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Message to the deserters


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To all the jet fans who have quit on the team, the type of fans that kick the monopoly board over cause they landed on a hotel, the guys that have stated that this coaching staff and qb suck and they demand replacements (as ridiculous as that sounds), yet oddly still root for the fat accountant in the front office, go figure: Just saying. You have made your statement. You quit. You hate this team. So, when you are tickled by the fickle finger of fate this Sunday and the stars line up and this crappy team happens to back in the playoffs. Do them a favor and do the few homers who chose to go down with the ship a favor- skip the playoffs! lol Really thanks but no thanks Your message is heard loud and clear. I'm sure woody will take it into consideration. Until next year. Time to go boo Carmelo for a while and lobby for d'ntoni's job (someone who deserves it). If we squeak in, I'm sure its one and done anyway.

p.s. Picture this: Cleveland Browns hire a new coach and draft a QB next year. The end up ripping through the AFC to a game within the SB. All of a sudden the Browns are everywhere. They are in the SB talk. Year three, week 16, they are 8-7 still alive.....yet the Brown's fans are disgusted, because they are THE BROWNS and 8-7 is unacceptable . They proceed to lobby for this new coaches job and QB to be shipped out (despite stellar post season ply) Remember, the Browns! lmao How do those fans look??

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