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PREDATOR Mafia Game Thread


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Toooot Toooot!!! Now you, Hess and Slats have all basically said they are ready to join the train. All aboard!!!

No seriously, you shouldnt vote me because I'm sexy. 6'0. Dark hair. Hazel eyes, actually they change colors based on what I'm wearing. Toned body. Tan. Great sense of humor. Full of useless information. Got my **** together. Going places. Total catch.

Huh, I haven't even mentioned you yet today ya big brown stud.

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Way to put yourself out there.

Was Runin playing scummy or was he just exausted from I28 going mental on him? I honestly couldnt tell.

And this is my favorite new thing. "JiF's D1 Antics". I love how this was created last game because I acted out when having the worst role in the game that allowed me to talk to a teammate upon death.

Here's the difference Spicoli. You were never emo last game. Straight up crazy with a side of middle finger. This game, very Janesque. This is dissapointing. Come on man, get it together.

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Barm huh... these NK attempts are very doggin like... he prefers to take out low information targets usually and shutout is known for not posting + barm has been very inactive. I'm wondering who might also think similarly and be leading a team .... i'm kind of landing on slats atm..

LOL, seriously, you're like a softer, smarter Integrity this game. But instead of big, dumb monkey, more freaky, evil, easter bunny-like, dropping your subtle thoughts behind every chair and pillow. Can't say I don't like it. Just making sure you know you ain't fooling anyone either.

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Barm huh... these NK attempts are very doggin like... he prefers to take out low information targets usually and shutout is known for not posting + barm has been very inactive. I'm wondering who might also think similarly and be leading a team .... i'm kind of landing on slats atm..

Not sure I agree about Slats but I do recall Barm throwing a couple jabs at him much earlier in the game - I even rep'd him for one. He also went after JiF last night. Other than that I don't remember too much about his game.

Exactly how many kill attempts do these Predaturds have?! If it is percentage based their odds on successful day kills has to be almost non-existent.

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LOL, seriously, you're like a softer, smarter Integrity this game. But instead of big, dumb monkey, more freaky, evil, easter bunny-like, dropping your subtle thoughts behind every chair and pillow. Can't say I don't like it. Just making sure you know you ain't fooling anyone either.

I'm reacting to new information as it comes in, I haven't spoken definitively about anything..

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Not sure I agree about Slats but I do recall Barm throwing a couple jabs at him much earlier in the game - I even rep'd him for one. He also went after JiF last night. Other than that I don't remember too much about his game.

Exactly how many kill attempts do these Predaturds have?! If it is percentage based their odds on successful day kills has to be almost non-existent.

I wasn't looking at it from that angle. Don't you find the choices for kill attempts odd for a JN game? Shutout and Barm are the classic low info night kill that doggin has suggested several times before. Usually in our games people like crusher and slats die first cause they're pretty good at scum hunting and awfully hard to lynch..

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I wasn't looking at it from that angle. Don't you find the choices for kill attempts odd for a JN game? Shutout and Barm are the classic low info night kill that doggin has suggested several times before. Usually in our games people like crusher and slats die first cause they're pretty good at scum hunting and awfully hard to lynch..

I suppose that's true but you can also throw yourself into the mix of players that would be likely to follow the Doggin Blueprint then have the balls to come out and talk about it.

I'm not looking to argue (give me at least until 11 to wake up) but just sayin'.

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I went to bed thinking I'd be putting a case together on SMC today, instead I wake up to this gem.

Barm huh... these NK attempts are very doggin like... he prefers to take out low information targets usually and shutout is known for not posting + barm has been very inactive. I'm wondering who might also think similarly and be leading a team .... i'm kind of landing on slats atm..

I'm just one vote on you, Buddy!

But this is rich, primarily because I don't have a NK MO as scum. And I've been scum with enough people in this game that they know that. I like to take out loud townies getting after another townie in a wifom creation, or sometimes I have a player so far up my ass that I don't care what anyone thinks and vote to take them out. Or sometimes I just kill JiF.

But the real irony here is this:

I was thinking the same.. The scene semi confirms the dude getting shot at, so they probably don't want to go confirming a bunch of us..

This confirmed innocent thing is your MO. This is your focus whether you're town or scum. You always talk about it. JVoR brings it up and you're like, hmmm... yeah, could be.

Next thing you know, someone other than shutout is getting shot at.


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Crusher has struck me as playing somewhat differently. I feel like he's typically more involved and while he's always one who seems to play on gut more than making big cases (very well mind you), I'm just not seeing the kind of certainty out of him that we usually get. I feel like he's seeming very unsure of himself, which I'm not used to. When I think of Crusher, I remember the guy who argued until his lynch that I was the last remaining scum in a game where we had just successfully lynched 3 claimed cops who were scum, the last one being lead by me... and he was right.

Bleedin this is a very sweet post bro. All talking about how good Crusher is about going with his gut. Obvious to all since my gut usually arrives about 1 minute before I do but sweet nonetheless.

Interesting to me that you talk about me being unsure. Im in a game where they're are numerous daytime kill attempts and a basically foreign game set up and yet you wonder why Im unsure? It's day two bro, seems like we been in this alot longer but it's only day 2 and the person I had my initial feelings on is very hard to get a read on. I28.

My second was Vic, he's dead. By the way I28 quick thrown together case on Vic was my reason to look at ape boy though since then he still isn;t making me feel warm and fuzzy, yet it's I28 and he is playing his game it seems.

SMC had a strange and lazy post for his intellect early and I believe he was in the lynch Shutout out crowd, I believe along with Bup-z. Bup-z has done some strange things this game just like he has most games this season. Hard to tell what side he is on because he has done this while on both sides. If i had to I would vote him but I miss him when he leaves early.

Lilly is another one that alwasy makes me wonder about her play. As does Nae, and Now Adella. The girls drom Dm are tuff reads for me because they are starting to change the way they approach the game here because of the difference in the speed of play. Adella is actually not changing much yet, but she is the one I know the least.

I have others I looked at but nothing to go balls to the walls after. Im not I28 or Pac and lock on to someone and go until their lyunched. I like to wait until my gut is ready.

Good looking out and it's nice to know your thinking about me. Because I always think of you, "Friend of the town."

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I suppose that's true but you can also throw yourself into the mix of players that would be likely to follow the Doggin Blueprint then have the balls to come out and talk about it.

I'm not looking to argue (give me at least until 11 to wake up) but just sayin'.

I concede that..

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I'm just glad they missed... and I hope it stays that way. And leaving me pale isn't too hard to do, since I'm often described as pasty anyways.

I only saw one picture of you and you where surrounded by chicks. I didn;t think pasty, I just figured all the blood had already rushed to a certain part of your body.

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I concede that..

You sound like me at fat peoples meeting. "Your an emotional eater who finds joy in overeating". Uhhhh, yeah. Everyone else their tries and rationalize it and deny it, I get the urge to jump and high five myself. But I don't because Ms Crusher would frown on that.

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I went to bed thinking I'd be putting a case together on SMC today, instead I wake up to this gem.

I'm just one vote on you, Buddy!

Exactly.. 1 vote. To imply my suspicion of you is based off of you 1 vote is fairly i28'ish of you.

I'm looking at the attempts, I know my alignment, I see all the usual early NK'd prancing around the thread without a care in the world and it points fairly strongly to me at a certain group of players, with you being my favorite. I can tell you if i was on a team half full of high profile players, I'd advocate killing off the lower profile ones.

But this is rich, primarily because I don't have a NK MO as scum. And I've been scum with enough people in this game that they know that. I like to take out loud townies getting after another townie in a wifom creation, or sometimes I have a player so far up my ass that I don't care what anyone thinks and vote to take them out. Or sometimes I just kill JiF.

I'll concede that too..

But the real irony here is this:

This confirmed innocent thing is your MO. This is your focus whether you're town or scum. You always talk about it. JVoR brings it up and you're like, hmmm... yeah, could be.

Next thing you know, someone other than shutout is getting shot at.


Hmm what? So Jvor brings it up without any connection to me and I move off my strongly held belief just to distance myself from a suspicion jvor might not even have? Pretty creative, i'll give you that.

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LOL you crack me up. I did treat D1 as a free ride. Maybe instead, I shouldnt have not posted at all and just sat back with no contribution, maybe bussed someone in the middle zone and skated by with no harm..

No contribution was pretty much what I was expecting from you after the overt "Vicky-vic-vic, Jif loves dick" blathering.

Or maybe I should have posted 50 really long winded posts on someone who, whoppsy, possessed 2 weapons. That would have been a better use of my time.

Nice classic spin move there...I forced the reveal...lol. A lot of good the amazing case you put together did. Definitely should have wasted everyones time by creating a case on a power role.

Everyone knows the odds of being wrong on D1... I have said it 100 times, I was purposefully long-winded, so that everyone was clear on what I felt was scummy about Runin's play. Long-winded from me is par for the course, just like cry-baby is par for the course for you. Listen, I've learned one thing playing this game with the retards on this site... each one of you has a more selective memory than the next. By being detailed, I left a very visible trail of the thinking that drove my vote, and the stance I took on pursuing Runin.

Furthermore, I am not trying to "spin" this in any way, shape or form. 11 voters caused the reveal, not 1. I am no more to blame for the reveal than you are, that was the point I was making there. I said that already. What I don't like about how it happened was that you emerged from your "I dream of Vic" slumber to be the 2 most impactful votes of the day. If you had actually been asserting yourself through the full week it took for all of D1 to take place, then I probably wouldn't have thought much of it. It really boils down to you looking opportunistic, which is something you set up by looking like you were resigned to riding Vic's rump right to D2.

And why do you keep saying I'm not admitting to piggy backing. I've said 100 times that I was riding the then VicGod now Vic train from the second I followed him and voted Smash. What more do you want?

I didn't say you wouldn't admit it. Who is spinning now? I specifically asked you if you were going to pretend you don't get how piggy-backing Vic's vote on an innocent and providing no case looks? There is a difference. Like I said, selective memories... not to mention wordsmithing and twisting.

I figured a sophisticated well educated intelligent savant like you would enjoy a little wine.

... and now, you have provided the cheese as well. So kind. So kind indeed. :razz:

You are squirming, and making me redundant in my responses to you. I am not going to get dragged into another match of "last word" like what happened with Runin... all that will come of it is me responding to your bull****, with posts of my own that set the record straight, to which I'm sure you will offer another **** for brains remark about my long-winded posts. I'm done repeating myself.

If I see another case that makes sense to me, I will certainly move my vote. I am catching up since last night... and there certainly looks to be a lot to take in.

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I'm reacting to new information as it comes in, I haven't spoken definitively about anything..

Yeah. That's what I said.

Anyway...stupid Sharrow pic in 5,4,3,2...

NonMod Scene:

Sharrow softy itches one foot with the other. As he quickly presses pause, his sweaty right hand finally ungrips the controller and fixes the pillow from under his head. He thinks to himself "I'm freaking hungry man, where the hell is she!" Unpause. All is well. Level 10. Two more and another notch on the wall. "Oh ****!" He springs from the sofa in a furry to the computer in the far corner. Internet Explorer...Google...Copy...JN...Paste. Sharrow smiles to himself, stretches and returns to the familiar couch.

Sharrow has taken another shot at Mafia and missed.

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Exactly.. 1 vote. To imply my suspicion of you is based off of you 1 vote is fairly i28'ish of you.

I'm looking at the attempts, I know my alignment, I see all the usual early NK'd prancing around the thread without a care in the world and it points fairly strongly to me at a certain group of players, with you being my favorite. I can tell you if i was on a team half full of high profile players, I'd advocate killing off the lower profile ones.

I'm a team guy when I'm scum, and if my team wanted to go after the quiet players I'd go along - but it wouldn't be my suggestion.

Hmm what? So Jvor brings it up without any connection to me and I move off my strongly held belief just to distance myself from a suspicion jvor might not even have? Pretty creative, i'll give you that.

It caught my attention when it came up, making it easy to go back and find. Certainly looks like that may've caught some scum's attention, too, because the next kill attempt after that exchange was a new quiet player.

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1. Vic - Roleless Townie - Killed N2 by non-Predator

2. Brett

3. JiF

4. SMC

5. Lily

6. Pac

7. Smash- Roless Townie - Lynched D1

8. Slats

9. I28

10. Crusher

11. Bleedin

12. Runin - Roleless Townie - Killed D2 by Predator

13. Sharrow

14. Adella

15. Hess

16. Nae

17. AVM

18. JVoR

19. CTM

20. DanX

21. Barms - Failed Attack by Predator

22. Shutout - Failed Attacks by Predator

There's still 17 players out there that haven't been targetted. I originally thought that the Predators only had 2 shots during the day, but with the Barms episode that makes 3.

The Predators must have multiple day chances, but are severely limited. It's probably less than 50% with so many chances.

What's clear to me now is that the non-Predators don't have that many chances since we haven't seen any except the attack on Vicious. That might mean their kill percentage is higher than the Predator's.

CTM mentions the periphery kill strategy, and that is not just a Doggin manuever. I've used it and others who have been scum. Heck, Vic used it to perfection in the Avatar game and killed our doc early.

Looking at that list I have to say, damn, that's a lot of players to try to pin down. I'm focused on Slats, JiF and to a lesser extent, CTM. But there are a lot of names there that have flown under my radar (AVM, Nae, Adella, etc.). Scum could be hiding in there and I'm momentarily blind to it.

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It caught my attention when it came up, making it easy to go back and find. Certainly looks like that may've caught some scum's attention, too, because the next kill attempt after that exchange was a new quiet player.

Either that or they we're tired of missing shutout..

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Looking at that list I have to say, damn, that's a lot of players to try to pin down. I'm focused on Slats, JiF and to a lesser extent, CTM. But there are a lot of names there that have flown under my radar (AVM, Nae, Adella, etc.). Scum could be hiding in there and I'm momentarily blind to it.

That's OMGUS-tastic! Focus away, I welcome it.

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But there are a lot of names there that have flown under my radar (AVM, Nae, Adella, etc.). Scum could be hiding in there and I'm momentarily blind to it.

Is AVM still medicated? His contributions are down and I don't recall him having any strong opinions about anyone... Wasn't he scum in the Alt game and played very similarly?

Adella and Nae are mysteries but shouldn't be allowed to fly under the radar.

Since no one likes the Sharrow whacky conspiracy vote I'll


Vote AVM

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this is a tough game so far ... too many people to agree on anything, too many places to hide, to many posts to wade through for information gathering..

There isn't a single player i feel good about outside of shutout and barm atm. I just think we need lynch someone and clear out some space.

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this is a tough game so far ... too many people to agree on anything, too many places to hide, to many posts to wade through for information gathering..

There isn't a single player i feel good about outside of shutout and barm atm. I just think we need lynch someone and clear out some space.

Why barm or shutout?

I'm not following as closely as usual, so if you already explained your reason... humor me.

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Why barm or shutout?

I'm not following as closely as usual, so if you already explained your reason... humor me.

They both been attempted to be killed by predators.. I'm not taking it as 100% certain, but you have to like their odds of being innocent atm..

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Either that or they we're tired of missing shutout..


Haha! Freudian slip?

Wow, good catch guys. CTM actually caught me on that when I was Lefty because I made a similar Freudian slip.

Did it happen to CTM as well? WTF, let's see.

Unvote: JiF

Vote: CTM

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They both been attempted to be killed by predators.. I'm not taking it as 100% certain, but you have to like their odds of being innocent atm..

So then why does it make sense to lynch them? I'm confused by your statement completely... did you mean "feel good about" lynching them OR "feel good about" them being town?

I have to guess the latter.

Usually when people say "feel good about" they have meant it in regards to their confidence in lynch candidates.

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You Google image searched that... so now every government agency we know about, and the ones we don't know about, think you are gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that...

Google? It's on my hard drive.

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Current Vote Count:

I28 (1) - JiF

JiF (3) - CTM, I28, Barm

AVM (1) - Pac

CTM (2) - Slats, SMC

With 19 players, it takes 10 to lynch.

And it's okay to vote for people with more than 3 letters in their name. Really.

*Game days will now have a 72 hour deadline. Day 2 will end Thursday night at 10 pm, EST

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Wow, good catch guys. CTM actually caught me on that when I was Lefty because I made a similar Freudian slip.

Did it happen to CTM as well? WTF, let's see.

Unvote: JiF

Vote: CTM


i'm a programmer and the worst typer on here.. Remember whose going for this


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