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Happy Birthday BP


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Hey BP sorry I missed your birthday.

-I Hope you burned the midnight oil.

-I hope you and I can one day restore the black, stained gulf between us.

-You're a great moderator. We are a wellspring of crude dirty material, and you clean most of it up but only when absolutely necessary.


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Harry? Jim?

Happy Birthday!!

LOL! Garb calls me Harry because of harry and the hendersons. if you ever saw that pic of Thor as the stay puff giant marshmallow man chasing Bigfoot (me) you would get it..lol

Thanks everybody! was a great day yesterday! my liver is still pickled as I am typing this. :)

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LOL! Garb calls me Harry because of harry and the hendersons. if you ever saw that pic of Thor as the stay puff giant marshmallow man chasing Bigfoot (me) you would get it..lol

Thanks everybody! was a great day yesterday! my liver is still pickled as I am typing this. :)

Nice to hear you and the mods found a good use for that pickle...happy belated birthday, old man.

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Happy BD Jim...see you in Miami in about 3 weeks... :cheers:

PS I understand Savage is picking you up at the airport...in that case, I hope I see you. :bwahaharoll:

Thanks Bill! looking forward to it!

He finally got the ft lauderdale pick up down pat. but hes gonna pick me up in ft myers this time. lol...so um you may have a point! :rl:

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