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Geno Smith On Not Playing


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After the Jets beat the Jaguars, Rex Ryan proclaimed, “We’re not willing to name a starting quarterback right now”.  That is good news for Geno Smith who didn’t play due to his ankle injury.  Geno said he found out he wouldn’t play on Friday and that he didn’t try to talk them out of their decision.  “I trust those guys, I trust my training staff, my coaches. They came up to that decision, so I went with it.”

Geno talked to the media and was asked if it is frustrating watching the game from the sidelines, “I wouldn’t say frustrating. Obviously as a player, I want to be out there. But as I said, you got to just listen to the coaches and the trainers. It’s just good to be out there in support of my guys. I think the offense did a tremendous job moving the ball. We ran the ball well. The offensive line protected well. Mark (Sanchez) did some great things in the pocket. The defense was their normal selves out there swarming. Next week, I’ll be out there. Just got to play it day-by-day.”

Geno Smith also gave an update on his ankle injury.

It’s doing a lot better. (It is) pretty much as close to 100 percent as it has felt over the past week. Today was a big step in progress for me, I was able to do a lot more in treatment. So I think it’s just getting better and it’s going to continue to get better.

Right now I’m feeling good, I’m just eager to get to next week and start things rolling.


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