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Live Chat With Conor Orr


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MikeVorkunov/Star-Ledger: Hey guys, glad to have everyone back for a Jets offseason live chat. Lots of stuff on the table, obviously, so we'll wait for some questions to build up in the queue and we'll get rolling.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:31 MikeVorkunov/Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: My bad, this is Conor by the way. Damn Vorkunov hijacked the user name.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:31 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: You can enter your comments below in the "send questions or comments" box and we'll get to 'em all.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:32 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From NickNick: ] Hey Conors, what players do you see the Jets asking to take a paycut this offseason? Holmes, Sanchez, Harris, Mangold?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:33 Nick

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Hey Nick, great question. Thanks for asking.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:33 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I'm not exactly sure right now, I think a large part of that will be determined after Idzik finishes his restructuring process with the salary cap. There are a few obvious moves to be made but after that anything is open.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:34 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Like we've said before, even with the obvious cuts there's going to have to be some other moves, like pay cuts, to get some better talent in the fold. The names you mentioned are certainly all good candidates.

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[Comment From GuestGuest: ] DO you agree that trading Cromartie is the better move?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:35 Guest

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[Comment From MikeMike: ] Do you think we should trade Cromartie instead of Revis?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:35 Mike

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Figure we get both of these out front since we don't want to miss a question.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:35 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I think that from a pure budgetary standpoint, trading Cromartie makes more sense. Cromartie simply costs more next season, and for a team looking to save face financially, you have to take that under consideration.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:37 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Revis, too, is a huge presence in that locker room. Not taking anything away from Cromartie, who did a lot inside that meeting room last year, but Revis is Revis. He does a lot of things behind the scenes that impact the team.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:37 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From MikeMike: ] I agree and hes coming off his best season his value will never be higher.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:37 Mike

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: There's that too. Cromartie was a true No. 1 cornerback this season. Although the passing stats against the Jets are slightly skewed, he did a heckuva job against some top-flight WRs when Revis went down.

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[Comment From are-teeare-tee: ] Conor, do you think the Jets will re-sign Keller? He's been their most prolific TE since Mickey Schuler, and we saw how much Sanchez suffered when he was out with injuries.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:38 are-tee

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I think they'll certainly make an effort, but it all comes down to what Keller is asking for.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:39 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: To your point, I did a story earlier in the season about how Keller was responsible, directly or indirectly, for something like 2/3 of the team's passing touchdowns. That's huge and will not be lost at the bargaining table.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:40 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: One more note on Keller: He absolutely does not want to be franchised (who does?) but that can also come into play.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:40 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From OzOz: ] Hi Conor, Are you surprised that Idzik hasn't really changed a single thing on the scouting/personnel side? I'm not sure how we are to expect anything will change when we have the same people evaluating talent. Thoughts ?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:40 Oz

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I'll say this: I'm a little surprised that he hasn't brought anyone with him, even a few scouts he trusts or admires. However, it's going to be tough for people to separate the Jets current front office and personnel staff with Tannenbaum, but it needs to be done. There were plenty of decisions made where their opinions were flat-out ignored.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:41 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Even though, as the saying goes, "success has many fathers" there were definitely some times when personnel did all the grunt work but they were simply overruled.

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[Comment From DanielDaniel: ] is Hester a goods fit for nyj?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:43 Daniel

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Well, he has said he's open to a trade, although I don't really see him as a necessity right now. He's under contract through this season and if the Jets have to trade a pick for him, I really don't see that as the right move now. Picks are gold for Idzik at this point.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:44 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From mo from brooklynmo from brooklyn: ] Do you think the jets have a shot at ed reed for a discount bec of rex because he alrrady won hid champoinship.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:45 mo from brooklyn

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: It's an interesting question, and Reed did say that he'd be amenable to playing for Rex Ryan. It would come down to a few things though: Reed's decision on whether or not to retire, what Idzik sees during his evaluation of the current roster, what Reed would cost and whether someone like Yeremiah Bell would come back on another 1-year next year.

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: We're not sure exactly what Idzik's true philosophy is going to be yet: he mentioned trades, draft and free agency in his opening presser, but I have to imagine the draft is going to be huge and if they can build on a younger safety, I think it makes much more sense.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:48 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From DanielDaniel: ] Can we afford to re-sign Landry?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:48 Daniel

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Another interesting question. If he's getting what he's looking for, I can't imagine the Jets will have that kind of flexibility.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:49 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Landry was out to prove he was healthy and he did. That will matter at the bargaining table.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:49 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From OzOz: ] Hi Conor, What do you think Rex have to do to keep his job after this season ? I know Idzik said there's no playoff manadate. But I think if he goes 9-7 and misses the playoffs, he's out.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:49 Oz

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I think that leaning on a specific record would be difficult. If I'm Idzik, what matters to me is this: Have the players tuned Rex out? Am I seeing progress when the team is fully healthy? Is there something that leads me to believe he wasn't a 2-hit wonder?

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: That being said, Rex's contract situation doesn't exactly help. Not making the playoffs with a year left on the deal would be tough. But, like I said, if I'm Idzik, progress trumps everything.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:52 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From DanielDaniel: ] do you buy Idzik's comments that he would hire Rex if he was looking for a coach? On one hand he needs to support Rex for at least one season, but on the other he didnt need to go as far as to say he would hire him if looking for a coach today.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:53 Daniel

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Hey Daniel, thanks for the question. I think that if coaches can put aside some of the bluster that comes with Rex, they'd see a coach on the open market that has been to two AFC Championship games in four seasons.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:54 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Meant GM there, sorry.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:54 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Anyway, he's got a way of galvanizing players and always has. The only danger is when he's tuned out. That will be key in Idzik's evaluation.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:54 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From ConnorConnor: ] What will the Jets do at RB? Will Greene be back?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:55 Connor

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: There's a chance that, with the relative weakness at the position in free agency and the fact that Greene has strung together two back to back 1,000-yard seasons that he might cost a little too much.

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Powell showed some spark last year and pairing him with a rookie -- it's a pretty solid draft class -- could be budget friendly and, ultimately, the better move.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:56 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From erinnerinn: ] Brand New or Taking Back Sunday

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:56 erinn

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Neither. Wilco for life.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:56 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From Paul from NJPaul from NJ: ] what's your take on the overwhelming negativity that the press seems to spin every development that comes out of the jets? while i get they have problems, is it any different that the problems in other nfl clubhouses? it seems like EVERYTHING they do is reported in a bad light. it's not only turning me off to those reporters and thier pubs, but the nfl as a whole. its not a good trend.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:57 Paul from NJ

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Hey Paul, interesting question. I can only speak for myself in saying that I do my best to provide an accurate account of what's going on but, knowing my fellow beat writers the way I do, I know that's their goal too.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:58 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: The problem sometimes can come out of over-coverage, though. Remember, the Jets were 24/7 on ESPN last year and the Network admitted to overstaying their welcome in Cortland. Will a fresh start change things? We'll see.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 12:59 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From MikeMike: ] What happens if Geno Smith falls to #9?

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Very interesting question. I think that's something that the offensive coaches will have to give a hard look at. Did they scout him during the season in 2012? Yes. Although a lot of NFL teams did, so it's hard to tell how enamored they were.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:00 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From ElliotElliot: ] What position or side of the ball do you see the Jets selecting with the 9th pick in the 2013 NFL Draft?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:01 Elliot

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Defense, but with a few caveats. If there's a QB they like that slips, I would be interested to see what happens. Also, if they decide that Brandon Moore isn't budget friendly, then Warmack from Alabama looks good as long as they don't mind taking a guard that high.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:02 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From mo from brooklynmo from brooklyn: ] Do you think demario davus is ready to be a starter if the jets dont bring back bart scott?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:02 mo from brooklyn

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Absolutely. He showed it last year. The new LBs coach will have that much of an easier job when he gets in place.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:03 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From DanielDaniel: ] Who do you predict the #1 RB is come week 1? Powell, Mcknight or a rookie draftee?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:04 Daniel

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I think Powell, definitely. Especially if they don't re-sign Greene.

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I think Powell, definitely. Especially if they don't re-sign Greene.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:04 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From are-teeare-tee: ] What do you think is the most likely way they'll address the QB position - Free agency (Matt Moore?) Trade (Matt Flynn?) or draft (???)

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:04 are-tee

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I think free agency or trade. They're going to need someone who can run a conventional offense that will push Sanchez hard this camp. Personally, I think Sanchez will get better under the new coordinator -- this based just on statistics -- but unless they're VERY high on a rookie, I think we see an established QB come to town.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:05 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From FrankFrank: ] Obvious moves are Cutting Pace, Bart, E.Smith, J.Smith. Who else do you see being a cap casualty? Maybe Po'uha?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:06 Frank

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: You're on the right track, for sure. The wildcard here is Idzik, though. This is his first massive roster evaluation as a head GM. We'll learn a lot about his philosophy in the coming weeks when we see who joins those players you mentioned.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:07 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From RobertRobert: ] How many books to you have?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:08 Robert

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: More than 200. I'm told I cannot keep them all unless I get clever with my re-decorating. But I'll be damned if I gotta toss my copy of Truman.

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1:09 spacer.gif

[Comment From NickNick: ] Is Braylon back? I think it's a no-brainer. Not too expensive and LOVES it here. Seems to have matured.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:09 Nick

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: It's funny, I was thinking about this the other day. He looked very strong on film over the last few games despite the circumstances and obviously he still has a rapport with Sanchez. I don't think that will be overlooked.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:10 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From OzOz: ] Hi Conor, It doesn't look like a great QB class, which is unfortunate when you have a top 10 pick. Do you see them reaching for a QB or going for best available ? With so many holes, I'd rather see them pick the best guy available.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:10 Oz

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I think you got it, Oz. Idzik isn't going to want to reach with his first pick as a GM. There's a lot of great value at DE/OLB around that spot, which is why a lot of people, including myself, are guessing that's a logical spot.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:11 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From DonDon: ] Conor, whats your take on some of the new coaches on the jets.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:11 Don

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: In talking to a few of you guys on Twitter after the staff to date was announced yesterday, it looks like the fans are at least moderately happy about this. Am I right?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:12 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: In my opinion, Rex got the right guy in Marty Mornhinweg if only because he turned Michael Vick into a 60 percent passer. If you're looking to keep Sanchez, that's huge. I've had a personnel guy tell me that Thurman can run a defense with 5 HS seniors, too, and that his scheme was in large part responsible for the strong finish without Revis.

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[Comment From RolandRoland: ] Have you seen the Flight 5 twitter fan polls? Interesting. Are you a fan of theirs? Cool show but you should win the best reporter.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:14 Roland

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I think a lot of the Jets bloggers and podcasters are excellent. Whenever I go on they have a lot to add to the conversation, which, at the end of the day, is the best part.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:15 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From DarshDarsh: ] Hey Conor, do you think Antonio Allen may be forced into a starting role this year? It's not really ideal, but the team has extremely limited resources to fill the safety spot, and he did see a decent number of snaps since he was able to blitz.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:15 Darsh

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I don't know if he'll be a starter, but I definitely think he can have a heavy role at the safety position. He's great off the edge and can stick with some of the faster tight ends if they need him too.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:16 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From ConnorConnor: ] The jets have said the offense will have a new look to it, which position do you think they try to get better at first?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:17 Connor

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Is everywhere an applicable answer? I mean, there's going to have to be at least one new QB, RB, WR brought in and there's more than likely going to be some shuffling at OL. I think QB is most important, though.

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[Comment From DanielDaniel: ] As a member of the media (and maybe as a jets fan idk) do you ever feel partially responsible for the "circus" created around the Jets?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:18 Daniel

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Personally, I don't. No. But I can see where that perception comes from.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:20 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From MikeMike: ] This is random but I would love to see this any possibility of wearing throwback jerseys this year specifically the Kelly green?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:20 Mike

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: That would be cool. When I first started on the beat I had a picture of Neil O in the kelly green throwbacks. Seeing what Nike has done with the unis, I could envision them going in a cool direction with those.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:21 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From bonozoffabonozoffa: ] what are the chances danny woodhead returns to the jets - assuming his replacements are already on the NE roster in ridley and vereen?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:22 bonozoffa

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Not sure about Woodhead. The thing is, he needs to go to a system that can use his strengths. One thing I will say, though, is that Mornhinweg's offense has designed check downs to backs on every single play. They're going to need someone with hands to come in.

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1:23 spacer.gif

[Comment From OBOB: ] Help me understand the Matt Moore love. He isn't a QB that can take a team to the Super Bowl so why would he be a guy the Jets want. In my humble opinion you look for the guy who is going to take you to the next level, not a journeyman that will get you back to 8-8. If this draft doesn't have that guy stick with Sanchez for this coming year.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:23 OB

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: For some reason, I'm in the Matt Moore camp too and I'm not sure why. He could be my "Brandon Inge" ala Mike Francesa. I watched a little bit of his isolated film the other day and there's a lot there that impresses me.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:25 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: That sounded a little cliche there. To expand, I consulted some of the advanced stats on him. He's got an excellent rating under pressure, like almost a 60 percent completion rate when blitzed.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:28 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From mo from brooklynmo from brooklyn: ] If you have a choice between flynn, alex smith or somene like a mike glennon who would you want? I think smith is better short term then flynn but flynn has more potental

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:29 mo from brooklyn

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: If I'm just picking between those three, I'm taking Glennon just because of the age. I'm more comfortable as a coach being able to mold someone then try to fit someone.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:30 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From RR: ] Aside from DeVito, what other of the Jets free agents do you think they would like to bring back? Thanks!

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: I think Bell at the right price and Landry at the right price, although the latter is difficult. Otherwise, Keller and Brandon Moore for sure.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:31 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From Coach TCoach T: ] Conor, can journalism ever lose with clear eyes and a full heart?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:32 Coach T

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Best question of the afternoon. And the answer is never.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:32 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From JohnJohn: ] To me winning begins with the offensive line. Do you think the Jets will address this unit with at least three new additions?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:32 John

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Mangold and Ferguson are a lock, obviously. I think they liked Austin Howard but will try and see how he stacks up against some players they bring in during camp. At least one new guard comes in, possibly two.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:33 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From RR: ] Thanks for taking the time to do this, Conor. Do the Jets really think that they can run Sanchez out there next September and not have the fans riot? I think many, myself included, don't care how well he plays in OTAs or during preseason, they are tired of the constant mental mistakes and turnover. They need to move on.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:34 R

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Well, it didn't help matters to have Tannenbaum admit as much. Tannenbaum was one of Sanchez's biggest fans when it came down to it. I understand the fan sentiment though and I think they'll brace for it. But I don't think it will play a huge factor in deciding what happens.

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[Comment From RR: ] Have you had a chance to see what RBs in the draft would best fit Morning Wig's [i'm spelling phonetically, I think] West Coast scheme? If so, who should be on the Jets radar? In what round do you think they take one? Thanks again!

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:35 R

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Haha, I wish I could spell Marty Mornhinweg that way! I keep it on Copy/Paste. Right off the bat, you look at someone like Ball from Wisconsin or Lacy from Alabama. Stepfan Taylor (Stanford) is a great receiver out of the backfield, too. That can never hurt.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:38 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: We're rounding out here, but I'll take any last questions before we go. Any takers?

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:38 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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[Comment From mo from brooklynmo from brooklyn: ] How about a passrusher like shuan phillips not coming off a great year but should have plenty left in the tank

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:39 mo from brooklyn

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Pass rusher needs to be a term synonymous with youth, in my opinion. And after the days of Pace and Thomas, I think the team will no doubt look to get more first and second year guys in there.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:40 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Alright gang, I think that about does it. As always, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter if you have any other questions. We'll try and do these a little more frequently.

Wednesday February 6, 2013 1:41 Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger

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Conor Orr/The Star-Ledger: Thanks for coming out!

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