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***Official New York Yankees at Detroit Tigers Series Thread***

The Gun Of Bavaria

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Congrats to the Tigers. You know, as an senior Yankees fan, when I was a kid the Tigers and Indians were the teams to beat. I don't know exactly when this rivarly with the Red Sox started. It certainly wasn't during the 50's and 60's.

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Congrats to the Tigers. You know, as an senior Yankees fan, when I was a kid the Tigers and Indians were the teams to beat. I don't know exactly when this rivarly with the Red Sox started. It certainly wasn't during the 50's and 60's.

It began with the trade of Babe Ruth, as that signaled the end of Red Sox domination, to Yankee domination

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It began with the trade of Babe Ruth, as that signaled the end of Red Sox domination, to Yankee domination

Scotty, I'm telling you seriously here. I don't remember the Sox being a challenge to the Yanks back in the 50's and 60's. I think a lot of this rivalry has been since the invention of TV and the media coverage the way we know it now. The Bucky Dent HR might have been the beginning.

Not to put the Sox down here, but come on, two titles in 80 years...why would there even be a rivalry?

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There are 3 more games and beating Hughes tomorrow and C.C. Thursday will be a challenge for Detroit. Best chance is tonight against Vasquez to win again. Bonderman vs. Hughes is advantage Yanks big time. C.C. vs. Verlander is even on the mound, but Yanks take the advantage because they'll work JV's pitch count, get him out early, and their offense will feast upon the bullpen. Tigers had to use their pen last night to cover for Willis being out with a fever. Porcello & Bonderman have been big-time shaky, which means the bullpen will get a lot of work. If the get worn out, Yanks will feast upon them, especially Thursday.

That said, we're successfully 1 game into my planned 4 game sweep of the Yanks. :D

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Scotty, I'm telling you seriously here. I don't remember the Sox being a challenge to the Yanks back in the 50's and 60's. I think a lot of this rivalry has been since the invention of TV and the media coverage the way we know it now. The Bucky Dent HR might have been the beginning.

Not to put the Sox down here, but come on, two titles in 80 years...why would there even be a rivalry?

The Red Sox were THE dominant team in baseball prior to the Ruth trade. They had more WS titles and were considered the gold standard.

The Ruth trade angered Sox fans and buoyed Yankee spirits, obviously. That took what was already a geographical rivalry, and made it more intense.

Read the book "Babe Ruth" some time. I forget who the author was on this particular version, but it is an interesting period piece.

And BTW, it does not necessarily take winning championships, to make a rivalry-Look at how some Jet fans feel about the Patriots, and vice versa. The Jets are not exactly awash in recent SB trophies.

Some Yankee fans think that baseball only began in 1918. That is convenient thinking

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Game one lineup. Aceves to the DL. Greg Golson recalled.

Derek Jeter SS

Brett Gardner CF

Mark Teixeira 1B

Alex Rodriguez DH

Robinson Cano 2B

Jorge Posada C

Nick Swisher RF

Randy Winn LF

Ramiro Pena 3B

RHP Javier Vazquez

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First Shutout of the Yankees in 2010.

This dude was hilarious. He was cracking me the hell up everytime he got a strike out he'd do a stupid bow fist pump thingy dance.

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I hope Guns enjoyed that fist pump by Joba

It was crazy family schedule night at the Guns household. Soccer practice, spaghetti dinner fundraiser for our honor guard, my hockey game, and then I reffed a hockey game. All I know is that Hughes owned the Tigers at the plate and apparently the Tigers pulled a kid out of the stands to throw BP to the Yanks in the 9th.

We're in hour one of what is supposed to be 12 hours of continual, torrential downpours and thunderstorms. SE Michigan is under a flood warning.

I don't see the Verlander vs. C.C. duel going down today, at all.


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Possibly the most uncomfortable half inning of YES Yankees broadcasts in history. Unknown if they employed a delay in case Eminem went batsheet and tried to smack Ken Singleton-



"As we mentioned a couple of times yesterday, Jay-Z and Eminem were slated to show up in the Yankees' broadcast booth during the second half of the doubleheader, and turned out that they were on air during the only inning during which Phil Hughes' had any trouble - the fourth.

The two

were there to announce two shows that they are playing in September - one at Comerica on the 2nd and the other at Yankee Stadium on the 13th. Appropriately, Jay-Z will headline the show in New York - the first concert at the new place and his first show in a stadium anywhere - and Eminem will take top billing for the one in Detroit.

During their time in the booth, Michael Kay said Eminem's new song "Not Afraid" was only the second ever to debut at #1 on the Billboard charts. Um, it's the 16th. No one batted an eyelash at that and surprisingly, the most awkward moment belonged to Ken Singleton. Kenny had apparently been told that Eminem did "poetry" nearby the current location of Comerica Park "back in the day". Em's response, "Um, Poetry?"

Jay-Z attempted to steer the conversation back on track by clarifying that "Rap is poetry" and they eventually changed the subject.

Other highlights:

  • Jay-Z bragged about getting Betty White's number when he met her on Saturday Night Live and said he and Eminem were going on a double date with her and "the othah one". Michael Kay then clarified it was Rue McClanahan he was talking about and Eminem said they actually had to get going and meet up with them.
  • Em said that, in light of what they did in the draft, he can't remember the last time he's felt this good about the Detroit Lions, which is not saying all that much.
  • He then sabotaged any and all of his credibility by saying he was also a Cowboys fan.
  • Michael Kay referred to "Lose Yourself" as "one of the best songs ever" and claimed that he works out to it and it was the reason that "he's the shape he's in",

Like any other guest appearance it totally detracted from what was going on in the game, but as far as these promotional things are concerned, it wasn't that bad. ."

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One thing that's clear for any team to have a shot agaisnt the Yankees in a playoff series;throw strikes early and often in the count. Leyland understands this better than anyone. If the Yankees hit a strike, so be it.There isn't much of a point to working the count if you get strike 1 and then strike 2 eaely in the count, and then you aren't drawing a walk and you aren't swinging full force chasing a crappy pitch on the edge of the zone. To beat the Yankees you have to avoid walks. The Tigers throw strikes, except for that one inning last night, which only means Figaro is headed back to the minors ASAP.

Don't want to see the Tiggers anytime soon.

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