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PREDATOR Mafia Game Thread


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I don't know. I think the cleanest game he ever played was as the Avatar. I kept wishing he'd play scummy on purpose to make it easier to vote for him.

Well, when you think about it, he was hiding that game too, just from different people

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Nah.. the thing game you we're town telling right and left.. Unless somethign changed between now and then

I don't know what you consider town tells from me, so I don't know what to tell you. I will acknowledge my heart is not in this game as much as it was during the Thing game, but they were different circumstances. I was beyond excited to be playing mafia again because I had missed all of you, I had just come out as a girl and people didn't hate me for it, and I was doing a pretty awesome job as our vigilante. This game I'm having a much harder time rereading and scum hunting, which is a bit more frustrating and disheartening.

Let me get this out of the way now. I am working late tomorrow and will not be around when we get to the deadline so I'm gonna need to place a vote that I'm comfortable with by either tonight or tomorrow morning/early afternoon.

I'm pausing a bit now on SMC, but I still think I'd be comfortable placing a vote there. Lily too mostly cause I was also surprised she was in the top 3 posters, Sharrow cause I still don't like the 2 vigs shooting Vic theory, and maybe also Dan X. She seems to be too friendly. Yes she's voted CTM for now but there seems to be a whole lot of appreciation/apologizing/explaining actions for others. I get the uncertainty, I have trouble getting strong reads on people early in games too, but she's mentioned a couple of times a Jetsbabe/Lily comparison that to me felt a bit like deflecting or dismissing pressure, not to mention some of the recent JVOR uncertainty discussion.

I realize that's not a strong case and I don't even know how comfortable I would be voting Dan based solely on what I wrote above. I would definitely be interested to see more of who you do find suspicious besides CTM though Dan.

I did also find Lily's Barm theory intriguing that they'd risk shooting at him after we discussed the likely reason they shot at me a 3rd time.

Wow, that's what its like to Integrity FOS huh?

My problem is that aside from CTM, Lily, and JVoR for reasons already stated, I'm finding myself more suspicious of the quiet ones. If our scum team is made up of the active players, I'll say it again, I think they're doing a good job so far (granted, it's only Day 2). I've never shied away from stating my opinion when I think someone is looking innocent to me, even if I end up wrong and it makes it look like I'm buddying up to them or whatever.

Of the quiet folk, Adella, Sharrow, AVM, Bleedin, and Naeann worry me (probably in that order), but I'd like a reason other than the fact that they're not giving me much to work with ... and I'm going to look at Pac before going to bed.

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A shadow has fallen over the spear buried in the tree that Barm had been sitting in front of when the Predator attacked. The shadow extends toward the shaft of the spear as fingers reach forward to take it.

It takes a bit of pulling, but the spear finally does come free.

The team is moving on, but the one who holds the spear volunteered to leave last, the idea of an ambush forming in their mind...

The spearholder finds a quiet spot behind a boulder. It is impossible to see anything, but then, that makes it impossible to be seen. Eyes close, and the sounds of the jungle begin to paint a picture in the speaholder's mind.

The sound of the waterfall. The call of tropical birds. The spearholder waits, expanding their sense of hearing. They wait for some time, but in the end, the footsteps come, just as the spearholder knew that they would.

It is essential that the Predator get close enough. Jump out too soon, and the ambush is useless...

The spearholder waits until a footstep falls only yards from the boulder, and they uncoil like a high tension spring.

If you had been there to see it, you would have thought it beautiful. The grace and speed with which the spearholder strikes is fluid, like liquid light. The spear spins overhead once, is centered, and thrust forward.

Right into Slats chest.


Shock roils over the spearholder in waves as you watch blood gurgle from Slats lips. Then his knees buckle softly and he sinks to the ground. His look of surprise is mirrored in his last words...

"Not an SK..."

Then the light fades from his eyes, and he's gone.

DAY 2 DEADLINE IN 23:48:17

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well.. he was pushing SMC pretty hard, so it would make sense that SMC takes that shot (or someone who wants us to think it's smc)

..interesting.. really depends on if it's a vig or not

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The "Not an SK" is getting me. I can't tell if it means "Oh god, not a SK on top of everything else!" or if it means, "This was not the work of a SK." My first reaction was the first option.


woops again.. it was one of us..

lol remedial reading..

How do you know?

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A shadow has fallen over the spear buried in the tree that Barm had been sitting in front of when the Predator attacked. The shadow extends toward the shaft of the spear as fingers reach forward to take it.

It takes a bit of pulling, but the spear finally does come free.

The team is moving on, but the one who holds the spear volunteered to leave last, the idea of an ambush forming in their mind...

The spearholder finds a quiet spot behind a boulder. It is impossible to see anything, but then, that makes it impossible to be seen. Eyes close, and the sounds of the jungle begin to paint a picture in the speaholder's mind.

The sound of the waterfall. The call of tropical birds. The spearholder waits, expanding their sense of hearing. They wait for some time, but in the end, the footsteps come, just as the spearholder knew that they would.

It is essential that the Predator get close enough. Jump out too soon, and the ambush is useless...

The spearholder waits until a footstep falls only yards from the boulder, and they uncoil like a high tension spring.

If you had been there to see it, you would have thought it beautiful. The grace and speed with which the spearholder strikes is fluid, like liquid light. The spear spins overhead once, is centered, and thrust forward.

The bolded jif..

The team i assume is us, and the spearholder falls behind

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Anyone think if we actually came to decisions quicker that we wouldnt have as many attempts? Think maybe scum is trying to prevent a lynch.

lol.. thanks the thinking that got you speed lynching in the thing game :D

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Okay, so, I don't have time to catch up. I unexpectedly had to go stay at my brothers house and watch his son for two days (today and tomorrow) and I don't have internet access there except from my phone, and I am NOT going to catch up on 15 pages of posts from my phone.

I have basically no clue what has happened other than this page, and I am out of time to read, so.. DPR, I'm really excited that you used that role LMAO! I was hoping to see it used at some point! Lame on losing another townie. If anyone has directed anything at me, give me about 26 hours and I will respond to it (which is when I expect to be home and have fully read up on everything). Well, if I'm not dead first...

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Sorry about my absence guys, I've had a few issues the past couple days and been in and out with my doc. Pac, to answer your question I'm off the med's so I'm reading everything clearly now, and fingers crossed won't be having any other issues. And yes, you were right that in the Avatar game I very much laid under the radar as scum the whole game, though I never disappeared for over a day at a time like this game.

Glad to hear everything looks good. Hope no further issues. Since you took the time to come up with reasons for voting me I'll take time to address your points.

Vic pressed me a little earlier, and I'll offer the same to you, any questions you've got ask away and I'll give you what I can, though I believe the only reason my names really come up has been the lack of formulating a case and low post #'s.

That's exactly why I voted you and it seems to have worked.

Anyways, on to activity. Scum definitely appear to be taking out the low-hanging fruit as to keep themselves hidden pretty well, and while I'm in the group I agree your best chances for scum are going to be in the low post-count folks.

CTM v SMC was a headache, as I don't know where that'd get us. Even more concerning than that are the people who keep jumping from train to train. It's not like we're down to a couple hours before a deadline again, no need to jump on to each train (looking at you, Pac).

So, here's my first case. It may seem rather OMGUS, but considering Pac already dropped off me and on to two others I believe was the count (CTM during the "deal" offer, followed by SMC) he just strikes me odd. He's playing this frustrated card, I know at least once he said something to the effect of "lynch me if you want, it'll be a mercy killing." How many times though has Pac been that frustrated with a game? And let's be honest, there have been PLENTY of frustrating games...not once has Pac gotten so frustrated he'd quit.

Without getting into specifics lets say I was having a bad day at work and let my anger about something carry over to the game. I'm over it now.

As to your second point I've been frustrated plenty of games and self voted numerous times (including 2 hammers). I was getting especially angry earlier because I've spent the better part of the last week sifting through all this junk. I always play the game to have fun but DEFINITELY like to win. I've made what I thought were decent points against CTM and Sharrow which resulted in no interest at all. To have what you think are good points be ignored is definitely a source of frustration.

His jumping from player to player seems to be vindictive that he's just trying to get a lynch, and can be fought with both a "why would scum be that obvious" and "no one's voting, I'm just trying to get things moving" arguements. Pac, though, like Doggin, EY, and CTM is one smart, sneaky and dangerous scum player.

In the Avatar game we had JiF and Vic playing rather up in the "upper-mid" post-count levels, and everyone else was hidden, and I'm thinking in a game like this they're using the same sort of strategy. I'm feeling like Pac is in the JiF/Vic type role.

vote: Pac

Dude.. we have a deadline and a slow game so yes, I'm looking for a lynch. I'm not interested in a repeat of that debacle on day 1 where we were scrambling with 5 minutes to go. I've been on CTM since day 1 so why wouldn't I take him up on his offer?? You may not think he's capable of orchestrating that fiasco from earlier but I do. Look what's happened as a result... he has 2 votes on him (including a self vote) while SMC sits close to a lynch. I made a decision to go with SMC for a couple reasons...

- CTM wasn't getting any votes and it didn't look like he would. I want my vote to count.

- I figured if SMC is innocent (which I'm not convinced of) perhaps the fact that CTM had a big hand in his death would FINALLY get people looking at him again.

At this point the only thing I'm confident about is there is a SK among us. I don't buy that a Vig is shooting N1 and certainly not at what looked like a clean player to me in Vic. As far as the Predators I have no idea... could be 1 team, 2 teams, or even a few lone players. If I was one of them I'm not jumping on CTM earlier, I'm just not. I knew I'd catch heat for that but frankly don't care because I think he's scum.

And before the peanut gallery chimes in with "why such a lengthy reply to 1 vote" it's because you actually took the time to draw up a case rather then CTM's cheap parlor tricks and innuendo.

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A shadow has fallen over the spear buried in the tree that Barm had been sitting in front of when the Predator attacked. The shadow extends toward the shaft of the spear as fingers reach forward to take it.

It takes a bit of pulling, but the spear finally does come free.

The team is moving on, but the one who holds the spear volunteered to leave last, the idea of an ambush forming in their mind...

The spearholder finds a quiet spot behind a boulder. It is impossible to see anything, but then, that makes it impossible to be seen. Eyes close, and the sounds of the jungle begin to paint a picture in the speaholder's mind.

The sound of the waterfall. The call of tropical birds. The spearholder waits, expanding their sense of hearing. They wait for some time, but in the end, the footsteps come, just as the spearholder knew that they would.

It is essential that the Predator get close enough. Jump out too soon, and the ambush is useless...

The spearholder waits until a footstep falls only yards from the boulder, and they uncoil like a high tension spring.

If you had been there to see it, you would have thought it beautiful. The grace and speed with which the spearholder strikes is fluid, like liquid light. The spear spins overhead once, is centered, and thrust forward.

Right into Slats chest.


Shock roils over the spearholder in waves as you watch blood gurgle from Slats lips. Then his knees buckle softly and he sinks to the ground. His look of surprise is mirrored in his last words...

"Not an SK..."

Then the light fades from his eyes, and he's gone.

DAY 2 DEADLINE IN 23:48:17


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Okay, so, I don't have time to catch up. I unexpectedly had to go stay at my brothers house and watch his son for two days (today and tomorrow) and I don't have internet access there except from my phone, and I am NOT going to catch up on 15 pages of posts from my phone.

I have basically no clue what has happened other than this page, and I am out of time to read, so.. DPR, I'm really excited that you used that role LMAO! I was hoping to see it used at some point! Lame on losing another townie. If anyone has directed anything at me, give me about 26 hours and I will respond to it (which is when I expect to be home and have fully read up on everything). Well, if I'm not dead first...

What role?

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Anyone think if we actually came to decisions quicker that we wouldnt have as many attempts? Think maybe scum is trying to prevent a lynch.

Same thing that was theorized in the Thing game. In that game, it cost the town...but it still makes sense. That could explain the large number of deaths right at the beginning of day 2, them thinking that we'd lynch quick and they'd not have time to take shots over a handfull of days like on day 1.

However, rushing into a lynch is ALWAYS a bad idea for the town in my experiences. I may not have been playing as long as some of you guys, but I think we can all agree that going too fast is going to hurt the town 9 times out of 10.

We have to find a middle ground somehow, and rather quickly.

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Glad to hear everything looks good. Hope no further issues. Since you took the time to come up with reasons for voting me I'll take time to address your points..

your obsession with me is getting boring..

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I'm going to give CTM a look-see here, after Pac's post. I want to buy it -- and question to everyone else, is he right? I know we've had a couple of self-hammer's, but didn't think Pac was one of 'em...anyone give me a hand on that?

A lot has already been made of CTM, but I want to take a look myself at the earlier stuff. He's a crafty dude, but I recall taking up for him earlier on RL day 2 or 3, when someone went after his play style which has really been exactly the same recently. I28, maybe. I'll post at least a couple more times before the nights out.

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The bolded jif..

The team i assume is us, and the spearholder falls behind

It's funny he's seems so helpless sometimes, no? And why do I feel like the post above is more like you doing this :face:? As in JiF just STFU, you're killing us right now. There are obviosly two groups out to kill the town. Maybe the other non-Pretator group in just one guy or maybe it's a group. Or yeah I guess maybe just a completely retarded vig.

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Parlor trick #242.. well done.

of late everytime you push hard on me you are scum, when you are clean you don't act like this. As i said earlier, Pac as scum voting me is as safe a vote as you can make..

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