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Star Wars Mafia

Bleedin Green

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So.. by following this logic.. with 6 people finding Doggin suspicious.. PLUS you figuring that 1/2/3 of the 3 votes on crusher is scum, one of which is Doggin...

Then the odds of Doggin as Mafia are fairly strong (as far a D1 predictions go)

Yet it makes sense he tries to put some heat on someone else already catching heat because he wants to deflect off himself.. it becomes somewhat of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What is funny about that (and im going to have to go verify this).. is that Doggin even said that an experienced player would not freak out about getting a train of votes (like what happened with Crusher).. but rather try to deflect pressure onto somebody else.

Sorry I am going to correct myself on this post.. Doggins post was in refernece to Mafia players defending other Mafia players.. not defending themselves. My mistake

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The reasoning is to trap him in his own logic. It would be like a lawyer asking you if you understood the law you broke before you broke it. It keeps you from twisting words...

Doggin is a logician - plain and simple - but to be mafia, he would have to make cases in an illogical sense. I'm simply trying to cut off his avenues of "muddying the water" as it was just put, becuae he's not making the type of snes that he normally does.


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I like the posts where you point out how someone's trying to lead the town. Those are fun.

I know. But I like to play, so it's going to look that way, no matter what. But I'll make you a deal - I'll post my thoughts and play as usual, but I won't expect anyone to accept anything that they don't agree with the logic on.

I've dealt with this a bunch of times before, and believe me, it's more of a drag than anything else.

Seriously, if you really think I'm leading the town, then point it out and vote for me. If others agree with you, then I'll be lynched, easy as that.

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I know. But I like to play, so it's going to look that way, no matter what. But I'll make you a deal - I'll post my thoughts and play as usual, but I won't expect anyone to accept anything that they don't agree with the logic on.

I've dealt with this a bunch of times before, and believe me, it's more of a drag than anything else.

Seriously, if you really think I'm leading the town, then point it out and vote for me. If others agree with you, then I'll be lynched, easy as that.

Oh hell no. This is a trap. Last time I called DPR out in a game, I died at L7. 3 votes out of 10 and wham, my family is looking for a used piano case for a casket.

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I love that stuff, always will. JiF's gone all day and shows up as soon as someone asks about him.

Anyway, it wouldn't be a mafia game without JiF having some sort of interest in me. It's gonna take a couple games of seeing me as a townie to start fixing that, I guess.

Oh Slats, I explained all the way back in the sign up thread this week will be difficult for me to post being out of town on bizness. That said, when do people typically take lunch? You called me out for the same thing last game and look where that got you.

And to your second point, I've always have interest in you and go figure, you are always scum, even when you dont start as scum you end up scum Hmmph? Dont hate because I just happen to be one of the better scum hunters in this game.

This Doggin case is interesting. He's a good player and when town, is very helpful. When scum, he's very tricky. And you cant leave him for the night because he's never a NK target because scum usually can lynch him. I'm leaving that one alone because honestly, I'm lost on his case and it just seems too good to be true to nail Doggin on day 1 as scum.

And I hate playing with new experienced players. I have no clue what to make of DPR leading (yes, I think he's leading) and Brett who seems to be throwing quotes back at people. Dont know if its town play or what...hard to read the new guys.

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So ill do this again.. but where the f is JIF?

Hes been posting in a couple other threads today.. but only has 6 posts in this entire thread so far! I know hes busy... but if he can find this time to post about Kleck quitting cigarettes, and Jason Taylor being a Jet.. he should be able to post a little more knowledge than "Just caught up... keeping my vote"

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Oh Slats, I explained all the way back in the sign up thread this week will be difficult for me to post being out of town on bizness. That said, when do people typically take lunch? You called me out for the same thing last game and look where that got you.

And to your second point, I've always have interest in you and go figure, you are always scum, even when you dont start as scum you end up scum Hmmph? Dont hate because I just happen to be one of the better scum hunters in this game.

This Doggin case is interesting. He's a good player and when town, is very helpful. When scum, he's very tricky. And you cant leave him for the night because he's never a NK target because scum usually can lynch him. I'm leaving that one alone because honestly, I'm lost on his case and it just seems too good to be true to nail Doggin on day 1 as scum.

And I hate playing with new experienced players. I have no clue what to make of DPR leading (yes, I think he's leading) and Brett who seems to be throwing quotes back at people. Dont know if its town play or what...hard to read the new guys.

Ninjad... I recant my statement.. welcome back :)

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I know. But I like to play, so it's going to look that way, no matter what. But I'll make you a deal - I'll post my thoughts and play as usual, but I won't expect anyone to accept anything that they don't agree with the logic on.

I've dealt with this a bunch of times before, and believe me, it's more of a drag than anything else.

Seriously, if you really think I'm leading the town, then point it out and vote for me. If others agree with you, then I'll be lynched, easy as that.

For now, just not following you is working pretty good for me. You're obviously a bright guy, and you have a couple folks charmed with just how bright that might be, so I'm just kinda taking it all in from here.

Doggin's an easy target around here. Everyone knows he enjoys being scum, and does it well, so people are very wary of him. It doesn't take much to get people to vote him.

But tell me, what do you think of JVoR's post?

I like you and all, but you are still my favorite for a lynch right now. Since you happened to burn us last game with your emotionally wronged townie spiel last game, i'm not really considering that as a towntell for you anymore. Nor do I even think your outburst this game was of the same kind as last one. It was much more aggressive.

Just looking at the way this game has shifted, it might just be coincidence (i'm leaning towards it's not) but why are the 3 people who are voting you currently, me, slats, and doggin conveniently getting the most heat right now after we declared that something wasn't right with you?

Why are your two votes and your strongest beliefs are scum are people who think you might be scum. Do you think we're framing you? Is that what you think is going on?

Note, I'm not saying I think Slats and Doggin are both innocent. I feel ok about slats right now and neutral with Doggin.

Oh sure, I realize it's the polar opposite of the direction you'd seem to like to see the town move in, but I'm curious about your thoughts here. Do you really think two of the three votes on Crush could be scum? Is that really more likely than two or three scum votes on Doggin?

Having the inside knowledge regarding my alignment gives me a little more insight here, but JVoR's explanation of the situation is working a little better for me personally right now.

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So ill do this again.. but where the f is JIF?

Hes been posting in a couple other threads today.. but only has 6 posts in this entire thread so far! I know hes busy... but if he can find this time to post about Kleck quitting cigarettes, and Jason Taylor being a Jet.. he should be able to post a little more knowledge than "Just caught up... keeping my vote"

Ninjad... I recant my statement.. welcome back :)

LOL - too funny.

And to clarify posting in other threads. The Jets signed my all time least favorite professional athlete....so I posted...


And something about him being a scumbag and I will root for his good plays while cursing him at the same time.

In the Klecko cig thread, I posted "Liar"

Those posts took me all of 3 minutes tops and I knocked them out in between meetings.

Having the inside knowledge regarding my alignment gives me a little more insight here, but JVoR's explanation of the situation is working a little better for me personally right now.


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Personally, I think it's a little bit of a waste of time guessing where scum is voting right now within the Doggin and Crusher trains, considering there are 8 people not on either. They could just as easily be sitting back and waiting for Doggin's train to stall out or Crusher's to pick up steam than be on either train. Obviously it's something to think about after we get the results of a lynch, but I don't really see what purpose it does right now other than distraction.

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Not framing but taking advantage of an easy lynch. Also I have said that Im not sure about Slats in my last comments about him. Actually once I calmed down and realize where the confusion was between us I have pretty much apologized and really not expecting much from Slats.

This what I see with you and Doggin.

You first. I blow up becsause Slats and I where both talking about different parts of the same day. You jump on it and agree with him because of my reaction? I just found it very odd that you and him had the same thought at the same time about a day that he mentioned in the game he was thinking about it. Or my first post was so damning it was an easy choice. It was snaky and frustrated its your vote that sent me off. So you seem like oppurtunistic scum. Thats it, all I have.

No, you didn't blow up because you were talking about different parts of the same day. You blew up because you overreacted. Anything after that is gravy (yes, that's a pun).

I have no idea if you're scum - its Day 1. But spin it however you like, that blowup was certainly suspicious, and the vehement defense from Brett even more so.

If thats not good enough then lynch me and find out.

And now we have threats - I'm pretty sure you pulled out the "lynch me, I dare you" card on JVoR earlier, too.

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The new brainiac is trying to push a theory that me, JVoR, and/or Doggin coordiinated our votes on Crusher somehow. The fact that I know that I'm not scum puts some serious damage into that idea from my perspective being that I was the first to vote Crush.

Are you paying attention?

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No, you didn't blow up because you were talking about different parts of the same day. You blew up because you overreacted. Anything after that is gravy (yes, that's a pun).

I have no idea if you're scum - its Day 1. But spin it however you like, that blowup was certainly suspicious, and the vehement defense from Brett even more so.

And now we have threats - I'm pretty sure you pulled out the "lynch me, I dare you" card on JVoR earlier, too.

I would HARDLY call my defense "vehement"

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As I read all of the posts, I look at them individually, but I also try look at them as a bigger picture - and this is what I mean by that:

Doggin is currently at V6/9 - here's the count from BG: -

Doggin (6) - AVM, Sharrow, Integrity, DPR, SMC, Crusher

So far, most of the action in the game seems to swirl around CMT/Doggin/Slats/JVoR and Crusher. But only Crusher is in on this vote.

In contrast, here's Crusher's vote count from BG -

Crusher (3) - slats, JVoR, Doggin

Slats, JVoR and Doggin are all in on this vote.

Doggin's vote list is basically a sprinkling of players who have all decided that he was the most suspicious player so far.

Crusher's vote list is more of a concentrated push - which implies planning and strategy.

When I point this out, I realize that it's not exactly science. And certainly, out of the three votes on Crusher, they will not all be mafia. But I'll bet that at least one of them is - tt seems like an awful lot of work went into it for there not to be.

Doggin: would you generally agree with the logic I've presented?

No - I actually think its self evidently flawed. You've chosen words "concentrated push" v. "sprinkling" that have no objective basis but imply one is planned (3 guys on Crusher!) and the other is coincidental (6 strangers on Doggin).

Then you contradict yourself by saying that "not all the votes on Crush are mafia . . . but one of the 3 probably are"

So . . . it's a "concentrated push" by 3 players, who aren't teammates (though you'll go out on a limb and say one of us - me, obviously the target - is)? And that "one" person - maybe two - put an "awful lot of work" into voting Crush?


Wes . . . you're giving me a very bad feeling about you.

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Oh hell no. This is a trap. Last time I called DPR out in a game, I died at L7. 3 votes out of 10 and wham, my family is looking for a used piano case for a casket.

This thread is moving fast now. I am caught up.

I am still leery of doggin, perhaps it's just a philosophical difference but I can't get over the doc play.

Also I'm highly disappointed no one took advantage of this.


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The new brainiac is trying to push a theory that me, JVoR, and/or Doggin coordiinated our votes on Crusher somehow. The fact that I know that I'm not scum puts some serious damage into that idea from my perspective being that I was the first to vote Crush.

Are you paying attention?

Oh right, we are suppossed to take your word for it when you say you are innocent. Gotcha. Carry on. I'll pay better attention.

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I would HARDLY call my defense "vehement"

ree-hee-heely? You spent a lot of time making "Crusher is innocent" type posts:

Just got back for the night.. here are my thoughts (however ridiculous they could be)

I think Crusher is ok.. its just his style to get very defensive when someone votes him (thats fine, he likes playing, doesnt want to get lynched.. understandable)

JVOR tagging along on Slats faulty argument is scummy (as Jif already pointed out).. So im keeping an eye there.

Right now my FOS is actully on DPR. Not because of anything youve said specifically.. but you are obviously very educated about mafia and new to this site.. which would make you dangerous since nobody knows how you play. Not set on you being scum yet.. just that I wouldnt be surprised, since I feel you fit the bill pretty well.

Nope.. like I said i only read parts of that and came onto it pretty late. If you meant direct you to a post in the Thing*.. I am sure you could find one or somebody else could, or there are several people here who could vouch.. but it isnt my job to prosecute for you, you can do your own research

*Yes, I know he was scum in Thing, but all I was stating was the sincerity of his posts and that I just think hes defensive because he enjoys playing.. nobody wants to be the d1 lynch

Good morning!

Nothing to add since last night.. Can't say I completely believe in all these D1 cases. Lots of grasping at straws and making big deals out of things that arent really anything so far.

Really the only big thing to me, still, is JVOR following Slats on the vote when the argument was pretty much not correct at all.

"He voted Crusher! Let's lynch him!"

It is funny how defensive slats gets with only one vote on him.. after crusher was just catching so much flak for the exact same thing. Maybe thats just his style? Cant say.

Can say as far as who the D1 lynch is.. its looking like JVOR or Slats (how its looking from the game perspective.. these two have been the biggest subjects of votes/suspicion so far)

(I particularly like the "maybe that's just his style? Can't say" portion, after you told us you'd read enough past games to peg Crusher's style)

The interesting thing to me is if Brett is scum, and that defense of crusher was a newb mistake, then that probably means DPR is innocent (since it'd be odd to make the newb mistake of defending one teammate in the same post where you FoS another)

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For now, just not following you is working pretty good for me. You're obviously a bright guy, and you have a couple folks charmed with just how bright that might be, so I'm just kinda taking it all in from here.

Doggin's an easy target around here. Everyone knows he enjoys being scum, and does it well, so people are very wary of him. It doesn't take much to get people to vote him.

But tell me, what do you think of JVoR's post?

Oh sure, I realize it's the polar opposite of the direction you'd seem to like to see the town move in, but I'm curious about your thoughts here. Do you really think two of the three votes on Crush could be scum? Is that really more likely than two or three scum votes on Doggin?

Having the inside knowledge regarding my alignment gives me a little more insight here, but JVoR's explanation of the situation is working a little better for me personally right now.

What I think about JVoR's post - this post -

"Just looking at the way this game has shifted, it might just be coincidence (i'm leaning towards it's not) but why are the 3 people who are voting you currently, me, slats, and doggin conveniently getting the most heat right now after we declared that something wasn't right with you?"

"it might just be coincidence" - pre-apology and an easy back-out. Not damning, but soething to consider.

"Why are the three people voting you currently, me, slats, and doggin conveniently getting the most heat right now after we declared that something wasn't right with you?" - This post is a defensive post. No matter what side you are on, this is an attempt to garner sympathy for three players that a voting for another, and took heat for it because the rest of the game did not agree with it and pointed it out.

It's also an emotional argument vs. factual. A factual argument would be when I said "Hey, Doggin, if there is a Watcher on the mafia team, then setting up the healer to get viewed will result in the healer getting killed." It ain't emotional - only factual.

Trying to imply that Crushers teammates all gathered up to defend him and are now beating up on the htree guys who innocently voted for him is not factual. It's made up and intended to sway people on an emotional level that has nothing to do with fact.

That's why I don't respond to stuff like that. What's the point?

We all react emotionally - and we'll all make emotionally driven posts - it's why this game is so much fun. But when you get a bunch of experienced players who try to drive a lynch - and you three are doing that, proven by your votes - who later try to back-peddle and then complain about how they are treated for doing it is just ridiculous.

No muss, no fuss, that's just how I see it. You can agree or disagree, but you asked, so that's it.

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What I think about JVoR's post - this post -

"Just looking at the way this game has shifted, it might just be coincidence (i'm leaning towards it's not) but why are the 3 people who are voting you currently, me, slats, and doggin conveniently getting the most heat right now after we declared that something wasn't right with you?"

"it might just be coincidence" - pre-apology and an easy back-out. Not damning, but soething to consider.

"Why are the three people voting you currently, me, slats, and doggin conveniently getting the most heat right now after we declared that something wasn't right with you?" - This post is a defensive post. No matter what side you are on, this is an attempt to garner sympathy for three players that a voting for another, and took heat for it because the rest of the game did not agree with it and pointed it out.

It's also an emotional argument vs. factual. A factual argument would be when I said "Hey, Doggin, if there is a Watcher on the mafia team, then setting up the healer to get viewed will result in the healer getting killed." It ain't emotional - only factual.

Trying to imply that Crushers teammates all gathered up to defend him and are now beating up on the htree guys who innocently voted for him is not factual. It's made up and intended to sway people on an emotional level that has nothing to do with fact.

That's why I don't respond to stuff like that. What's the point?

We all react emotionally - and we'll all make emotionally driven posts - it's why this game is so much fun. But when you get a bunch of experienced players who try to drive a lynch - and you three are doing that, proven by your votes - who later try to back-peddle and then complain about how they are treated for doing it is just ridiculous.

No muss, no fuss, that's just how I see it. You can agree or disagree, but you asked, so that's it.

Again: are the three of us teammates with the really incredibly dumb plan of all voting for the same townie, or not? Because you keep going back and forth between "concerted effort" and "at least one scum" - which are two diametrically opposed claims, both of which, btw, would rest on a belief in Crush's innocence that you have no basis for - depending on which argument you think suits the moment.

Could you at least choose one form of attack and stick with it? 'Cause the whole "self-contradiction" thing isn't doing it for me.

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ree-hee-heely? You spent a lot of time making "Crusher is innocent" type posts:

"He voted Crusher! Let's lynch him!"

(I particularly like the "maybe that's just his style? Can't say" portion, after you told us you'd read enough past games to peg Crusher's style)

The interesting thing to me is if Brett is scum, and that defense of crusher was a newb mistake, then that probably means DPR is innocent (since it'd be odd to make the newb mistake of defending one teammate in the same post where you FoS another)

Lol ok.. I initially made one post about Crusher, then had to spend 10x that defending myself, not him.

As far as JVOR goes, I had my opinions because its suspicious as hell to just tag onto that argument. It would have stood true no matter who was being voted for, it was that there was a faulty argument, and i believe that the people who tag onto that argument are more suspicious then the person who started it. But sure.. put words in my mouth about that being about Crusher.. never said anything like that.

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Trying to imply that Crushers teammates all gathered up to defend him and are now beating up on the htree guys who innocently voted for him is not factual. It's made up and intended to sway people on an emotional level that has nothing to do with fact.

That's why I don't respond to stuff like that. What's the point?

So . . . why don't you respond to my posts? Also too emotional?

After all, I see you signed in to the thread.

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Personally, I think it's a little bit of a waste of time guessing where scum is voting right now within the Doggin and Crusher trains, considering there are 8 people not on either. They could just as easily be sitting back and waiting for Doggin's train to stall out or Crusher's to pick up steam than be on either train. Obviously it's something to think about after we get the results of a lynch, but I don't really see what purpose it does right now other than distraction.


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No, you didn't blow up because you were talking about different parts of the same day. You blew up because you overreacted. Anything after that is gravy (yes, that's a pun).

I have no idea if you're scum - its Day 1. But spin it however you like, that blowup was certainly suspicious, and the vehement defense from Brett even more so.

And now we have threats - I'm pretty sure you pulled out the "lynch me, I dare you" card on JVoR earlier, too.

link to vehement defense?

seems colorful

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ree-hee-heely? You spent a lot of time making "Crusher is innocent" type posts:

"He voted Crusher! Let's lynch him!"

(I particularly like the "maybe that's just his style? Can't say" portion, after you told us you'd read enough past games to peg Crusher's style)

The interesting thing to me is if Brett is scum, and that defense of crusher was a newb mistake, then that probably means DPR is innocent (since it'd be odd to make the newb mistake of defending one teammate in the same post where you FoS another)

posted to soon..

repeated would be a better word then vehement in regards to his defense, but I see your point

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No - I actually think its self evidently flawed. You've chosen words "concentrated push" v. "sprinkling" that have no objective basis but imply one is planned (3 guys on Crusher!) and the other is coincidental (6 strangers on Doggin).

Then you contradict yourself by saying that "not all the votes on Crush are mafia . . . but one of the 3 probably are"

So . . . it's a "concentrated push" by 3 players, who aren't teammates (though you'll go out on a limb and say one of us - me, obviously the target - is)? And that "one" person - maybe two - put an "awful lot of work" into voting Crush?


Wes . . . you're giving me a very bad feeling about you.

Finally - I was wondering when you were going to come out and play. :P

So I'll start with the fact that you are twisting my words, a lot like an interview that is re-spliced to make the person answering questions look bad.

Check it out - I've already noted that you and CMT ciould be pulling a gambit. I know you said you weren't, but c'mon...you're never going to do it again?

Anyway - so that's the tie between you and CMT. Slats is obviously supporting you, often coming after me after i criticize you.

Nice trick that, btw, and it didn't go unnoticed. heh

I pointed out that no one on your lynch is really tied together. Sure, some are probably mafia statistically speaking, but I don't see where any of them are really working together to push the lynch - and I do see where the CMT thing faded inot the Crusher bandwagon- and all based on pretty loose (D1) reasoning. Again, my opinion, but the fact that you've done what you have with it makes me more confiden that I'm right.

So, in a nutshell, I see a synergy working somewhere between you, CMT, Slats, and JVoR. I'm not saying that you're all mafia - I'm just saying that a lot of the game has focused on you four, and that that's usually a good place to scum hunt. Especially on D1.

I'll be back -

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Oh right, we are suppossed to take your word for it when you say you are innocent. Gotcha. Carry on. I'll pay better attention.

No doubt, you are underrated.

But when you get a bunch of experienced players who try to drive a lynch - and you three are doing that, proven by your votes - who later try to back-peddle and then complain about how they are treated for doing it is just ridiculous.

So using this logic, I guess you and your five friends are just doing a better job of driving a lynch than us three who you're trying so hard to lump together - but not really.

I'm off to bed. I have to be back at work early in the morning. I'll be back in the thread once I shake the cobwebs.

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Originally Posted by The Crusher

Oh hell no. This is a trap. Last time I called DPR out in a game, I died at L7. 3 votes out of 10 and wham, my family is looking for a used piano case for a casket.

Did you follow that game to the end? You won


Did you follow that game to the end? You won

Right here - again you bring me up to try and make me seem threatening.

and this:


Originally Posted by D P R

Trying to imply that Crushers teammates all gathered up to defend him and are now beating up on the htree guys who innocently voted for him is not factual. It's made up and intended to sway people on an emotional level that has nothing to do with fact.

That's why I don't respond to stuff like that. What's the point?

So . . . why don't you respond to my posts? Also too emotional?

After all, I see you signed in to the thread

You wifom, and then ask me why I don't respond to you? Really?

The kicker is where you sink to "I see you signed in to the thread". I can't believe you would even waste your time on this - that's not even playing, that's just you throwing junk out there to distract people.

I will admit to being confused as to why you are so off balance - what's up with that?

Anyway, if you want to do a factual point by point comparison, we can do that, but you're going to have to stop spinning words. Facts are facts, and everythign else is opinion that people need to vote on.

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No doubt, you are underrated.

So using this logic, I guess you and your five friends are just doing a better job of driving a lynch than us three who you're trying so hard to lump together - but not really.

I'm off to bed. I have to be back at work early in the morning. I'll be back in the thread once I shake the cobwebs.

heh - yeah, we're a six man mafia team. You see where that gets you?

Look at it this way - if you are not mafia, you are being manipulated by one, because out of all of this, it won't turn out to be all innocents hammering each other for no reason.

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I don't know if I buy any of these arguments trying to link people together. The only time I can remember it working is in the fatties game because the scum chose to out themselves and won anyway. So regarding Doggin and DPR, I'm not really buying what either one of them is selling. I don't like spending too much time inventing possible scenarios the scum may be using. For all we know, they're all on Doggin, or all on Crusher, or spread out all over the place.

I tried looking back to see which game it was where Doggin did the same thing, but I couldn't find anything yet. Regardless, I'm not going to put Doggin at L-2 when I'll be gone all day tomorrow.

So, vote: JVoR for similar tactics of proposing that scum are attacking anyone who votes for Crusher. I think that would be a little too obvious.

Tomorrow is going to be extremely busy for me, so I don't know if I'll have a chance to post until tomorrow night. If I do, it'll be from my phone. Should be back by 9ish, though.

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