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More teen girls says they use rhythm method of birth control

Lil Bit Special

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More teenage girls say they use rhythm method

A growing number of teenage girls say they use the rhythm method of birth control, and more teens also said it is all right for an unmarried female to have a baby, according to a government survey released Wednesday.

About 17 percent of sexually experienced teen girls told researchers for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that they had used the rhythm method -- timing their sex to avoid fertile days to prevent getting pregnant. That figure is up from 11 percent in a similar survey in 2002.

Nearly 64 percent of teen boys said it's all right for an unmarried female to have a child, up from 50 percent in 2002. More than 70 percent of teen girls agreed, up from 65 percent, although the female increase was not statistically significant.

Researchers found that about 42 percent of never-married teens had had sex at least once. Of those teens, 98 percent said they had used birth control at least once, with condoms being the most common choice. Those findings were about the same as in the 2002 survey.

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