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with the upgrade to the lg position and rt position,the jets will earn an additional 2 wins this year year.no more revolving door to the qb and should open up bigger lanes for the rb's.

with the upgrade at nose,the jets might be able to stop the run insuring an additional 2 wins this year.

i beleive adding calvin pace was a safety net to upgrade the olb position if they decide to trade down in the draft or if their player is unavailable.this gamble will also place brian thomas back on the weak side where is did his damage 2 years ago.this was a smart move and could add 1 additional win this season.

what herm and bradway did during their reign was deplete the depth of this team.all win now players.tangini have way to many holes to fill and no way could get this team back in shape without quick upgrades,basically top/overpaid stop gaps untill they can get back the depth that herm discarded.maybe stop gap is the wrong choice of words.the next few drafts will be used to add depth to this team while using a pick each draft for an impact player.

also,hopefully fireman ed will return and add possibly another home win.stadium was very quiet lasy year and the 12th man totally disappeared.

with the additions in fa and possibly a weaker scedule,even without the draft,a 10 win season could be in site.just my 2cents

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