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This Is It


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By Joe Brod

5-3. Tied for first place in the AFC East. This is what it’s all about.

Sunday night the New York Jets will play the New England Patriots for the 106th and quite possibly most important time in the 51-year history of this vicious rivalry. And no, it’s not because the all-time series is tied 52-52-1 coming in.

It’s because this could be the time the Jets turn the tables on the Pats’ near decade-long stranglehold on the division. This could be the moment the Jets transform themselves into the big kid on the block. This could be the starting point of our long dreamed about era of Jet dominance.

We, as a fan base, have been waiting for this opportunity for so long and it is so tantalizingly close. All I can say to Rex and the boys is “please! Please defy history and take us to the next level.”

I would love nothing more than to see these Jets take control of the division by rudely snatching it from the hands of Bill Belichick and Tom Brady. I can see the emotionless look on Mumbles face as he has to shake Rex’s hand and congratulate him for kicking his annoyingly arrogant a$$. I can see Brady mope his way off the field with his head hanging after the Jets defense physically brutalizes him for four quarters.

I want to hear Al Michaels have to snarl that the Jets are in first place all by themselves in the AFC East (am I the only one who notices that Michaels says the word “Jets” like it’s a curse word?) I want to see Rodney Harrison have to break down a Jets victory postgame.

I want to read Peter King’s 20/20 hindsight breakdown of the Jets run to the top of the division. I want to see all of the “experts” on ESPN who picked us to lose to the Bills this past Sunday have to explain how the Jets have taken control of the AFC East.

But most of all, I just want it to finally be our turn. I want the Jets to be THAT team for a while. I want the Jets to be the team that everybody hates and gets sick of because we’re always kicking everyone’s a$$.

Why not us? Who ever thought prior to 2001 that the Patriots would ever be a dominant team? The 49ers were a punch line up until 1981, as were the Steelers before the 1970s.

It’s about time that it’s the Jets turn. We’re a friggin’ New York team; we’ve got a huge head start on being hated already. We just need to finally be great on the field for a while!

And it all can start Sunday night. Sunday can be the launching pad.

Strap yourselves in Jets fans; this could be one hell of a ride!

Stop by our and tell us what you think about the NY Jets New England Patriots game.



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