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You cant make this sh*t up!!


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OK dropping by for my last time in 2011. I promise. Not that I'm giving up on the Jets season. I just think I'm gonna go out like a man on the front line with the rest of the team and not wimpering among the poltroons that have become the jet fan nucleus. Who knows I might experience another Monday Night Miracle or even another 2009 and I would hate to have to pass my story along to the younger generation with an asterisk.........like George W talking nam.

A couple characters that pop in my head to describe the jet faithful--- The dude, Stu from the hangover...um, that guy Daryl in coming to america (the Sam Jackson scene)......

OK anyway, this WAS a great day for Jet fans though, because schottenheimer was terrible (congrats again!) Here is something to really celebrate because it's classic:

1st drive= 53 yards, taking 5 minutes (4:43) resulting in a TD. Fast forward- 4th quarter, 5 minutes left, down by 6= SHOTGUN hurry up?????????????

If there was ever a time to abandon ship. It's now.

Lets get Norv Turner. Or bring back Mangini or Herm. How about Nick Saben? Ditka would be good! Maybe we could give Jack Del Rio a shot. or find another diamond on Bellicheks staff. Anyone's gotta be better than this bum. Maybe Lou Holtz will take another crack. Paterno's available...............


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