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Preston Howley III

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About Preston Howley III

  • Birthday 12/24/1965

Personal Info

  • Tell us a little bit about yourself...
    I'm Heterosexual
  • Where do you live?
    Spahn Ranch
  • What are your interests? Hobbies?
    Human Taxidermy j/k
  • What do you do for a living?
    I count other peoples money

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  1. Pink isn't well he stayed back at the hotel but they sent us along as a surrogate band
  2. Shedding off one more layer of skin Keeping one step ahead of the persecutor within
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tet60lfx1yI&mode=related&search=
  4. Max needs to put this excerpt of Lee Marvin on the frontpage, only edit out the word "army" and insert "internet". It could be a sort of user beware public service announcement to anyone contemplating MB registration.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPVgFTepHbw
  6. What you guys have done to me the past couple of days has really gotten me sick. I have a heart condition, have had triple bypass, two heart attacks and my only salvation is being a Patriot fan and enjoying these successful years, after having gone through a living Patriot hell for many, many years, since the very first day in 1960. I have worked for the Patriots, I have been a fan, I have organized road trips, since 1963, I founded the Patriots Fan Club Of Arizona 10 years ago, and I have dedicated myself to doing things for Patriot fans. And, I am far from being wealthy, in fact, I lost everything I have, my wife and I went broke 2 days ago, and I am struggling just to keep a roof over our heads and have food on the table, and then to have you guys do this to me on top of all of that. I was supposed to be in Foxboro today, and tomorrow, but had to cancel due to my troubles..and then to have all of you, many that dont even know me, to attack me in this unmeriless manner. you have cause my blood pressure to sky rocket, my pulse rate is out of sight, and my meds are not working.... I hgope the hell that yu are happy with what the hell you have done to me..... Was i perfect? Hell no, I wasnt, but some of you totally overrea cted to the i9nitial post that started all of this, apost that was made injest, and it said so at the bottom, yet some of yuused it as a catalyst to start a Bash Nem weekend, Well, I hope the hell you are lhappy with what you have done to me. All my life a Patriot fan, one who has dedicated myself to the fans, and all Pats fans, only to be ldone in by some of them. Ihope you are all ****ing happy with what you have done!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGaDlfDMjGE
  8. And PatsfanTX has not returned to JI. Can he make it a week? Whats the over/under?
  9. My theory is Smooch just kept Tex around to be a big enough pain in the *ss to force more people to pay for the VIP thingy. As I recall that was a big selling point And Patsie trolls cannot join, only Jets fans can join. Since it never translated into dollar signs, Tex has become an expendable part.
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