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POTW - April 19, 2006


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There will be no more democracy in the POTW, the committee has spoken and it does not like Polish guys winning. Sorry Booze. ;)

Welcome to POTW, the always debated and much anticipated weekly thread. Nominations were light this week, but we had a fantastic, if shallow, pool for POTW.

This time is yet another first for POTW - we have co-champions. So, without further delay, congratulations to The Troll and Savage69 for their award winning posts:

Originally Posted by Smizzy

If the Ny jets draft reggie Bush @ #4...Ill change my username for an entire season and post under...."ReggieBushBangedMyMom"

Originally Posted by The Troll

So will I.

If the Jets draft Reggie Bush, I will post under the name ReggieBushBangedSmizzy'sMom for a whole year.

Originally Posted by Savage69

And I'll post under the name ReggieBushbangedSmizzywhenhisMomwentshopping:

Congratulation to The Nation's first co-POTW winners!

Other posts nominated and considered this week were:

Originally Posted by stormshadow19

And an ass that makes the ladies scream. Just ask around

Originally Posted by Maxman

A little noxema will clear those pimples right up. Then the girls won't scream. They may roll their eyes in disgust but they won't scream and leave.

No charge for this advice.


(Topic: Jets anyone remember that meaningless week 17 win?)

Originally Posted by TaborJet

I do.

What good did it do for us? We went from 3-12 to 4-12.


Originally Posted by Boozer76

I only quoted the first and last sentence for the sake of proving the major misconception of your post. You are thanking Herm for that win, but the bottom line is Herm had nothing to do with it. Herm had nothing to do with any of the wins we had under his tenure. We had a hell of a team at times while he was the coach, and he did NOTHING to help them reach their potential. I don't thank him for any win, and I certainly won't give him credit for that last one. Those players won a game on their own merits, just as they had done each time they ever won before. Herm did nothing to win games for the NY Jets while he was here. In fact he did more to lose games such as PIT, NE, BAL, PIT again, StL, and on and on and on.


Originally Posted by PatsFanTX

Nice try with the baiting tactic.

Unfortunately, Pats fans are much more intelligent than that.

Originally Posted by SouthernJet



Originally Posted by The Troll

Since when does college dominance equate to NFL dominance?

Originally Posted by PatsFanTX

You're right Troll.

What college players actually do on the football field means nothing.

You just have to find those work-out warriors who dominate the combine.

(Originally Posted by The Troll

Come on, TX, you know that isn't what I meant. This is the ****tiest POTW NOM ever. That was a PeterNorth-worthy job of twisting my words around.)


(Topic: What do we do at RB?)

Originally Posted by nvot9

What are we going to do at this position?

Originally Posted by PatsFanTX

(The Runner-up of the Week Sponsored by PatsFanTX)

Are you guys that friggn' greedy?

Don't you know you already have the 2004 NFL leading rusher as your RB?

Right Savage?


Originally Posted by Alk

Nothing, other than the fact that Flowtrain has a fence post directly up his ass because he refuses to take a side on any matter. But he says it so nicely that most of the 14 year olds think he's a freakin' genius.


(Topic: Official Team Site...)

Originally Posted by tonysxl1200c

At least they dumped the black background. One of my pet peeves is white text on a black background, it felt like it was burning an imprint of the page on my eyes!

Originally Posted by quietjets

Same here.... hate black background.. After reading some texts on it, I accidentially kissed my dad instead of my wife... F that.. I was no longer surfing that site again prior to today....

Of course this site still needs to improvise in some area.


Originally Posted by JetsFanInSec124

If we're ****ed up, you're to blame.

Love, your kids.

Teenage rules:

They're ****ed & boring.

Originally Posted by Alk

Yes, but is it our fault if they're a little on the feminine side and enjoy musicals?


(Topic: My piss smells like ham, but....)

Originally Posted by vinnys025

I havent eaten ham in ages......discuss

Originally Posted by PETROCK

I was wondering why you're smelling your pee.


Originally Posted by Green DNA

Hawk is about to hit the Poon lottery and he's getting married. What an idiot.


Originally Posted by GreenBeans

The other dude meant POTW NOM.

Originally Posted by GREENSMACKS

well for AJ POTW would me(an) poon of the week........


Originally Posted by Green DNA

Tyson strikes me as the type of person who shouldn't bother planning for his "Golden Years"


Originally Posted by Bob

Maybe down there in the concrete jungle. Up here in God's New York, we eat subs.

If you eat these guys, that's your business.


Originally Posted by Green DNA

I'll have a Wonder Woman on rye.


(Topic: Mission Impossible star Cruise vows to eat placenta after birth)

Originally Posted by Bugg

It will likely be the first female body part to come into contact with his mouth in some time. His own birth, possibly.


(Topic: Yanks sign Jesus Colome)

Originally Posted by Bugg

Now we got Jesus! You cannot stop Jesus; you can only hope to contain Him!


Originally Posted by Fred Jetstone

That "meaningless" game was one of my favorite Jet victories ever.

Bolly showed that belongs with the elite qb's of all time with that performance.

Originally Posted by Bugg

If only that cute girl in 6th grade had shown you some love, it would be a far better life than the one you currently lead.


Originally Posted by Bugg

(David Wells) to the 15-day DL..bruised voice box. Not much of a surprise. He might be done in Boston. Don't expect many managers to jump at the chance to put up with his nonsense.


(Topic: Just watched Brokeback Mountain)

Originally Posted by The Troll

If I wanted to see two Sodomite cowboys, I would have watched the CMT awards.


(Topic: Easter Sucks)

Originally Posted by The Troll

I love me some Christ, but I would prefer to sleep until 3 o'clock instead of getting up at 9 to eat steak while I'm hungover.


There you have it, the POTW. See y'all next time - same bean time, same green channel.


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