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PREDATOR Mafia Game Thread


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I was thinking the same.. The scene semi confirms the dude getting shot at, so they probably don't want to go confirming a bunch of us..

Hmmm, thats a good point. If they keep taking pot shots at all of us then eventually they will shrink down the field. Makes me wonder who was the idiot that said we should have gone after shutout after he was shot at. not sure how that would make sense at any point.

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Shutout smokes a cigarette and silently chuckles to himself.

"It ain't like I'm planning on livig to see old age...", and he blows smoke into the morning mist.

Under notmal circumstances, none of the team wouldbe allowed to smoke on a mission. But this time,no one had any illusions about the scent of smoke giving away their position.

Tree-top to tree-top he looks, narrowing his eyes as he spots something. He can't see it clearly, and all he could do to describe it would be to sya that it just looked wrong.

Until the eyes flashed.

He doesn't hesitate, but just runs for cover. He already knows...

An insane laughter comes from above him as tri-laser traces a path just in front of his view.

he begins to shout to warn the others, but the flash and following explosion stifle all of that...


Dirt cakes his face as he looks up. Suppressing fire comes from the rest of the team, and the attack is over, but Shutout waits a moment before climbing up and shaking another cigarette from his pack.

I'm sorry but I LOL'd.

Shutout is probably the nicest one amongst us idiots and he keeps getting pounded mercilessly.

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It might be the case that shooting a wide net with a low percentage is a risky play because it might act like a finder for us based on who is getting shot. Might be why they keep going after Shutout. Either that or they know something about shutout.

Nice. That's probably it.

Not sure how nice Shutout thinks it is though.

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If the same player shot the canon and threw the blade star, then the VicKiller could not be Runin.

Runin's death scene said the Predators took his mask and cannon. There was no mention of a blade-star.

Thus, if it was another human who tried to kill Vicious, who was it? And why?

Just playing devil's advocate here, but wasn't that blade star still in Vic's skull at that point? And even if it wasn't, it would no longer have been in Runin's possession if he used it on Vic.

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That's because it doesn't. These pseudo intellectuals would rather spend 3 hours pontificating about the events surrounding a death scene then hunting for the very Predaturds that did the killing. Frankly it's making me nauseous.

It's not a Rubix cube you blowhards. There was an attack on Vic that succeeded by a non-predaturd and a Predaturd attack on Runnin that didn't. While you spend hours theorizing about the shooter on the grassy knoll those disgusting creatures are laughing and plotting their next attack.

Sharrow came up with the most ludicrous theory I've ever seen him promote in a mafia game and that's why I'm voting him. I'm still interested in pressuring CTM for multiple reasons including advocating a Shutout lynch after the first attack, playing monday morning QB on the Runnin lynch, and most recently spamming the thread with conspiracy theories.

I definitely agree that the idea of 2 Vig's firing night 1 at the same person qualifies as ludicrious. I understand this isn't a standard game, but 2 vigs going for the same person on night 1? Really???

I still am cautious of CTM and despite what he says I still got the feeling he was pushing that theory with those 2 posts I'd pointed out at the time. I do also want to point out though that it was SMC who thought there was some sort of info to gain by lynching a guy who'd just been shot at by the predators (i.e scum)

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Shutout smokes a cigarette and silently chuckles to himself.

"It ain't like I'm planning on livig to see old age...", and he blows smoke into the morning mist.

Under notmal circumstances, none of the team wouldbe allowed to smoke on a mission. But this time,no one had any illusions about the scent of smoke giving away their position.

Tree-top to tree-top he looks, narrowing his eyes as he spots something. He can't see it clearly, and all he could do to describe it would be to sya that it just looked wrong.

Until the eyes flashed.

He doesn't hesitate, but just runs for cover. He already knows...

An insane laughter comes from above him as tri-laser traces a path just in front of his view.

he begins to shout to warn the others, but the flash and following explosion stifle all of that...


Dirt cakes his face as he looks up. Suppressing fire comes from the rest of the team, and the attack is over, but Shutout waits a moment before climbing up and shaking another cigarette from his pack.


@ Mod, are you a Predator and are you still convinced that I'm scum from the previous game?

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Then, out of nowhere, Megan Fox and Kristen Stewart show up in nurses uniforms.

"Tell us where it hurts?"

Shutout searchs for something smooth to say, and settles for "Uh buhh".

Both nurses nod, and begin to wrap him in bandages. Shutout lays very still.

"Oh my, it looks serious! We may have to take all of our clothes off, stat!"

Shutout suddenly wakes up, laying in the smoking crater left by the Predator's attack.

He lights another cigarette and curses the Predator for it's poor aim.

"Uh buhh"? uh buhh???

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Nice. That's probably it.

Not sure how nice Shutout thinks it is though.

As long as they keep missing they can shoot at me all day every day. And I agree its because at this point I'd think its safe to say the predators have all but confirmed me as town with 3 kill attempts. Why risk confirming more townies by missing when they can try for me again. Kind of a trade-off for their many attempts I suppose

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DEAD PERSON NOTE: Dan x is dating JVoR. And thinks Kristen Stewart is hot. Beauty is truly inn the eye of the beholder.


I'm dead again.

More for me!!! :P

I made it through half of I28's posts, but I'm falling asleep. I was both entertained by and agreeing with his posts more than I expected ... but I'll finish the rest tomorrow, of course.

Honestly, I might just be tired and struggling to keep up with this game, but I feel like scum are playing pretty clean so far. Nothing is glaringly disturbing me yet, which itself is pretty disturbing.

I remain very wary of Lily. In reading through Bleedin's posts, much of his content focused on train dynamics (which doesn't necessarily mean much one way or the other but was my main observation about his few posts so far). Anyway, as Bleedin and others noted, both Smash's and Runin's trains moved very quickly and easily. Lily's, on the other hand, stalled and completely died. Perhaps scum were happy to have it narrowed down to Smash and Runin instead?

It was also interesting reading back and seeing how strongly CTM was pushing the lynch-for-inactivity approach against Smashmouth. I've never seen CTM feel so strongly about an inactive before. In one of my early games as a man way back, he had to calm me down about JetsBabe or Woody (can't remember which) when he/she disappeared for a couple days. He was so sensible, it transformed the way I thought about it, which is why I noticed his eagerness about Smashmouth. In light of the fact that Predators might only get our items if they kill us while we're holding them, it's possible CTM himself was trying to get a weaponless townie lynched over one who had items. Sort of fits with keeping his vote on Brett after Brett revealed as roleless.

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More for me!!! :P

I made it through half of I28's posts, but I'm falling asleep. I was both entertained by and agreeing with his posts more than I expected ... but I'll finish the rest tomorrow, of course.

Honestly, I might just be tired and struggling to keep up with this game, but I feel like scum are playing pretty clean so far. Nothing is glaringly disturbing me yet, which itself is pretty disturbing.

I remain very wary of Lily. In reading through Bleedin's posts, much of his content focused on train dynamics (which doesn't necessarily mean much one way or the other but was my main observation about his few posts so far). Anyway, as Bleedin and others noted, both Smash's and Runin's trains moved very quickly and easily. Lily's, on the other hand, stalled and completely died. Perhaps scum were happy to have it narrowed down to Smash and Runin instead?

It was also interesting reading back and seeing how strongly CTM was pushing the lynch-for-inactivity approach against Smashmouth. I've never seen CTM feel so strongly about an inactive before. In one of my early games as a man way back, he had to calm me down about JetsBabe or Woody (can't remember which) when he/she disappeared for a couple days. He was so sensible, it transformed the way I thought about it, which is why I noticed his eagerness about Smashmouth. In light of the fact that Predators might only get our items if they kill us while we're holding them, it's possible CTM himself was trying to get a weaponless townie lynched over one who had items. Sort of fits with keeping his vote on Brett after Brett revealed as roleless.

I believe strongly in lynching a guy who thumbs his nose at the game. plus, don't forget we were up against a deadline. I was voting hess untill the deadline was announced.

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I hate women.

Dude... I explained my vote on Runin and all of the reasons it made sense to me ad nauseum. I was the 2nd vote on him. It was an early D1 case, and I was tactfully verbose in all my explanations just in case I was wrong.

Clearly I was NOT the only one that thought Runin played awful, and I certainly didn't place all 11 votes on him. People wanted to vote him, just held off until the "unwritten rule" about not lynching noobs became irrelevant.

Make NO mistake, I gave Runin the business... and I am happy to address any questions anyone has about why I felt he was scum... but lets not re-write history here pal. YOU put him at L1... technically YOU and 9 other people forced him to reveal, not just me. At least my part in it was forthright... your role in it was uber scummy.

So... Why is nobody joining? Maybe, just maybe, because you are trying too hard to sell this? And its hard to jump on a train being pitched by someone that has also been playing scummy the way you have...

Vote JIF

My reasons:

1. Voting for townie Smash behind the veil of VICGOD, with no other case

2. Opportunistic train hopping:

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Ooooh, we're voting to kill of Megan Fox? I like that. Vote: Megan

On a game related note - the Ape (and others before him, I don't recall who all) have pointed out a couple of reasons for voting JiF, and that would be reasons 1 and 2.

Vote: JiF

Way to put yourself out there.

Big game this time around. There are a few people who I seem to be in agreement a lot more than not, and currently he's one of them. Runin was definitely behaving scummy. I think the late run on him is testament to that. He seems to be playing the way he always does as town to me.

You, on the other hand... I'm purposely ignoring your D1 antics this game because you turned out to be town after your D1 antics last game. But I can't say that I like your new D1 style of play.

Was Runin playing scummy or was he just exausted from I28 going mental on him? I honestly couldnt tell.

And this is my favorite new thing. "JiF's D1 Antics". I love how this was created last game because I acted out when having the worst role in the game that allowed me to talk to a teammate upon death.

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I'm back from the store. I don't really have anything new to contribute. I just made a list of who is in the game and my take on all of them, and I'll be busy casing many of them for a while. Unlike my brother, I DO see value in them. ;-)

JiF, I was going to add to the pressure on you to see what happened, but frankly, you sound like you've had enough pressure to do the trick. You're not defending well, my friend. I'll see what happens from here. We still have some time. Convince me not to vote for you.

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I'm back from the store. I don't really have anything new to contribute. I just made a list of who is in the game and my take on all of them, and I'll be busy casing many of them for a while. Unlike my brother, I DO see value in them. ;-)

JiF, I was going to add to the pressure on you to see what happened, but frankly, you sound like you've had enough pressure to do the trick. You're not defending well, my friend. I'll see what happens from here. We still have some time. Convince me not to vote for you.

Toooot Toooot!!! Now you, Hess and Slats have all basically said they are ready to join the train. All aboard!!!

No seriously, you shouldnt vote me because I'm sexy. 6'0. Dark hair. Hazel eyes, actually they change colors based on what I'm wearing. Toned body. Tan. Great sense of humor. Full of useless information. Got my **** together. Going places. Total catch.

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Toooot Toooot!!! Now you, Hess and Slats have all basically said they are ready to join the train. All aboard!!!

No seriously, you shouldnt vote me because I'm sexy. 6'0. Dark hair. Hazel eyes, actually they change colors based on what I'm wearing. Toned body. Tan. Great sense of humor. Full of useless information. Got my **** together. Going places. Total catch.

why are you trying to convince pac not to vote? I haven't seen him fos you

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Toooot Toooot!!! Now you, Hess and Slats have all basically said they are ready to join the train. All aboard!!!

No seriously, you shouldnt vote me because I'm sexy. 6'0. Dark hair. Hazel eyes, actually they change colors based on what I'm wearing. Toned body. Tan. Great sense of humor. Full of useless information. Got my **** together. Going places. Total catch.

Or was it AVM and not Hess. Dont remember...one of the two. Maybe both.

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I still am cautious of CTM and despite what he says I still got the feeling he was pushing that theory with those 2 posts I'd pointed out at the time. I do also want to point out though that it was SMC who thought there was some sort of info to gain by lynching a guy who'd just been shot at by the predators (i.e scum)

I'm willing to move to SMC. I haven't felt good about him all game.

What all of you that are upset with my play for this reason seem to forget is that I also voted Shutout after his scenes. Guess who ironically is back in the spotlight agian?

What are you saying here? Do you feel it was a good thing that you voted shutout at the time?

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I'm willing to move to SMC. I haven't felt good about him all game.

What are you saying here? Do you feel it was a good thing that you voted shutout at the time?

I didnt and dont think its safe to put him in untouchable zone. Its out there, but what if he keeps getting hit because there is a win condition on him, the scum know it, the town doesnt and the only way to take him down is by lynch. What results that yields is beyond me, but it might help figure things out.

I changed my vote because maybe its too early to take chances, but IDK, its just odd that he of all people is the apple of the predators eye.

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I hate women.

Never would have guessed. :rolleyes:

This is out of order, but it really works with the flow of my post...

3) This is epic. I'm trying hard? Lol Give some credit. I'm breaking a ****ing sweat here. Hard does not describe my effort. OMGUS.

To me... trying hard = you whine a lot.

1) Vic is no longer VicGod. He was hot, now he is not. Back to Vic for him. I followed Vic because he had a gut instinct. When I was his teammate his gut was working well. Didnt have a read on anyone else, still dont, it was D1, and I was the 2nd vote on Smash immediately following Vic saying he had a gut instinct. What all of you that are upset with my play for this reason seem to forget is that I also voted Shutout after his scenes. Guess who ironically is back in the spotlight agian?

We get it already, you are like a broken record... you want teh Vic penis.

So, you are just going to pretend you don't get how piggy-backing Vic's vote on an innocent and providing no case looks?

And not for nothing, but the vote on Shutout after he was more or less confirmed, that.... wasn't a good thing. :rolleyes:

2) Sorry for picking the popular train to avoid a lynch. My vote for someone like muffin top with zero votes would have been so useful. I appologize for not wanting to end D1 in random death revealing nothing. I'm sorry for switching my vote and not trusting that someone else would be around at deadline to hammer.

Since we are apologizing... I'm sorry for not trusting someone that treated day one like a free ride, then suddenly asserted himself in time to get an L1 reveal and to hammer an innocent.

I'm slow and its hard to follow with all the brilliant minds that grace this game. Not having a brain equivalent to the participants of this game, is difficult. You guys are too smart for your own good and over think things sometimes. Its a great problem to have because its proves your intelligence.

Wow. You pout like no other.

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I didnt and dont think its safe to put him in untouchable zone. Its out there, but what if he keeps getting hit because there is a win condition on him, the scum know it, the town doesnt and the only way to take him down is by lynch. What results that yields is beyond me, but it might help figure things out.

I changed my vote because maybe its too early to take chances, but IDK, its just odd that he of all people is the apple of the predators eye.

You are saying they might somehow know that if Shutout gets lynched that he could have some sort of win condition? Seems far fetched to me. Bout as likely as DPR getting Megan fox's number. We have about the stupidest mafia team out there... they have tried unsuccessfully like 4 times now to kill Shutout. I guess it could be what someone mentioned... that by continuing to try to kill him they aren't confirming anyone else. Not a total confirmation but there's gotta be some reason they haven't moved on from him.:roll: Which players here are overly stubborn? Heh.

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Just playing devil's advocate here, but wasn't that blade star still in Vic's skull at that point? And even if it wasn't, it would no longer have been in Runin's possession if he used it on Vic.

The blade star was taken out of Vicious' skull in the death scene IIRC and Runin didn't die until the following phase. Thus he would have gotten the blade star back if it was his.

Plus that would have meant Runin had 3 items which would be surprising.

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Toooot Toooot!!! Now you, Hess and Slats have all basically said they are ready to join the train. All aboard!!!

No seriously, you shouldnt vote me because I'm sexy. 6'0. Dark hair. Hazel eyes, actually they change colors based on what I'm wearing. Toned body. Tan. Great sense of humor. Full of useless information. Got my **** together. Going places. Total catch.

I don't vote with my hormones, but, oh, if I did........ *sigh*

Um.... there is an awfully big man in line ahead of me, tall, dark, and handsome. ;-)

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Just caught up and checking in. Yet ANOTHER attack on shutout is certainly interesting and I don't know what the hell to think about it. Part of me almost thinks this is another Runin situation where the Predators are trying to get something from shutout, so keep going after him. Not sure what the hell we can do about it if that's the case, but I certainly don't like the idea of lynching him at this point, but so far he's survived a number of attacks so hopefully he keeps it up. I can't imagine the only way to keep items out of the scum's hands is by lynching our own, it just doesn't make sense.

The whole JiF situation is interesting. I'll be honest, I was one of the first to call him out a while back for not liking some of his early game play prior to even last game, so it's something I've kept my eye on. The whole voting based solely on Vic's decision thing is a bit odd for sure, but I'm not sure it's as scummy as it is just weird. I can't see the benefit in being that blatant about it. Beyond that I haven't gotten an overly scummy vibe from him, so I'd be interested to see where this goes. Some of his reactions to pressure haven't been great, but past experience tells me that is the case whether he's town or scum.

Other than that, there's a lot of people I don't have a read on. A lot of the people participating heavily are those who I always think are nuts and typically can't figure out one way or another, so that sure doesn't help. Also, CTM has seemed off to me for a few games in a row now to the point that it's now become the new him as opposed to off, so I don't know what to think of it anymore. I never really trust him though, and for good reason.

Crusher has struck me as playing somewhat differently. I feel like he's typically more involved and while he's always one who seems to play on gut more than making big cases (very well mind you), I'm just not seeing the kind of certainty out of him that we usually get. I feel like he's seeming very unsure of himself, which I'm not used to. When I think of Crusher, I remember the guy who argued until his lynch that I was the last remaining scum in a game where we had just successfully lynched 3 claimed cops who were scum, the last one being lead by me... and he was right.

Looking over the roster the only other thing that I kind of found funny was that I have absolutely no read on SMC. The only reason this caught my attention is that we've gotten into our fair share of battles in these games, and I've got nothing right now. Of course that doesn't mean anything, but it just stood out to me.

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I'm willing to move to SMC. I haven't felt good about him all game.

Why is that?

You made a similar statement before based on my earlier theories, which now may be precient in light of DPR' later scenes. There are multiple killers out there and they're not all alien and there should be some doubt as to whether the Predators are truly working together.

You're a better scum hunter than this and the best you can come up with is you don't have a good feeling about me?

You went hard after Runin after his reveal, similar to Vicious. Vicious was town but I wonder if the same could be said about you. You're not playing like your town PI self and I wonder why.

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Never would have guessed. :rolleyes:

To me... trying hard = you whine a lot.

We get it already, you are like a broken record... you want teh Vic penis.

So, you are just going to pretend you don't get how piggy-backing Vic's vote on an innocent and providing no case looks?

And not for nothing, but the vote on Shutout after he was more or less confirmed, that.... wasn't a good thing. :rolleyes:

Since we are apologizing... I'm sorry for not trusting someone that treated day one like a free ride, then suddenly asserted himself in time to get an L1 reveal and to hammer an innocent.

Wow. You pout like no other.

LOL you crack me up. I did treat D1 as a free ride. Maybe instead, I shouldnt have not posted at all and just sat back with no contribution, maybe bussed someone in the middle zone and skated by with no harm..

Or maybe I should have posted 50 really long winded posts on someone who, whoppsy, possessed 2 weapons. That would have been a better use of my time.

Nice classic spin move there...I forced the reveal...lol. A lot of good the amazing case you put together did. Definitely should have wasted everyones time by creating a case on a power role.

And why do you keep saying I'm not admitting to piggy backing. I've said 100 times that I was riding the then VicGod now Vic train from the second I followed him and voted Smash. What more do you want?

I figured a sophisticated well educated intelligent savant like you would enjoy a little wine.

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You are saying they might somehow know that if Shutout gets lynched that he could have some sort of win condition? Seems far fetched to me. Bout as likely as DPR getting Megan fox's number. We have about the stupidest mafia team out there... they have tried unsuccessfully like 4 times now to kill Shutout. I guess it could be what someone mentioned... that by continuing to try to kill him they aren't confirming anyone else. Not a total confirmation but there's gotta be some reason they haven't moved on from him.:roll: Which players here are overly stubborn? Heh.

I dont think anything, jus talking out loud. I do think he has something or does something or is someone that mafia knows exists.

I don't vote with my hormones, but, oh, if I did........ *sigh*

Um.... there is an awfully big man in line ahead of me, tall, dark, and handsome. ;-)

You can have my body, but he will always have my heart.

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Why is that?

You made a similar statement before based on my earlier theories, which now may be precient in light of DPR' later scenes. There are multiple killers out there and they're not all alien and there should be some doubt as to whether the Predators are truly working together.

You're a better scum hunter than this and the best you can come up with is you don't have a good feeling about me?

You went hard after Runin after his reveal, similar to Vicious. Vicious was town but I wonder if the same could be said about you. You're not playing like your town PI self and I wonder why.

You know, the only time I've seen him play town was the Avatar game and I haven't seen him play like that since. And that was with alts! This has been in the back of my mind since the beginning of the game. And then he'll do something that I agree with, and I'll let it go. Thanks for validating it, SMC. I just don't have enough knowledge to go on with some of you. It makes it hard to judge sometimes.

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Why is that?

You made a similar statement before based on my earlier theories, which now may be precient in light of DPR' later scenes. There are multiple killers out there and they're not all alien and there should be some doubt as to whether the Predators are truly working together.

You're a better scum hunter than this and the best you can come up with is you don't have a good feeling about me?

You went hard after Runin after his reveal, similar to Vicious. Vicious was town but I wonder if the same could be said about you. You're not playing like your town PI self and I wonder why.

Don't be making things up now.

I did not go hard after Runin at all. Not one bit. My vote moved from Lily to Smash and stayed there. And I only voted Smash to help avoid lynching Runin if he did turn out to have a role, or a random lynch. I was very clear at the time.

I still don't like your earlier theories, including the idea that it would've been a good idea to lynch shutout after he was first attacked. I feel good about the Predators being something of a conventional mafia team, and don't see any benefit to working from the idea that they're not.

I've not felt good about you all game. That's all. A couple other people have mentioned you, too, but you haven't gotten any traction. It's early in the game for me to put together any sort of solid case on anyone. It's funny that when people defend against me, there's usually some sort of compliment involved. If you like, I'll look over your posts again tomorrow and see what I can come up with. It's past my bedtime now.

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I dont think anything, jus talking out loud. I do think he has something or does something or is someone that mafia knows exists.

You can have my body, but he will always have my heart.

Ah, but, you see that's the problem. Once I've had your body, your heart will follow. I love Crusher too much to do that to him. Sorry, love. Maybe another lifetime...... *sigh*

Okay, I really need to get serious here and go case some of you.....

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The midday sun burns overhead, hitting the jungle with a wall of heat. Underneath the canopy, the mist rises off of the jungle floor and it's like being in a sauna.

The sound of a waterfall comes from the distance, and you head that way, the sound alone seeming to offer some relief.

There is mistrust among you. You've watched team members die and seen their bodies hung like meat, skinless, in the trees. You've come face to face with the creatures that are hunting you, but you haven't even come close to hitting one, much less killing one.

Barmacral has been quiet ever since youleft the base. You watch him, wondeirng what he's thinking as he kneels next to the pool of water.

Cool mist blows across the lake and you are glad that you stopped here. You close your eyes and breathe...

When you open them again, you don't fully understand what you are looking at.


But as it's camoflage fades, you know. The Predator has risen from the water, just out of Barm's line of sight, and everythgin seems to be moving in slow motion. The Predator holds a wicked looking spear, brings its arm back for a throw, and you scream Barm's name. Barm swings around as the spear is launched, and dodges to the side. The spear slices through his shirtbefore it buries itslef in the tree behind where Barm was sitting.

The Predator sinks back underwater, leaving Barm pale and shaken.


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Current Vote Count:

I28 (1) - jiF

JiF (4) - CTM, SMC, I28, Barm

Sharrow (1) - Pac

CTM (1) - Slats

With 19 players, it takes 10 to lynch.

*Game days will now have a 72 hour deadline. Day 2 will end Thursday night at 10 pm, EST

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Barm huh... these NK attempts are very doggin like... he prefers to take out low information targets usually and shutout is known for not posting + barm has been very inactive. I'm wondering who might also think similarly and be leading a team .... i'm kind of landing on slats atm..

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