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Ok, so apparently all I missed was a lot more talking in circles with nobody bothering to make any of the switches that they talked about making. Brett showed up and couldn't even bother to vote Hess. Well I said if nothing changed when I came back I would hammer, so in the words of a certain MC: Hammer Time.


Vote: Brett

whoa... for one of the more patient players in the game you didn't show much restraint there.

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You know, considering an hour ago he posted he'd be back in a few hours, I think more than a one hour wait was acceptable, but meh. Hess was picking up steam, and he seemed to want to take Hess out. Little befuddling from BG.

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whoa... for one of the more patient players in the game you didn't show much restraint there.

How do you figure? I was ready to hammer him a few hours ago once I saw his roleless claim. I only waited because of the Hess talk and like I said when I put my vote onto Hess, if nothing else happened by the time I got back, I was going to hammer. All of the same people were still around talking in circles and not making any changes when I got back an hour later, so I did exactly what I said I would.

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“We need to get rid of him now. He’s been acting differently since we ever woke up.”

All the Autobots were assembled in the main hall debating their current situation. There were Decepticons amongst them. As long as the Decepticons were alive, the war would never end.

“Look at him!” proclaimed JiF

“He’s obviously one of them! I can tell due to my incredibly hunting abilities. The fact that any of you are questioning me is blasphemy.”

The other Autobots argued amongst themselves. Some pointed to the odd behavior of Hess, some to Pac. In the end, the all came to the agreement that Brett was indeed one of the disguised Decepticons.

“What do you have to say for yourself Brett.”

“I’ve said my piece. I don’t’ know what else to tell you, I gave you my list of suspects.”

“If that’s the case old friend, you understand why this is being done.”

“Actually I don’t. It’s obvious how easily all of you are manipulated. You think I’m gonna let you put me down without a fight??”

With that Brett transforms and immidieatly knocks down an Autobot. The remaining Autobots quickly began firing their blasters at Brett. Brett tries to fight them all off, breathing fire and whipping his tail around. But he does not see BG stalking him from behind. In an instant, BG jumps into the air and lands on Brett’s back. Brett thrashes wildly to get BG off, but BG hangs on, takes out his blaster, and blows off Brett’s head.

Brett crumbles to the ground. Nothing changes

“We just put down one of our own”

Brett, AKA Snarl- A roleless townie (Autobot) has been Lynched


Please send in all night actions ASAP. You will have 24 hours.

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you should vigorously pursue my lynch tomorrow.. bup-z

You wont let me see tomorrow...

Sorry Bret, thought your post was scummy. Wont lie, part of me is very happy that you got lynched early, your time was due...but this really had nothing to do with that, I thought your were the best case.

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so many scum maneuvers towards the end of that lynch...

JiF's silence

BG's impatient hammer

CTM declaring Bretts innocence but sticking with his vote

Probably 1 scum in here and 2 stupid town.

Why couldn't we just kill Hess?

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CTM eluded to it and I also saw your filthy name viewing the thread on and off the last couple hours but you kept quiet.

You are listening to CTM now?

What would you and nooldenerd like me to have said? You werent going to change my mind. I called you all pussies for not lynching. Thats what I was feeling at the time.

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so many scum maneuvers towards the end of that lynch...

JiF's silence

BG's impatient hammer

CTM declaring Bretts innocence but sticking with his vote

Probably 1 scum in here and 2 stupid town.

Why couldn't we just kill Hess?

scummy of you to alter slightly what i said. What I said is that most likely he was innocent (so is hess). It's vary rare that I would bet money on a day 1 lynch when you are dealing with 75% of the players being town and the other 25% most likely unwilling to vote for a teammate..

Also, i28 said he thinks hess is more likely to be scum then Brett, yet he never changed. Why didn't you mention that?

Trying to direct the town's day 2 lynch?

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so many scum maneuvers towards the end of that lynch...

JiF's silence

BG's impatient hammer

CTM declaring Bretts innocence but sticking with his vote

Probably 1 scum in here and 2 stupid town.

Why couldn't we just kill Hess?

Cause JiF's been waiting till last season to kill Brett Day 1?

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so many scum maneuvers towards the end of that lynch...

JiF's silence

BG's impatient hammer

CTM declaring Bretts innocence but sticking with his vote

Probably 1 scum in here and 2 stupid town.

Why couldn't we just kill Hess?

What about you? You offered to hammer brett, but never actually did anything about it despite being around the entire time with endless opportunities. You then try to goad me into hammering brett as soon as I mention it. Then when I actually do it hours later, you're here trying to build some sort of case on it. Yet if I didn't come back and hammer like I had already said I was going to (which nobody seemed to have a problem with when I said it) that would be a scum tell, right? For a guy soooo convinced of brett's innocence and Hess's guilt, you sure didn't put a lot of work into trying to sway people, especially when it was looking like a very feasible possibility, and made a completely empty offer to drop the hammer on a guy you were saying you felt was innocent (something you're trying to now point a finger at CTM for doing). Call me crazy, but that's probably the most scummy thing that I've taken out of the end of this lynch.

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You are listening to CTM now?

What would you and nooldenerd like me to have said? You werent going to change my mind. I called you all pussies for not lynching. Thats what I was feeling at the time.

you're non reaction to crushers prodding was what surprised me.. jifruitcake

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scummy of you to alter slightly what i said. What I said is that most likely he was innocent (so is hess). It's vary rare that I would bet money on a day 1 lynch when you are dealing with 75% of the players being town and the other 25% most likely unwilling to vote for a teammate..

Also, i28 said he thinks hess is more likely to be scum then Brett, yet he never changed. Why didn't you mention that?

Trying to direct the town's day 2 lynch?

Of course he is, because he wants to distract attention from the fact that the most scummy thing to come out of the end of this day was him.

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scummy of you to alter slightly what i said. What I said is that most likely he was innocent (so is hess). It's vary rare that I would bet money on a day 1 lynch when you are dealing with 75% of the players being town and the other 25% most likely unwilling to vote for a teammate..

Also, i28 said he thinks hess is more likely to be scum then Brett, yet he never changed. Why didn't you mention that?

Trying to direct the town's day 2 lynch?

What about you? You offered to hammer brett, but never actually did anything about it despite being around the entire time with endless opportunities. You then try to goad me into hammering brett as soon as I mention it. Then when I actually do it hours later, you're here trying to build some sort of case on it. Yet if I didn't come back and hammer like I had already said I was going to (which nobody seemed to have a problem with when I said it) that would be a scum tell, right? For a guy soooo convinced of brett's innocence and Hess's guilt, you sure didn't put a lot of work into trying to sway people, especially when it was looking like a very feasible possibility, and made a completely empty offer to drop the hammer on a guy you were saying you felt was innocent (something you're trying to now point a finger at CTM for doing). Call me crazy, but that's probably the most scummy thing that I've taken out of the end of this lynch.

Agreed, Day 2 hyper lynch Pac seems just.

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Of course he is, because he wants to distract attention from the fact that the most scummy thing to come out of the end of this day was him.

Good post above... he see jif already targetting me, figures I'll target you, knows that jif was the cheerleader of brett's lynch.. why not put us all in 1 post and try and get people thinking about the three of us during the night phase.

didn't like that post at all from pac..

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You mean the fact that I didnt react?

He was trying to call me out for running a gambit, seems pretty silly now if I would have reacted, eh?

I was trying nothing i did call you out. Good thing you suck at scum hunting or I would have to spend the rest of the game trying to kill you. With love of course. Brett is dead day 1 you win?

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I was trying nothing i did call you out. Good thing you suck at scum hunting or I would have to spend the rest of the game trying to kill you. With love of course. Brett is dead day 1 you win?

True...you did. The "try" was because you failed.

You can pin this one on me. I can live with that...I'm actually just shocked that one of my day 1 cases went through. That never happens. Usually I have them dead of rights and you ****s ignore me.

Either way, I still found his post the scummiest thing to happen on day 1.

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What about you? You offered to hammer brett, but never actually did anything about it despite being around the entire time with endless opportunities. You then try to goad me into hammering brett as soon as I mention it. Then when I actually do it hours later, you're here trying to build some sort of case on it. Yet if I didn't come back and hammer like I had already said I was going to (which nobody seemed to have a problem with when I said it) that would be a scum tell, right? For a guy soooo convinced of brett's innocence and Hess's guilt, you sure didn't put a lot of work into trying to sway people, especially when it was looking like a very feasible possibility, and made a completely empty offer to drop the hammer on a guy you were saying you felt was innocent (something you're trying to now point a finger at CTM for doing). Call me crazy, but that's probably the most scummy thing that I've taken out of the end of this lynch.

I offered to hammer Brett but also knew we had like 10 hours or whatever until it would come to that. Are you seriously implying that I wasn't trying to do everything I could to get people on Hess? Still not reading the thread much huh?

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What about you? You offered to hammer brett, but never actually did anything about it despite being around the entire time with endless opportunities. You then try to goad me into hammering brett as soon as I mention it. Then when I actually do it hours later, you're here trying to build some sort of case on it. Yet if I didn't come back and hammer like I had already said I was going to (which nobody seemed to have a problem with when I said it) that would be a scum tell, right? For a guy soooo convinced of brett's innocence and Hess's guilt, you sure didn't put a lot of work into trying to sway people, especially when it was looking like a very feasible possibility, and made a completely empty offer to drop the hammer on a guy you were saying you felt was innocent (something you're trying to now point a finger at CTM for doing). Call me crazy, but that's probably the most scummy thing that I've taken out of the end of this lynch.

I offered to hammer Brett but also knew we had like 10 hours or whatever until it would come to that. Are you seriously implying that I wasn't trying to do everything I could to get people on Hess? Still not reading the thread much huh?

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scummy of you to alter slightly what i said. What I said is that most likely he was innocent (so is hess). It's vary rare that I would bet money on a day 1 lynch when you are dealing with 75% of the players being town and the other 25% most likely unwilling to vote for a teammate..

Also, i28 said he thinks hess is more likely to be scum then Brett, yet he never changed. Why didn't you mention that?

Trying to direct the town's day 2 lynch?

Put down the whippet hippie... this is what you said:

Not sure, I've seen scum claim roleless. If I had to bet, of course I'd bet that he's innocent, but I'd bet that about anyone atm.. 75% of the game is innocent.

I'm willing to go BG or Hess.. but I'm pretty lazy and both look like a big hill to climb right now..

This is horsesh*t.. too lazy - what does that even mean? You couldn't find the energy to unvote? I28 pretty much offered to vote Hess as well which at the time would have made it 7 for Hess and 6 for Brett.

You're stupid but not dumb.

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