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PREDATOR Mafia Game Thread


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Given what information I had my move made sense. 1) At the time of my vote I had no idea about Smash or Runin's roles. 2) At the time of my unvote one had a potential role and the other one claimed roleless.

It isn't rocket science. I did what I had to do because I thought it was beneficial to the town. It's not like I had a magic crystal ball to tell me that not lynching runin may have been the bad play when in a normal game the right play is obviously smash.

This seems a little defensive to me.. I voted JIFruitcake

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Looking back at the quick jump from Smash to Runin, it was a pretty drastic move. Seeing as how both we're innocent, it makes less sense for scum to be one of the early ones moving around but a whole lot more sense for them to move late as a sure lynch on an innocent was a superior outcome to a random lynch to them.

In my mind, that makes the last 3 movers: Hess, JVoR, JiF as prime candidates for predators. I'm going to specifically look at jiff since he was fixed on Smash's bandwagon for a long time, only to move late in the game to help put Runin over the top. I also think hess is a good choice since he seemingly liked the idea of either, but nobody seemed to interested in pressuing him yesterday

vote Jif


JIF coming out of the gate with a WIFOM I28 vote is puzzling to me. At the risk of sounding OMGUS towards him, I just can't imagine with all the games he's played, that he didn't look at my D1 play through the same lens you are now (bold).

What really got my attention is how he used "blah, blah, VicGod" as a screen for his vote most of D1 then all of a sudden he's putting Runin at L1? Seemed opportunistic and scummy to coast through D1 like that, then maybe impatience got the better of him at the wire?

I'd vote Jif...

I'd also kick the tires on Hess. I've been giving the benefit of the doubt due to his claims of burnout and using a blackberry... but I'm not good at benefit of the doubt, so he is wearing a bit thin on me.

I'd look more closely at the people who jumped right off after the reveal, I'm certain the predetors knew that NK'ing him would be better then lynching on account of recovering those weopens..

gotta go back and look at the timing of that..

JVOR had one of the more interesting unvotes, I will dig up that quote... and he was one of those late to the Runin train as well.

So, long story short. I agree with your short list for now. Plus, I've got a name or two... but I need to see how people approach today.

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Looking back at the quick jump from Smash to Runin, it was a pretty drastic move. Seeing as how both we're innocent, it makes less sense for scum to be one of the early ones moving around but a whole lot more sense for them to move late as a sure lynch on an innocent was a superior outcome to a random lynch to them.

In my mind, that makes the last 3 movers: Hess, JVoR, JiF as prime candidates for predators. I'm going to specifically look at jiff since he was fixed on Smash's bandwagon for a long time, only to move late in the game to help put Runin over the top. I also think hess is a good choice since he seemingly liked the idea of either, but nobody seemed to interested in pressuing him yesterday

vote Jif

That's an interesting theory. Moving off of Runin under the pretext of not wanting to lynch a power role, while the real intent was to make sure that Runin stayed alive for a NK attempt.

There is also the possibility that scum stayed on Smash the whole time because Smash said he was roleless and we didn't know about Runin until late. The Predators (we presume) had to know that if they killed a townie who had their weapons they would get it back.

I'm wondering if we have regular power roles in this game? Could the power roles simply be those with weapons who get to use them at night? Runin wasn't a Vig/SK, but there is a good chance he was the one who took a shot at Vic. Runin seemed like a 2 dimensional thinker. He noted that the person who hammers him should be looked at as scum, but scum rarely do that this early. Vic went after him hard after the reveal so Runin presumably was suspsicious of him and tried to shoot him, but failed.

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That's an interesting theory. Moving off of Runin under the pretext of not wanting to lynch a power role, while the real intent was to make sure that Runin stayed alive for a NK attempt.

I'd be saying that a lot more strongly if we all had a chance to debate it more. Given the timing involved, I can't fault any quick unvoter..

I do think the predators know the deal, so it's possible that some of them moved from runin to smash the instant he said he was roleless.. gotta go look for that cause he said it twice and it was missed the first time..

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fwiw.. jvor was the first to quickly unvote, followed by smash.. Unfortunately with the time situation, this isn't too damning.. I wish we had more time to kick this around. It's clear predators would've pushed hard to let runin live post reveal..

What I found more interesting was Pac's, Adel's and Crusher's vote after the lynch (as I'm pretty sure JiF was the actual lynch vote).Well done team.

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This seems a little defensive to me.. I voted JIFruitcake

You mentioned my name, am i not allowed to explain myself? You acting like the play wasn't the right townie play at the time and assuming it is solely a mafia play is flawed. Now that we know preds can pick up pred weapons ne information is there and we make different decisions. Runin sprung his claim with twenty minutes left, blame him not me foe not having time to kick it around.

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You mentioned my name, am i not allowed to explain myself? You acting like the play wasn't the right townie play at the time and assuming it is solely a mafia play is flawed. Now that we know preds can pick up pred weapons ne information is there and we make different decisions. Runin sprung his claim with twenty minutes left, blame him not me foe not having time to kick it around.

woah.. I'm not acting like anything, i simply indicated 2 possible scum motives (avoiding a random lynch with 2 innocents as favorites, not lynching the dude with their equipment) and matched that against whose actions fit that profile. I don't see where i said it unequivocally proved anything.

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Vote: JiF

You typed and pasted that from your email?

This is the same guy who did the "I'm Batman" as a practical joke in a previous game. You never take this game so seriously unless you're speed lynched or scum.

You'd just post a reply with a snide remark. You actually went to the effort in typing out a response? Sorry, that's too much caring on your part.

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Current Vote Count:

I28 (1) - jiF

JiF (2) - CTM, SMC

With 19 players, it takes 10 to lynch.

*Game days will now have a 72 hour deadline. Day 2 will end Thursday night at 10 pm, EST

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I'm not particularly bothered by your vote on me, its more about your collective play.

You seemed very resigned to the idea of coasting through D1, then you suddenly asserted yourself near the deadline yesterday, then you drop a wifom into the mix right away today... a wifom I don't feel is very "evident" because, as you said "day one is pretty much a crap shoot."

So, its a crap shoot when it concerns your voting pattern, but not mine?

I was bold enough to dig my heels in and explain my votes, you were coasting pal... until there was something on the line. Now, I am just trying to figure out where the truth lies with regards to what was on the line for you... the fear of random lynch, or something more in the vein of what CTM has suggested. I'm leaning towards CTM's theory right now... :disgust:

No need to get uptight, I haven't voted you yet...

Who's uptight? I'm not bothered at all, just trying to help relieve some of your guys wrong suspicion on me.

Vote: JiF

You typed and pasted that from your email?

This is the same guy who did the "I'm Batman" as a practical joke in a previous game. You never take this game so seriously unless you're speed lynched or scum.

You'd just post a reply with a snide remark. You actually went to the effort in typing out a response? Sorry, that's too much caring on your part.

I checked the thread and couldnt keep it open to post being surrounded by my co-workers...its lunch time now, so I can do this, but this is hands down the worst reasoning in the history or mafia to vote someone. I commend you for your efforts...lol...I'm trying too hard. Must be scum. O.K.

I must post...I will use email...I have 1 vote on me...I'm too close to a lynch not to post...ahhhhhhh!!! lol

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Not alot of time right now. not going to explain why because you can all kizz my fat nuggets. The pressure on Bup-z is interesting because I couldn;t help think he attached himself to vic-god knowing Vic was an innocent and this was an easy way to get on an innocent train.

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Who's uptight? I'm not bothered at all, just trying to help relieve some of your guys wrong suspicion on me.

You seem bothered.

I checked the thread and couldnt keep it open to post being surrounded by my co-workers...its lunch time now, so I can do this, but this is hands down the worst reasoning in the history or mafia to vote someone. I commend you for your efforts...lol...I'm trying too hard. Must be scum. O.K.

I must post...I will use email...I have 1 vote on me...I'm too close to a lynch not to post...ahhhhhhh!!! lol

Really? Is it that much worse than: "OMGZZZZZ I <3 teh VICGOD he's so effing hawt?"

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I checked the thread and couldnt keep it open to post being surrounded by my co-workers...its lunch time now, so I can do this, but this is hands down the worst reasoning in the history or mafia to vote someone. I commend you for your efforts...lol...I'm trying too hard. Must be scum. O.K.

I must post...I will use email...I have 1 vote on me...I'm too close to a lynch not to post...ahhhhhhh!!! lol

Now THIS is the JiF I'm used to.

That cut-and-paste from email was too emo for me.

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Yowza. Lot's of killing power (Predator and non) as it's been said, so I'm gonna subscribe to the theory that there are percentages for kills and shutout was simply missed twice.

Agreed with monkey boy that it's obvious Vic died at the hands of a non-predator.

Vote: JiF

You typed and pasted that from your email?

This is the same guy who did the "I'm Batman" as a practical joke in a previous game. You never take this game so seriously unless you're speed lynched or scum.

You'd just post a reply with a snide remark. You actually went to the effort in typing out a response? Sorry, that's too much caring on your part.

Eh, to be fair when I was looking at it I was thinking it wasn't a bad idea. He doesn't want to be seen on the site "goofing off" with important folks around, which is understandable. I actually believe him 100%. However...with that said, JiF couldn't be active during the Star Wars game, and felt horrible about it. If scum again, I definitely feel he would do whatever possible to stay active. I think you guys are on to something hoenstly, but...

First, I'd like to hear from JVOR. At the end of D1, your top two suspects were Vic and myself. Since Vic is no longer with us, I'd like to hear your case on me.

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Not alot of time right now. not going to explain why because you can all kizz my fat nuggets. The pressure on Bup-z is interesting because I couldn;t help think he attached himself to vic-god knowing Vic was an innocent and this was an easy way to get on an innocent train.

Ugh...I knew this was going to come along eventually, but not from my MT.

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One team member is reflected in multiple heat sensors. This player has been targetted. The hunt is on.

Damn, that means the Predators get another shot today?

I thought they already had 2 shots at a kill today.

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Damn, that means the Predators get another shot today?

I thought they already had 2 shots at a kill today.

If there was 2 weapons or shots to start on day one and the pred picked up a gun from runin then 3 shots a day might sound possible.

AVM, Part of my thought process was based on vic being scum because of some interactions between you two. He was town so a lot of what i saw was just in my head. I am phone posting so going back and rereading a lot is a bitch but i am going to reread when i get a chance later today or whenever i have time. I plan on forming an opinion after i consider two day's play. Foses may change.

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If there was 2 weapons or shots to start on day one and the pred picked up a gun from runin then 3 shots a day might sound possible.

AVM, Part of my thought process was based on vic being scum because of some interactions between you two. He was town so a lot of what i saw was just in my head. I am phone posting so going back and rereading a lot is a bitch but i am going to reread when i get a chance later today or whenever i have time. I plan on forming an opinion after i consider two day's play. Foses may change.

Fair enough...phone posting sucks so I feel your pain :P

Just a HEADS UP. I am meeting with a company this afternoon about being "acquired."

I leave in about 20 minutes.

I won't be back on until tonight. Wish me luck...

Good luck man, rock it.

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Yeah, apparently we should have lynched him. Good news I guess is that if they can take the weapons when they kill us, then we can probably take their weapons when we kill them.

Nice try flash but DPR already said we can't use them. See you next time Haley.

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