've been reduced to; seeing who wins most headlines on the back page of The Post instead of actual games-somebody post me Captain Picard holding his head please

Well considering this media attention has only been brought about by the arrival of Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez we haven't exactly had a chance to win many games.

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Every time someone calls him Lord Favre I always think of Darth Vader or something. But that's not it, because if this was Star Wars then the Pats are definitely the Empire.


Belicheat = the Emperor (can't you see the resemblance?)

Brady = Vader. The evil warrior who is back after a tough injury.

Favre = young Han Solo. The brash gunslinger who has a lot of fun and is only in it for himself.

Pennington = old Obi Wan. He may be really wise, but knowledge of the force is no longer enough to make him physically competent.

Eric Mangini = Jabba the Hutt. The big man thinks he is in total control but he is woefully mistaken.

Terrell Owens = Jar Jar Binks. No explanation necessary.

Dick Jauron = Uncle Owen. Boring, irrelevant and will only be around for a brief part of the story before he disappears.

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Its no secret the big reason Woody Johnson pushed Tannenbaum to aquire Favre was because he was sick and tired of seeing the Giants and Yankees dominate the back page. He craves the spot light, he wanted his team to get the back page and be the talk of the town. And yes he also wanted to make a lot of $ on merchandise and tickets. He got both. A lot. Heck, when Favre came here the Yankees were playing the Red Sox and nobody even knew.

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