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Greg McElroy Press Conference Transcript 4/30/11


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On Saturday Greg McElroy, a quarterback that the Jets selected in the seventh round, addressed the media.  Here is the  transcript courtesy of the Jets.

On being drafted by the Jets…

I was absolutely ecstatic. I can’t think of a better place to go. It’s an incredible opportunity to learn from one of the greatest young quarterbacks in the game right now and to also play for one of the greatest coaching staffs. It’s an incredible tradition and legacy. I’m proud to be able to continue it and try my best to make the Jets a better organization.

On transitioning to the NFL…

I think the most difficult part of the transition is getting acquainted with the speed, the terminology and the different types of offenses this team might play as opposed to what my college might play. In college, things are a little bit watered down and are significantly easier. I was fortunate to play in a system that is very similar to Rex Ryan’s. It’s very translatable from a defensive stand point. Hopefully the offense is translatable as well. It’s going to be a great learning experience for me that I can’t wait to take advantage of and learn from some of the best people in the football world.

On if any of the Jets coaches visited him…

I have met with them from time-to-time and at the combine. I also met with them at some point during the senior bowl. Quite frankly, (the Jets) were not a team on my radar. I hadn’t spent an incredible amount of time with them. It was very little and very minimum. I can’t tell you how happy I am. It’s such a great opportunity and such a great franchise. It’s something I can’t wait to be a part of and try to learn and grow as a football player.

On playing for the same franchise as Joe Namath…

It’s incredible. (Namath) is my dad’s favorite player of all time. The reason why I picked (the number) 12 at Alabama is because it was such a special number to (my dad). Having grown up watching Joe Namath and being a fan (makes this) really incredible. He’s someone I have always looked up to and had the upmost respect for. I can’t believe I’m going to be able to follow in the same footsteps that he did. Having the opportunity to play for the New York Jets is an absolute dream come true. I literally can’t think of a better place to go.

On if he has met Joe Namath…

I have. I met Joe Namath on several occasions at games in Alabama. When I committed to the University of Alabama, I received a voicemail from Joe congratulating me and tell me how proud he was of me. Just little things like that and how much of a positive influence he has been on my dad’s life. Just the fact that he has affected me through my dad is an incredible experience. Meeting him face-to-face for the first time was an unbelievable moment and something I haven’t forgotten. I just can’t believe that not only am I going to wear the same college uniform as Joe Namath, but I’ll have the opportunity to wear the same NFL uniform.

On when he first met Namath…

It was my freshman year. We were playing Ole Miss. It was October of 2006. We met indirectly over the phone when I was a senior in high school, but the relationship really hadn’t extended until summer of 2006.

On if he is physically fit…

Yes, I’m fine. The concussion was a bit of a freak incident. I just landed square on the side of my head. It was just the way I landed. Sometimes awkward situations happen like that, but the concussion was a fluke. It was my first one and I have never had any problems mentally or control-wise up until that point. I’ve hit my hand on the back of my helmet 1,000 times. This was the first time that I have ever experienced an injury. It’s a part of the game, but it was an unfortunate time for the injury to take place. At the same time, I was able to grow and face that adversity during one of the most important periods of my life, during the draft process. I think I’ve grown as a person and as a player because of the adversity I have faced.

On how Alabama prepared him for the NFL…

Quite frankly I have been in a professional organization for the past four years. When Coach Saban arrived he immediately made Alabama an NFL type atmosphere You’re expected to be punctually, you’re expected to be on time, you’re expected to bring a notepad to meetings, you’re expected to sit up straight, watch extra films, all the things that you are expected of in the NFL. It’s remarkable to learn from one of the best college coaches in the country and now be able to learn from one of the best NFL coaches in the country, whom happen to share the same defensive playbook. It should be kind of interesting. I’m sure I will recognize some blitzes that Coach Ryan will throw at me. It should be an incredible opportunity.

On his draft process…

They do dissect the measureables and the things that they can measure. Quite frankly there was nothing at the combine or at the meeting that can measure the size of the heart. That’s one thing I’ve always had work for me. I have always outworked everybody. I have always been able to accomplish everything I wanted to do at each and every level of my playing career. Being drafted was my goal going into the entire situation. It didn’t matter where I went as long as I went into a situation where I could be proud of and work for. Like I said earlier it could not have worked out any better for myself. And hopefully they will be happy with me once I arrive there.

On his senior season compared to junior…

I think I kind of shed that somewhat. I threw past almost 3000 yards (in my senior year), in just over 300 attempts. I think honestly my stats were different (because) I was asked to be more in the offense. I was asked to take to take it to a whole new level from the way I played. I was able to do that. I was able to make more explosive plays, throw more yards, have a much higher completion percentage. A 10 point difference from my senior year to my junior year. I went from 60.9 – 70.9 in one year’s time. I think that was a lot of confidence within my offense, confidence within myself, and ability to make plays. Confidence in the people around me. That was a great thing, a great turnaround for me. I went from a game manager to someone that I believe can take over a game if necessary. Unfortunately for me, in the offense I was asked to run in the University of Alabama I was seldom asked to take over a game. I was asked to make plays and minimize mistakes. I did everything I can to make the team win. In high school I was a spread offense guy so I threw for a million yards and touchdowns. My role changed when I got to college and I was ok with that. I adapted and made myself a better player because of the role I took on.



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