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Now it's time to get your iPhone app. Just download the invision power board app and enter your info.

Piece of cake, it's free, and it blow that crappy tapatalk away.

There is also a mobile skin for non iPhone users. I have a Droid and it works great, on the lower left -- just select JetNation Mobile.

Also -- I read there may be a few bugs with the iPhone app when it comes to pushing things back to you. If anyone has a problem please let us know....

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Now it's time to get your iPhone app. Just download the invision power board app and enter your info.

Piece of cake, it's free, and it blows that crappy tapatalk away.

After about 5 minutes on both the IPB iPhone App and the Mobile Skin, I think I'm gonna stick with the Mobile skin. Both are similar, the skin just seems quicker.

It is cool that you get push notifications from subscribed threads on the app tho. Oh and to quote a post while using the skin, tap the post and hit reply.

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