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First I want to say that I am a true die-hard Jets fan...always have been, always will be. I visit periodically every day - all day. Again, always have and always will.

I want to personally thank everyone who contributes to this message board. I can't get enough information on the Jets and you guys and gals are phenominal.

Now my take on what's going on:

1. Kendall - 100% agree with the stance the organization took. The fact that Kendall wanted to renegotiate 1-year into a new deal is an embarassment. Proud as can be that our philosophy is now "next guy up" with the expectation that they get it done and deliver victories. That's the sign that our FO gets it...and eventually all the bad apples will disappear and we'll have a rock solid group of guys. Good riddance Kendall.

2. Hard Practices - 100% support them. This ain't summer camp...you want that go play for Herm (can't tolerate 5-minutes of that guy)...

3. Leon - a star in the making. Dynamic. He and Jones will provide us with something to look forward to week in and week out. Great draft pick.

4. Chad - I'm worried. I am a Chad guy. He's class personified. Learned how to be a pro by watching Vinny, always a team-guy, prepared, says the right thing and tries his damnest. When he succeeds I'm happy. However, in my heart the pendulum is swinging. I think he can get it done. I just don't know if he can get it done enough to meet my new expectations. He lays a few more duds on me and I'm prepared to hunker down with Clemens and see what he's got (I don't love Oregon QB's so that's saying a lot).

5. Defense - We don't stop the run better and we're all going to be frustrated all year long. Love Mangini. Love his approach to defense. Love what we're building. Still think our run defense could cause us problems...and lots of headaches.

6. O-Line - I'm cool with giving Bender a shot. And I'm also a believer that our FO and coaching staff understand the value of a strong line and will get something done if they feel Bender & Co. aren't ready.

7. Coaching - Offense, Specials and Mangini give us a chance every week. We have enough playmakers to get stuff done (Rhodes, Vilma, T. Jones, Washington, Coles, Cotch, D'Brick, Mangold, etc.) and this staff is innovative and hungry. Notice I didn't add Sutton...he doesn't inspire me that much.

I'll be living and dying every week...just like you guys. But observing Chad and his tentativeness and inability to move, etc. is making me very nervous.

Tks again...all the info I get through JN keeps me going throughout the day. Great job. I'm looking forward to your reality check as well. Playoffs under this regim

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