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Damien Woody Live chat


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Hello everyone. Thanks for joining us for today's live chat with Jets offensive tackle Damien Woody. Damien will be with us to take your questions in just a few minutes ... thanks for all the questions so far, and keep sending them in.

Damien Woody, New York Jets

Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay, just got things wrapped up after practice. I'm ready to go!

Steven, NJ 05:18 PM ET

How has the team reacted to Mark Sanchez being annouced starting QB?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

Guys really took it in stride. Both Mark and Kellen, they were going toe to toe. When coach made the decision, it was just time to go. That was really the reaction from everyone.

Dennis, Garwood, NJ 05:20 PM ET

Is Mark Sanchez a better quaterback than you thought at first when the jets drafted him?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

I would say yes. I knew he was pretty good, but really, the guy is a better athlete than I thought he would be. He's also very accurate throwing the football. I've definitely been impressed with him.

Broc , Newport Beach, Ca 05:21 PM ET

Damien, you have played with Mark and you have played with Brett, what similarities do these two QB's share? How do they differ?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

I think it's very early to tell for Mark, he's so early in his career. The one glaring thing is that Brett takes many more chances. They both have strong arms, but Brett really takes chances with the football. Mark is really just going through his progressions, and taking what the defense will give him right now.

Matt Golden, Yakima, WA 05:23 PM ET

What is it like to play for Rex Ryan as opposed to Eric Mangini?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

Hi Matt. I would say Rex is more about having fun and is really more of a player's coach. Eric is more of a strict type coach. Rex has really listened to the players and welcomed input from the players, to make it that type of environment, so guys really enjoy coming to work.

Mike T, Rutgers University 05:26 PM ET

hey damien, i know your just as excited as I am for this season, how do you feel about this o line playing together for the second straight year? you guys were great last year, can we see even better performances this year?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

I feel great about us being together for the second straight year. It doesn't really happen too often in the NFL, guys are moving around so much. I really do expect us to be the best, if not one of the best, offensive lines in the NFL this year. I'm pretty pumped about that.

It's mostly a trust thing. I know what the other guys are thinking, and they know what I'm thinking. It's really about being in tune with each other. The line is often the tighest position on the team, in terms of how much time we spend together. We have a bond that maybe other positions don't quite have.

Brigodare, columbia, sc 05:28 PM ET

What is some of the obstacles that your team faces this year?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

I would say, probably that a young skill group in our QB and WRs. They are somewhat inexperienced. It will be something people are watching carefully. We're also in a tough division -- Miami, New England, and Buffalo is better. We have our work cut out for us this season.

Brian Vianueva, Detroit 05:30 PM ET

first off i just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work you put in Detroit, in your opinion which is the hardest position on the O-line to play? and who is the best player in the league at that position?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

Thank you Brian, I appreciate that.

That's a tough question. Each position has different things you have to deal with. Many will say left tackle, because you're protecting the QBs blind side. But I've also played center, and that's tough - you have a lot of responsibilities with the line calls, and keeping the line on the same page. You also have to worry about the big nose tackles. That can be difficult.

I think our guy is the best in the league -- Nick Mangold. He's the best young center, and probably the best, period. He does a great job of getting us on the same page.

David, Ireland 05:33 PM ET

Sup D-Dog. who is the toughest guy you ever blocked?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

Hi David. I would say a lot of guys early in my career, like John Randle, Warren Sapp, Ted Washington, those guys were probably the toughest guys I ever had to block. They were all different types of players, but all very good.

Bobby Bruno, Tallahassee 05:35 PM ET

Leon Washington has emerged as a superstar over the past few years. Is there something different about blocking for a runner that has the ability to make the moves Leon can make?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

It doesn't really change anything, but it makes it easier, because you dont' have to hold your blocks for long. He's so quick, he hits the hole so fast. He's not the biggest guy, he's hard to see behind us big linemen. All of a sudden he breaks free ... he's fast and elusive ... good luck to those guys who have to tackle him.

Jeremy, Boston 05:38 PM ET

Hello Mr Woody, what's up with so many Boston College Olineman in the NFL? Are you proud of your school for that?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

Hi Jeremy. I am actually. The one thing about BC is that they run a pro style offense. And two, since we played in cold weather, the coaches did a good job of running the ball and grooming linemen for the NFL. I am proud of that.

Spencer, New York 05:39 PM ET

The staff at NFL.com hasn't given you guys a lot of credit this year, as their yearly predictions indicate. The best prediction was a 9-7 record in second place, with all other predictions has you guys slated 3rd or 4th in the AFC east. What do you think they are not seeing that you guys do?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

The main thing they're probably looking at is our QB situation. Our QBs and our WRs. That's probably what they're basing it on -- a rookie QB and some inexperience at receiver. But we know what we have, and we feel good about our plan and how we're going to go about winning football games.

Luke , New Jersey 05:42 PM ET

Hey DW who is the funniest guy on the team? PLEASE TELL!!! Also good luck this year hope you do well.

Damien Woody, New York Jets

Hey Luke. Wow! I would have to say it's Thomas Jones. He's always holding court. He never stops.

antwan, colorado 05:42 PM ET

how much do you think vernon gholston can improve on this year from last year?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

I think he can improve a lot. Number one, the system is going to be adventageous for him. It will allow him to not think as much and go play. Do what he does best, and go after the QB. Two, it's his second year in the NFL. Usually, the game slows down for guys in their second year. I would expect a lot of improvement from Gholston.

jim, las vegas 05:44 PM ET

What player on the jets might surprise people this up coming season?

Damien Woody, New York Jets

Hi Jim. We have a few guys who can make an impact. I think Jamal Westerman, a rookie who I think can be a really good player. He's an outside linebacker/defensive end. I've seen a lot of improvement from the time he got here until now. He's pretty explosive. He's really been taking the coaching and you're seeing his game come around. If he gets the opportunity, which I think he will, he can do some things.

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