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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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The vote counts make verbal seem more guilty...

SMC voted nae quick on day 5 (although that was right after Nae's investigation

He was voting vic on day 3

And on day 2 verb was voting JC with scum.. (would depend if scum new what no qutoposy meant, to load up like this, imo)

btw, the colorings are from what i either know to be true, or atleast strongly think to be true (Pac)... even ape and hess are likely to be town atm

feel free to ignore

Day 5 vote count

Nae (5) - JC, SMC, JiF, CTM

JC (3) - Smash, Vic, Nae

With 10 alive it takes 6 to lynch

Deadline tomorrow night at 11pm

Official Day 4 Vote Count

Vic (3) - Slats, JC, SMC,

Nae (1) - CTM

PAC (6) - Verb, PAC, Nae, JiF, Slats, CTM

With 11 takes 6 to lynch.

Deadline tonight 11 pm

Official Day 3 Vote Count

JC (1) - Vic

CTM (1) - Nae

JiF (4) - JC, PAC, verb, smash

Verb (4) - JiF, smc, Slats, CTM

With 11 alive it takes 6

Not voting: Sharrow (he voted Hess, but Hess dead)

Deadline late tonight

Official Vote Count: Day 2

Final count

BG (8) - JC1, Ape, JiF, Sharrow, PAC, Smash, Slats, Hess

JC (3) - BG, Vic, Verb

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everyone wanted to lynch vic. Vic even went all emo and hung himself. Go figures. In the land of the emo the man with two razorblades is king

I just saw transformers. The hot chock was a pick me up. I'm creatively drained. Night ends noon tomorrow EST

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Jacks' posts from his setup thread..

Do we take him for his word re: no godfather and a symp..

So what roles do you all think are basic roles?

What roles do you think work best for balance in a game?

I think the godfather needs to be retired. A symp is a much more fair usage of the innocent viewing scum. Where I play, even when the symp dies their report shows them innocent. I think they are better because the mafia stand a shot at taking one them out also.

Yeah. I think any time there is a finder, there needs to be an innocent viewing scum just to break up the game if the finder hits a lucky streak.

I like the use of watchers and trackers. I also love the flavor cop role.

Well a popular way in a 16 player game is 4 scum and a symp. Role up the town and vanilla the mafia. The symp will know the mafia and if the mod reveals they were a symp upon death then you can work backwards and figure out the mafia team. The mafia also stands a shot at killing their own symp.

I think mafia is a game if lying also. As you all can probably tell, I lie when scum, I lie when town. I find it makes the game more fun.

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hrm... 3 versus 1.. we should consider a no lynch.. Lynching wrong today would be end game without another succesful protection..

Smash.. who might you have protected last night, if you had such a role?

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day breaks and everyone is still alive.

Deadline is tonight 11pm or maybe earlier. Sorry for this but I'll be on the road most all day tomorrow. Going to Philly for a couple of days then NYC

Good thing you have a co-mod who used to be a man

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Excellent that we're all still alive.

I finally did what I can do. I believe Smash. The badguys are the lawyers and would not be the docs.

I also think I've figured it out. Verbal is the last scum. Ironic, I know since I have been after him all game with my vendetta, but it makes too much sense for him to not be.

I believe there were 4 person scum team plus a symp:





The symp? Pac. Look how he jumped in out of nowhere to save Vic from a guaranteed lynch. He was taking one for the team. A symp knows who the scum is, but not vice versa. A symp can't communicate with scum or know their abilities. So, I believe, Pac saved Vic from dying.

Now think about this: Essentially every action in the game a townie has fessed up to. We have townie Cop, Doc, roleblocker, whore, and even a 2 man Vig team. All we've seen from scum are NKs, which have been blocked on occassion. Wouldn't that mean that the scum are essentially roleless? They've done nothing but kill, and not well at that.

What moderator in their right mind would make a ridiculously imbalanced game where the town is rolled up and the only thing the scum could to is NK and that action could be easily blocked by multiple roles? It doesn't make sense at all, unless you think Jack is a clueless mod, which I don't.

So that brings us to Verbal. Note how he posts after Vic comes out after CTM and does nothing about what Vic says. Vic's post seems BS on it's face, but Verbal avoids doing anything about it. Then, Vicious self-votes, denying Verbal the chance to hammer him. Why? Because it would have looked like a clear bus move since Verbal posted around Vic and didn't do anything about it.

CTM points out Verbal's scumminess but then says if we are to take Jack at his word then I should be the choice. Why? Because JC got a clean result on Verbal. BUT, that assumes that the scum is roleless, right? I don't know if Verbal is the godfather or has some other ability to mess with results, but it's a good bet. We also have the issue of stopping the lynch which Verbal says he allegedly did. I think it was Nae who did that. That could explain why she later got lynched with less votes. It was an exchange perhaps. We have teammates looking out for each other.

VOTE: Verbal

JiF's death essentially vetted CTM, and what I know, Smash is townie too. If you guys are scum somewhow, I tip my cap to you, but I trust my gut and what I've learned.

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Well. Forgetting alignments right now, we have a little voting bloc with CTM & Smash, and then myself and SMC.

Smash, don't take that the wrong way, but you're with CTM now for better or worse.

I have another theory, but I'd like to hear what SMC has to say first...

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Well. Forgetting alignments right now, we have a little voting bloc with CTM & Smash, and then myself and SMC.

Smash, don't take that the wrong way, but you're with CTM now for better or worse.

I have another theory, but I'd like to hear what SMC has to say first...

I see what you're trying to do, which is the same thing Vic did.. Why r u so scummy?

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The symp? Pac. Look how he jumped in out of nowhere to save Vic from a guaranteed lynch. He was taking one for the team. A symp knows who the scum is, but not vice versa. A symp can't communicate with scum or know their abilities. So, I believe, Pac saved Vic from dying.

Funny, that crossed my mind last night as well when I pulled jacks posts about balance.. i didn't yet go back and read that part, but you are right Vic was at L-1, which almost confirms it

Problem is that I think that makes it less likely scum has a godfather..

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Excellent that we're all still alive.

I finally did what I can do. I believe Smash. The badguys are the lawyers and would not be the docs.

I also think I've figured it out. Verbal is the last scum. Ironic, I know since I have been after him all game with my vendetta, but it makes too much sense for him to not be.

I believe there were 4 person scum team plus a symp:





The symp? Pac. Look how he jumped in out of nowhere to save Vic from a guaranteed lynch. He was taking one for the team. A symp knows who the scum is, but not vice versa. A symp can't communicate with scum or know their abilities. So, I believe, Pac saved Vic from dying.

Now think about this: Essentially every action in the game a townie has fessed up to. We have townie Cop, Doc, roleblocker, whore, and even a 2 man Vig team. All we've seen from scum are NKs, which have been blocked on occassion. Wouldn't that mean that the scum are essentially roleless? They've done nothing but kill, and not well at that.

What moderator in their right mind would make a ridiculously imbalanced game where the town is rolled up and the only thing the scum could to is NK and that action could be easily blocked by multiple roles? It doesn't make sense at all, unless you think Jack is a clueless mod, which I don't.

So that brings us to Verbal. Note how he posts after Vic comes out after CTM and does nothing about what Vic says. Vic's post seems BS on it's face, but Verbal avoids doing anything about it. Then, Vicious self-votes, denying Verbal the chance to hammer him. Why? Because it would have looked like a clear bus move since Verbal posted around Vic and didn't do anything about it.

CTM points out Verbal's scumminess but then says if we are to take Jack at his word then I should be the choice. Why? Because JC got a clean result on Verbal. BUT, that assumes that the scum is roleless, right? I don't know if Verbal is the godfather or has some other ability to mess with results, but it's a good bet. We also have the issue of stopping the lynch which Verbal says he allegedly did. I think it was Nae who did that. That could explain why she later got lynched with less votes. It was an exchange perhaps. We have teammates looking out for each other.

VOTE: Verbal

JiF's death essentially vetted CTM, and what I know, Smash is townie too. If you guys are scum somewhow, I tip my cap to you, but I trust my gut and what I've learned.

Oh man, you make it too damn easy. Liar. Check out when Vic came out after CTM - it was after I posted (and actually went home...check the timestamp). I NEVER POSTED AGAIN UNTIL NOW.

Here's the link to Vic's post....go ahead and look for me posting after Vic came out:

Magic 8-ball says CTM "Without a doubt"

Vote: CTM

This makes sense in the end considering how upset JiF was at being random killed and CTM's mock scolding of letting the play go to random. It didn't seem genuine and seemed staged that JiF and CTM started bickering post deadline. Toss in the fact CTM was already bemoaning this fact.

Find it yet? No? Bummer. Too easy.


Vote: SMC

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I see what you're trying to do, which is the same thing Vic did.. Why r u so scummy?

Cause it's fun? And kept me alive.

Funny, that crossed my mind last night as well when I pulled jacks posts about balance.. i didn't yet go back and read that part, but you are right Vic was at L-1, which almost confirms it

Problem is that I think that makes it less likely scum has a godfather..

Agreed, but see my above post. SMC is a liar. I never posted after Vic or avoided anything.

Lynch all liars.

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Agreed, but see my above post. SMC is a liar. I never posted after Vic or avoided anything.

Lynch all liars.

Yeah, i just assumed he meant you were lurking or screwed up (which townies do too).. Not going to lynch based on gotcha games..

SMC seems to be implying he stopped a NK last night, which isn't sitting well atm..

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Yeah, i just assumed he meant you were lurking or screwed up (which townies do too).. Not going to lynch based on gotcha games..

SMC seems to be implying he stopped a NK last night, which isn't sitting well atm..

I don't believe that. He specifically states that I posted around Vic. Look:

So that brings us to Verbal. Note how he posts after Vic comes out after CTM and does nothing about what Vic says. Vic's post seems BS on it's face, but Verbal avoids doing anything about it. Then, Vicious self-votes, denying Verbal the chance to hammer him. Why? Because it would have looked like a clear bus move since Verbal posted around Vic and didn't do anything about it.

You saying he made the mistake twice? In the same damn paragraph? Not buying it.

It was a post that was carefully constructed. He knew you and Smash were probably voting together now. I was the obvious target, which is why I wanted to hear from SMC first. He ninja'd me anyway, hehe, but the result is the same -- I knew he'd come after me. It was the most logical play to make.

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It does not make sense for a GF to be in this game. Especially considering that Jack noted he liked the symp role more, and SMC's own case talks to that....and makes sense in that regard. Pac could have been a symp. Or a tool. Both?

Either way, if a GF is unlikely, I'm town. JC viewed me as town. End of discussion on that unless you think there actually is a GF.

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Yeah, i just assumed he meant you were lurking or screwed up (which townies do too).. Not going to lynch based on gotcha games..

SMC seems to be implying he stopped a NK last night, which isn't sitting well atm..

No, you idiot. I never said I stopped it.

Remember, my NAME is psychiatrist and I said I BELIEVE Smash is town. What does that tell you? I think Smash stopped the NK either by saving himself or saving you.

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I don't believe that. He specifically states that I posted around Vic. Look:

You saying he made the mistake twice? In the same damn paragraph? Not buying it.

It was a post that was carefully constructed. He knew you and Smash were probably voting together now. I was the obvious target, which is why I wanted to hear from SMC first. He ninja'd me anyway, hehe, but the result is the same -- I knew he'd come after me. It was the most logical play to make.

To expound upon my own statement, SMC is basing his entire case on how I posted around Vic and avoided the obvious "buss". How do you **** up your entire case like that as a townie? I don't see it.

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No, you idiot. I never said I stopped it.

Remember, my NAME is psychiatrist and I said I BELIEVE Smash is town. What does that tell you? I think Smash stopped the NK either by saving himself or saving you.

Care to respond to my rebuttal of your bullsh*t case? I'm waiting.

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I see what you're trying to do, which is the same thing Vic did.. Why r u so scummy?

Because Verbal is scum?

I say we have 3 options:

1. Lynch Verbal, because obvious scum is obvious.

2. Your suggestion of No Lynch

3. Lynch me to vet me and set up a WIFOM tonight where Verbal has to decide whether to kill you or Smash.

Of course, I'm strongly in favor of No. 1 and can go along with No. 2.

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Obvious scum? This is pathetic. You are obviously saying I'm the GF, right? Except if Pac is the symp as you suggest, how can there also be a GF? How many ******* games have been decided on a GF innocent result this year? 3? You really think it's happening again?


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Care to respond to my rebuttal of your bullsh*t case? I'm waiting.

Sorry, Verbal, but your rebuttal is bullsh*t. You've been scummy this entire game, weaving in and out of trouble while your minions in Nae, BG, and lastly Vic takes the fall.

Nice try.

AND, CTM and Smash, don't forget that Verbal was the one would tried to say my ROLE was psychiatrist (piggy backing off a CTM thought) rather than my NAME. He tried to tie that to a SK, but we know our names are not our roles, they only hint at them.

You're digging your own grave, Verbal.

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Obvious scum? This is pathetic. You are obviously saying I'm the GF, right? Except if Pac is the symp as you suggest, how can there also be a GF? How many ******* games have been decided on a GF innocent result this year? 3? You really think it's happening again?


Why so serious?

I don't know exactly what you are except scum. In order for the game dynamics to work with SO MANY rolled up townies, the scum team HAS TO BE rolled up. It's the only logical thing and it goes with my gut. You're powerful scum. The scum team needs that otherwise they'd be naked against so many powerful townies.

I don't know what is in Jack's head when making this game. CTM posted that Jack seemed against having a GF, but it would be kinda f'd up if the mod revealed such a scum dynamic while not saying anything about town.

Think about that. The mod is going to tell the game what the scum team has or doesn't have, but say nothing about the townie powers? That's almost as ridiculous as thinking the scum team has no powers except to NK. No one can be that dumb.

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Sorry, Verbal, but your rebuttal is bullsh*t. You've been scummy this entire game, weaving in and out of trouble while your minions in Nae, BG, and lastly Vic takes the fall.

Nice try.

AND, CTM and Smash, don't forget that Verbal was the one would tried to say my ROLE was psychiatrist (piggy backing off a CTM thought) rather than my NAME. He tried to tie that to a SK, but we know our names are not our roles, they only hint at them.

You're digging your own grave, Verbal.

Hahahaha - you are casing my questioning of your role/name back when you first said it? And you even acknowledge that it wasn't originally my thought? Is this what you're going to go with now? Hehe.

I've been scummy all game. Awesome piece of info to throw in. You come up with that one all by yourself?

Honestly, I had no idea you were going to go all-in like this. I assumed a hinting towards me, and the funny part was -- you weren't even who I thought was going to be scum. Hah! My theory was that CTM was the last scum, and the fight was staged. Had you suggested that, I would have been with you. But this? Sad.

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SMC - you still have not answered my original rebuttal. You said I posted after Vic in your casing...you said it twice, actually. I did not post after him. Explain yourself and stop avoiding it.

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CTM posted that Jack seemed against having a GF, but it would be kinda f'd up if the mod revealed such a scum dynamic while not saying anything about town.

Think about that. The mod is going to tell the game what the scum team has or doesn't have, but say nothing about the townie powers? That's almost as ridiculous as thinking the scum team has no powers except to NK. No one can be that dumb.

OMG, that was in a different thread. You are now linking threads that are not even part of this game? hehe...awesome.

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SMC - you still have not answered my original rebuttal. You said I posted after Vic in your casing...you said it twice, actually. I did not post after him. Explain yourself and stop avoiding it.

Stop being so angry. Rat in a trap?

You posted alot yesterday. You post (#2520) at 5:27 trying to make a case against Smash and talking about Pac for some reason. Vic posts his "investigation results" (#2523) 14 minutes later. You saying you left for the day never to return? Or were you hiding out in the QT trying to figure out what to do?

Give it a rest, Verbalscum.

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Stop being so angry. Rat in a trap?

You posted alot yesterday. You post (#2520) at 5:27 trying to make a case against Smash and talking about Pac for some reason. Vic posts his "investigation results" (#2523) 14 minutes later. You saying you left for the day never to return? Or were you hiding out in the QT trying to figure out what to do?

Give it a rest, Verbalscum.

I'm going to ignore the angry remark, as you are wayyyy too obvious there.

You still are avoiding it, hehe. You said I posted after Vic. I did not.

I was talking about Pac? Yeah, read the post - I was stuck on why he did what he did.

Are you trying to case me based on when I go home, now? Have I not made it quite obvious game after game about what time I leave work? My posts are consistently done around that time, and sometimes pick up again after I've gone home....hell, I've even said that before about posting again once I got home.

So "you posted a lot" is the answer you're going with?

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I was talking about Pac? Yeah, read the post - I was stuck on why he did what he did.

Verbal, nobody gave a sh*t at that point about what Pac did. It was old news. Why bring it up? It was trying to say something without saying it. You knew why Pac did it since he was your symp.

Again, you tried to do a 2-fer. You were laying the ground works for making a case against Smash and also trying to act astute in pondering what Pac did. Clever play on your part, but not so clever in the end.

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smash is the only one i trust, so i want to hear what he has to say,, I'm leaning in a direction, but it's tough.. gaming the mod versus play.. SMC's vote history looks cleaner then verbs, but not sure I buy verb is a godfather in a game with a symp

I believe that Pac was a symp, more I think about it.. I remember making a post about him pushing jc/smash or me all game (i.e. all power roles).. and just dismissing it as him being stupid. As a symp though it's perfect and fits with vic's agenda perfectly

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Verbal, nobody gave a sh*t at that point about what Pac did. It was old news. Why bring it up? It was trying to say something without saying it. You knew why Pac did it since he was your symp.

Again, you tried to do a 2-fer. You were laying the ground works for making a case against Smash and also trying to act astute in pondering what Pac did. Clever play on your part, but not so clever in the end.

Please stop. This is painful to watch. My post said exactly why I brought it up - it still bothered me. And you are the one that mentioned him being a potential symp.

Another lie - I knew Pac did it because he was my symp? Scum don't know who a symp is.

This is incredible - you just keep lobbing softballs at me to hit. What's next?

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