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Serby's Sunday Q & A with... Santonio Holmes


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Serby's Sunday Q & A with... Santonio Holmes

Last Updated:
12:09 PM, September 4, 2011
2:15 AM, September 4, 2011


Steve Serby caught up with Jets receiver Santonio Holmes for an unplugged rap session.
Q: Why will you be a good captain for this team?
A: The characteristics, you know ... leading my example ... being punctual ... always grinding it out to the last second ... never allowing anybody to take a break off.
Q: Describe your mentality on the field.
A: No holds barred. There’s not one chain, one bar, one handcuff that can keep me from playing this game. Like, if I’m on the field, it’s time. It’s time to go. And my attention to detail is probably at about 90-ish percent when I’m on the field, because I notice when I don’t things right, and even if I do, there’s something that I didn’t do right, that made it look good for everybody else.


Santonio Holmes

Q: So when you put the helmet on, tell me what you become.
A: It’s one of those forces that ... like it’s only one way to be stopped, and I will never give that secret away. I turn into a force that ... can only one thing can stop me. And I will walk away from the game with my held high before I would ever let anything keep me down.
Q: Why do you think you’re that way?
A: Because when you want to be great, you make no excuses. You don’t think twice. ... You do what’s right the first time.
Q: Would you say you have a killer instinct on the field?
A: More like a (smile) a deflating instinct.
Q: What do you mean?
A: Because with just the pinch of a pin, I can deflate you without using that kind of force.
Q: Psychological warfare, that kind of thing?
A: I’m going to get the job done, and you’re not going to like it, the way I get the job done. It’s really going to upset you. I won’t talk to you — unless you really talk back to me. ... I just kill ’em with kindness, on the field. That’s why I say the instinct of a pin. ... You can just poke the smallest hole in something and deflate it, without it even knowing.
Q: Why would that be your approach, to kill them with kindness?
A: Because it kind of gets the guys out of them game. Once you start talking to ’em in a totally different tone? Guys start thinking about you more than what they should be worried about.
Q: So you will talk to them ...
A: If they don’t talk to me the whole game, I won’t say nothing to them. I just beat them on the field. I just beat ’em. But when they start making comments, “Oh I knocked this pass down, you’re not catching any balls” ... I keep my mouth closed until the job is done and now I look back at you, you know, “Look at what just happened to you.” But killing them with kindness is I really don’t have to talk to them. I just get the job done and you’re really gonna be hurt, once the job is done.
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Didn't see this posted anywhere. A bit long...but one of the better interviews i've seen in a while. Enjoy.

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