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Sacred Thrust Mafia - Official Game Thread


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But brilliant move by you to save Vic. I'll give you props - you are quite the underrated player. As Hess would say, slight homo. You, not me. Eww.

Only underrated to you my cross-eyed friend. Everyone around these parts knows how good I am.

I rule.

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Have SMC or BG ever lost a game that wasnt unbalanced?

How could I be so silly, everyone knows it's much better to lose the game and spend the next multiple games blaming someone else for it repeatedly right? But hey, don't let the fact that I was dead from day two on and pointed out numerous issues with the game from long before the scum team was even in bad shape nevermind actually losing a game. For someone who whines about mafia as much as you do, you sure do like to whine about other people whining about mafia.

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I'm sorry if this offends, but you really don't seem to understand mafia game balance. Coroner, while a town player, is pro-scum. They can be NKed, RBed, simply not believed, lyched, recruited -- there are countless ways to make that hard for town. A pro-town way is a mod-coroner. Vigs, while also town, can be neutral considering they shoot without mod confirmation. Case in point: CTM shot 2 townies.

Same for roleblocker - they could stop a Cop (like Ape did), stop a vig from shooting scum, stop the Doc from protecting -- also neutral. Just because their alignment is town does not make them a totally pro-town role. There is a difference there that you are failing to see.

Not to mention you underestimate the power of a symp. Pac saved Vic's a$$ and granted the scum team a free full phase - that kind of thing is almost as powerful as simply having another mafia member.

Ok, I'm done with the discussion as well. I've been playing mafia for 4 years now, and have modded a handful as well. In my opinion the game, while not perfectly balanced, was not as lopsided as scum would have us believe. Sorry, but it's just my opinion.

I agree 100% on the coroner, it's a benefit to the scum because it allows them to eliminate the results which would otherwise not be possible. However, I think people need to realize the fact that we killed the coroner on night 1 was pure luck, and with 3 different ways to stop our NKs had we not done that night one, we probably never would have had the chance again. It's existence in the game is definitely pro-scum, I would just disagree with any assessment that it offsets 4 town roles.

As far as vig and roleblocker go, those are town roles. Sure they could end up hurting the town, but that's completely at the discretion and fault of the person wielding the power. While I know you hate the godfather role, it's no different than the cop investigating the godfather, but it doesn't make the cop suddenly a pro-scum role (and actually in that case, it's not even the cop's own fault, unlike the vig or RB). The scum team has no control over those actions and the crappy decisions of those players doesn't change the fact that they could potentially be very powerful for the town.

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Yeah, they're pointing to some townie missteps but ignoring all of the really good plays town had

1) JC nabbing scum N1

2) JC nabbing Nae

3) You RB'ing vic

4) Jif partnering with me instead of scum/symp

5) Smash protecting me last night

6) Vig and Cop vetting smash

7) Town not lynching JC day 1 , or the other two times he was almost lynched

8) Jc investigating Verb the night he ended the day early

A lot of things went well too for town..

Only thing I'll say to this is do you notice a trend there? Of all of those 8 things you listed, 7 of them were night actions. So the town was certainly heavily aided in their very high number of roles. Despite what you'll hear from the guy who likes to whine about everyone else whining when he's not whining himself, this has nothing to do with my own personal situation, because hell I was pretty much useless in this game as it was. If the scum team won, it sure as hell wouldn't have been a personal victory, because I didn't do sh*t. I got myself investigated night one and that was the end of that. There's nothing about this game setup that had anything to do with that happening, so I have no reason to even take the slightest bit of issue with that, and I don't. It's just that the game was won during the night phases and only one team was actually able to do much of anything at night.

The way the game worked out is there was still a chance in the end, I'll concede that. The point is our potential victory was far too much out of our own hands in the game as a whole. We needed to count on you guys screwing up things we had no control over (which granted, did happen to some extent) in order to have a chance at a win. I think it's that principle more than anything that I disagree with, from a conceptual standpoint. Frankly, anyone that thinks I give that much of a sh*t really doesn't get it. Outside of enjoying to bust on SMC for the Thing game, I never even discuss this crap again after the post game wrap-up discussion and certainly don't argue with people over it in future game threads like some people.

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I enjoyed watching the game play out. I'm really glad I decided not to play this one, though. I hate "no-coroner report" games. Still, it was fun to watch y'all work around that.

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Ahh bleedin... I read the dead thread..... you were to busy whining to realize you won the game N1... I mean seriously... no coroner from day 2 on and the best the entire team could do was claim deputy :D

Vic had the right idea to be prepared .. A shutout was in your hands and you blew it

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If anyone cares to know where I was going with the EMT thing... I did say what in the scum thread but anyways... sort of like a busdriver role I think? Where I could whisk someone to safety each night by driving them away from the lawyers. I mentioned several times that my big red wagon was fully equipped with the latest technology... meaning whoever was riding around with me could use their action... just no one could touch them. -shrugs- I thought it was a good idea. Sorry only "deputy" lab tech was believable to you all.

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If anyone cares to know where I was going with the EMT thing... I did say what in the scum thread but anyways... sort of like a busdriver role I think? Where I could whisk someone to safety each night by driving them away from the lawyers. I mentioned several times that my big red wagon was fully equipped with the latest technology... meaning whoever was riding around with me could use their action... just no one could touch them. -shrugs- I thought it was a good idea. Sorry only "deputy" lab tech was believable to you all.

I scoff at everyone who believed that BS. Scoff, scoff, scoff. <_<

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Verb, CTM, Smash - nice job at the end there.

Smash - way to totally redeem the worst game ever as a doc. ;-)

Oh btw, read the dead thread....the Ape out did anything SMC has ever done in there from a "how everyone should be playing" perspective. Its really brilliant being that he blocked the Cop from having a guilty on scum.

Out-SMC'ing SMC was the goal you retard.

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Just an aside- I wasn't lying about RL stuff. I was getting effing HAMMERED prior to Logan being born with needing to get stuff. Honestly I even worked from home after his birth until my boss went on vacation. Which is why I'm able to breathe now. I stayed semi-active in the scum thread because I wanted to help out my team. Once Logan was born I wasn't active at all.

Anyways great game all. I never want to be scum again because I truly ******* blow at it. I can still pick people out when I need to though, sorry AVM!

Well. I guess I'm an idiot based on the dead thread. See you guys later.

Dont worry about it. Jeez.

Hess and Ape were killing me over and over again. Sour grapes bro. You think I care?

Dont sweat it.

Why is everyone so damn sensitive in these F'ing games. Its a game, who gives a **** what others think of your play or what they think of you.

No worries Vic Im an Idiot too LOL But Im a much Bigger Idiot :lol:

It's all good. Just needed to step away for a minute. I do take things seriously, I'm programmed that way. I like to be good at the things I do and when I'm not, I take an ego hit. Anyways, I realize I'm not the best at this game but I know I did my best.

Not all of us are built like you bro, I know I wish I was able to brush sh*t off like you do.

Regardless of my personal feelings about the game and all that other stuff I had fun.


Vic we PM'ed and I told you we tee'd off on you in the dead thread. The way it appeared to all of us was that you were using RL stuff as cover for inactivity before Logan was born. We already talked about this, my concern was people never believing your real life posts again. I like that you share your great news with us, don't like that when you do it in a game... I feel like you are lying scum.

Anyway, I think Smash got the worst of it in the dead thread. Its usually ME that does. Don't get bent over it, its all written with the presence of mind that you guys will read it, consider it friendly ball-busting.

Go enjoy some family time, and get ready to kill some cylons.

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You are good Vic...you're F'ing VicGod. You defended magnificently with a pretty big slip. You completely pulled the wool over my eyes...eventually it would have been obvious but you fooled a lot of us. Ape and Hess were in full on dick mode in that thread. Who cares? The Ape is by far the worst player this game has ever seen, his criticism of others is laughable. Hess got all emo and I'm not even sure why.

I get this there is emotion invested into this game, but at the end of the day if you had fun. Thats the F'ing purpose. I'm just getting annoyed of everyone pulling this sh*t. We all know what we signed up for...and I hate when we dont have the normal cast. I look forward and appreciate what each player brings to the table.

I never said Vic wasn't good at this game. On the contrary I said he's too good to be using RL stuff as cover for lurking as scum. I wasn't the only one that said it, that is what he appeared to be doing at points to those following the scum and game threads simultaneously.

Vic is an excellent player. He and I already chatted about the dead thread comments, and I've already explained my concern was that knowing Vic likes to share his personal life he was going to set a precedent that RL excuses were a scum tell for him. Anyway, he and I have no issue on this... so stop trying to make drama you frakking Sally.

I do appreciate the irony of being told I'm the worst player ever, by you.

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Always <3 Vic. It gave me a good break from the game that most likely I wasn't going to take otherwise. And, for the most part, I didn't read a LOT of what went on so that's probably best. I kept up on the dead thread, and I'd jump in to read the scum thread and JiF/CTM's thread (mostly to see which of them was going to accuse the other of lying :P) from time to time.

Sharrow went full out beast mode and didn't know it. Love it.

@Vic/BG...are you guys really not playing BSG?


I actually owe CTM thanks for killing me. I've been exhausted on mafia since the The Office game. No surprise my last 2 games since then have been sh*t-shows.

Who said Vic and BG weren't playing Battlestar? Come on guys... this is what happened to Goonies last year, you all signed up and then a bunch of you bailed. I promise it will be worth your time...

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lol.. there's so much funny stuff in the dead thread...

APe: Oh, and Jack don't worry about me over on DM... I didn't always play like "the Ape" it is a style that evolved here due to my propensity to mix it up with Pac, CTM, Slats and SMC, among others.

otherwise known as every vocal player

Hess: BTW this isn't why Scum is DOMINATING Town this game. Not when you got Hippy O'Stalin and Barney McMussolini roaming around shooting whoever the **** doesn't agree that they're confirmed townies b/c they said so. ******* wanking dicks. :)

Hahahaha, wait do you mean me?

That is what I think we were trying for...

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I'm some what tempted to see what that idiot is doing over at DM.

Nothing... I went there to get DPR and Doggin into the BSG game, and signed up for DPR's vampire game, but it hasn't started.

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Monkey... no more or less than the 8 ball saying yes or no, "damn good doctor", etc. Shove it up your pie hole my friend.

CTM came right out and blatantly revealed with "you kill me, you kill the town vig". That is one argument I've had with Jack the entire time. You only hated mine because I was scum.

By the way.. I was so damned "obvious" to you day one.. even though you find me clearly scum in EVERY SINGLE GAME IVE EVER PLAYED WITH YOU... then tell me how I was so obvious? Alot of you find me scum every damned game. This only makes my second time. Like I said.. a broken clock is still right twice a day.

Oh stop silly girl... I was trying to help my team from the dead.

Honestly, the only thing about Jack's setup that was a fail was the "no role ability reveals" component. The ambiguity around what was and was not technically a role ability reveal, made it a relatively unenforceable rule, that came down to interpretation and semantics. I didn't like it.

Otherwise I think he did a great job - AND apparently he likes me now. Whooobiddeeee doooooooo

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Always <3 Vic. It gave me a good break from the game that most likely I wasn't going to take otherwise. And, for the most part, I didn't read a LOT of what went on so that's probably best. I kept up on the dead thread, and I'd jump in to read the scum thread and JiF/CTM's thread (mostly to see which of them was going to accuse the other of lying :P) from time to time.

Sharrow went full out beast mode and didn't know it. Love it.

@Vic/BG...are you guys really not playing BSG?


I actually owe CTM thanks for killing me. I've been exhausted on mafia since the The Office game. No surprise my last 2 games since then have been sh*t-shows.

Who said Vic and BG weren't playing Battlestar? Come on guys... this is what happened to Goonies last year, you all signed up and then a bunch of you bailed. I promise it will be worth your time...

Missed this before, I think this was just a miscommunication. When I said I was "done" before I simply meant with the pointless debate over the balance (although that didn't really happen either :-P), nothing to do with playing any other games. I'll argue with you poopheads until I'm blue in the face, but I really don't take this crap all that seriously. Even if a debate gets heated at the time, I'm over it five minutes later. The way I figure it is it's a freakin message board, what point are we even all here if not for endless nonsensical argument and debate that we know we'll never change anyone's mind on but stubbornly try over and over anyway?

That said, BSG will definitely be my last game for a while. I honestly never even planned on playing this game, and maybe that played some into my frustrations with the game, but since it was Jack's first game modding and he was in need of more players to get this thing going I figured I'd jump in. Other than that, there's no frakin way I'm missing the BSG game, so I'm definitely in for that and will finally get a break in after that. While I've been making it work for now, I definitely can't keep this up with the new job, particularly since things are starting to pick up and I'm getting a heavier and heavier workload.

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I never said Vic wasn't good at this game. On the contrary I said he's too good to be using RL stuff as cover for lurking as scum. I wasn't the only one that said it, that is what he appeared to be doing at points to those following the scum and game threads simultaneously.

Vic is an excellent player. He and I already chatted about the dead thread comments, and I've already explained my concern was that knowing Vic likes to share his personal life he was going to set a precedent that RL excuses were a scum tell for him. Anyway, he and I have no issue on this... so stop trying to make drama you frakking Sally.

I do appreciate the irony of being told I'm the worst player ever, by you.

Oh, I'll just throw this out there now, I completely get why people may have felt that way but I can honestly say I did not feel that was the case. If you read the scum thread you can see Vic was legitimately not around a bunch and missed quite a bit of stuff, and was asking us to try to help fill him in. Everything he said was legitimate and I really don't think any of it was said for the purpose of a cover as scum, but much more to explain to everyone, town and scummates alike, why he wasn't going to around for parts of this game. Honestly, it's stuff like this why I hate the idea of looking to see who's viewing the thread, because all it takes is a quick jump in on your cell phone to take a look at it and then not leaving the page, and the board will show you viewing the thread for the next hour. Not to say some people haven't / won't use RL excuses as a scum defense, I just don't think that was the case this time.

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Vic we PM'ed and I told you we tee'd off on you in the dead thread. The way it appeared to all of us was that you were using RL stuff as cover for inactivity before Logan was born. We already talked about this, my concern was people never believing your real life posts again. I like that you share your great news with us, don't like that when you do it in a game... I feel like you are lying scum.

Anyway, I think Smash got the worst of it in the dead thread. Its usually ME that does. Don't get bent over it, its all written with the presence of mind that you guys will read it, consider it friendly ball-busting.

Go enjoy some family time, and get ready to kill some cylons.

It wasnt you dude I am totally fine with what you said. I'm sorry if it cam across like it was you I had an issue with. I just wanted to let everyone else know about my RL stuff. You and I are totally cool brother.

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Oh, I'll just throw this out there now, I completely get why people may have felt that way but I can honestly say I did not feel that was the case. If you read the scum thread you can see Vic was legitimately not around a bunch and missed quite a bit of stuff, and was asking us to try to help fill him in. Everything he said was legitimate and I really don't think any of it was said for the purpose of a cover as scum, but much more to explain to everyone, town and scummates alike, why he wasn't going to around for parts of this game. Honestly, it's stuff like this why I hate the idea of looking to see who's viewing the thread, because all it takes is a quick jump in on your cell phone to take a look at it and then not leaving the page, and the board will show you viewing the thread for the next hour. Not to say some people haven't / won't use RL excuses as a scum defense, I just don't think that was the case this time.

Thanks BG. This is ultimately it. And ape and I are totally cool, so let's not drag this out. I remember winning some games and people pissing and moaning about balance that ultimately robbed some of the joy of the win. JC, Smash, CTM, and verb were money in the end. We needed only one misstep and we win. That's a great performance by them and I applaud them and don't want the whole IT WAZENT BALANCED convo to take away from that.

Also- thanks Jack. I said it in our scum thread but I think in the end this game will be a great thing for future mods to take ideas from. You're a welcome addition to this board.

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Oh stop silly girl... I was trying to help my team from the dead.

Honestly, the only thing about Jack's setup that was a fail was the "no role ability reveals" component. The ambiguity around what was and was not technically a role ability reveal, made it a relatively unenforceable rule, that came down to interpretation and semantics. I didn't like it.

Otherwise I think he did a great job - AND apparently he likes me now. Whooobiddeeee doooooooo

You never answered my supposed scum tell?

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Oh, I'll just throw this out there now, I completely get why people may have felt that way but I can honestly say I did not feel that was the case. If you read the scum thread you can see Vic was legitimately not around a bunch and missed quite a bit of stuff, and was asking us to try to help fill him in. Everything he said was legitimate and I really don't think any of it was said for the purpose of a cover as scum, but much more to explain to everyone, town and scummates alike, why he wasn't going to around for parts of this game. Honestly, it's stuff like this why I hate the idea of looking to see who's viewing the thread, because all it takes is a quick jump in on your cell phone to take a look at it and then not leaving the page, and the board will show you viewing the thread for the next hour. Not to say some people haven't / won't use RL excuses as a scum defense, I just don't think that was the case this time.

Lol you know things are going to end badly when Nanootz is the most active scum member. :P

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I agree 100% on the coroner, it's a benefit to the scum because it allows them to eliminate the results which would otherwise not be possible. However, I think people need to realize the fact that we killed the coroner on night 1 was pure luck, and with 3 different ways to stop our NKs had we not done that night one, we probably never would have had the chance again. It's existence in the game is definitely pro-scum, I would just disagree with any assessment that it offsets 4 town roles.

As far as vig and roleblocker go, those are town roles. Sure they could end up hurting the town, but that's completely at the discretion and fault of the person wielding the power. While I know you hate the godfather role, it's no different than the cop investigating the godfather, but it doesn't make the cop suddenly a pro-scum role (and actually in that case, it's not even the cop's own fault, unlike the vig or RB). The scum team has no control over those actions and the crappy decisions of those players doesn't change the fact that they could potentially be very powerful for the town.

A vig and RB compared to a GF is apples & oranges Bleedin. The first two are active roles, while the last is passive. To me, passive roles are cheesy and allow the player to coast based on something they didn't have to do. The vig or RB though need to think about how their actions could backfire and hurt the town.... a GF never has to worry about that.

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Seriously I just scrolled through the last 5-6 pages and still don't see it. Hopefully scum won due to my overwhelming hatred for the nazi twins Chantarian and Jifup.

town won.. drive into incoming traffic

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