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John 16:33????????


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Maybe there's something I'm missing but I for the life of me can't figure out all of this hatred for the kid.

People keep talking about all the charity work he does but it amounts to nothing more than promoting his religion. He doesn't do actual charity work, he just tries to convert people to Protestantism. All these Mormon athletes spend two whole years trying to convert people, no one builds them up the way they do Tebow. Look at Paul Kruger, he had to defend his own sister from a knife attack by a car full of racists and he doesn't get built up the way the Virgin Harry does. Lots of good people in this world doing actual charity work and the media builds up a guy who does nothing but try to convert people. He's overrated as a human being. And when he finally does get laid he's going to march over to his parent's house and slap his mother in the head.

article about Kruger: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4188/is_20080402/ai_n24979469/

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