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Post Practice Chat With Rich Cimini


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Chat with Rich Cimini





Welcome to SportsNation! On Wednesday, ESPNNewYork.com writer Rich Cimini stops by to chat about the Jets.



Cimini, longtime Jets beat writer for the New York Daily News and a Syracuse University graduate, covers the Jets for ESPNNewYork.com.



Send your questions now and join Cimini Wednesday at 3 p.m. ET!



More Rich Cimini: Search | ESPNNewYork.com | Chats | Blog | @RichCimini






Rich Cimini


  (3:06 PM)





Greetings, all. Sorry so late but having some multi-media demands today. let's go.




Brandon (West Virginia) [via mobile]





What do you expect will be the decisive statistic that will finalize a starting QB at the end of training camp?



Rich Cimini


  (3:07 PM)





I'm sure stats will be a factor, but ultimately it'll come down to a gut feeling. if the coaches feel comfortable with Geno, if they believe he can grasp the offense, he'll get the job. It's all on Geno.




Davis (Boston)





Are the reports of Geno Smith being out of shape true?



Rich Cimini


  (3:09 PM)





Rex Ryan denied that. I talked to some people about it. My sense is that Geno isn't as conditioned as Sanchez, who trains hard as anybody in the offseason, but by no means is he out of shape.




Jeremy (nj) [via mobile]





Wouldn't developing a rookie qb help rex keep his job? Starting geno and keeping rex would allow for continuity and thus help geno develop.



Rich Cimini


  (3:10 PM)





It's an interesting question, Jeremy, but ultimately it'll be wins and losses. If they go 5-11 with Geno, it won't help him much. Rex has nothing to do with the offense. Mornhinweg would have more to do with the continuity factor.




Mike (NYC)





When are the first series of cuts? And how many players get cut?



Rich Cimini


  (3:11 PM)





Not until after the 3rd preseason game. I think it's 15 or 20 players.




Miguelle Ithier (New York )





From what I've heard from Cartland the past couple of days it seems as if Geno Smith is leading the qb race so far. I've said from the beginning Geno will start because Sanchez can't stop turning the ball over. From what you have seen from Geno and Mark who do you think will win the starting job? And also how is the body language towards mark or geno.



Rich Cimini


  (3:12 PM)





Smith has looked better, no doubt. Let's see what he can do in games. I thought Mark would win as we went into camp. I'm not ready to change that yet, but I'm not as convinced.




Pat (New York)





Hey Rich, What can we expect from Dee Milliner this season?



Rich Cimini


  (3:13 PM)





The Jets expect him to start, but it won't happen overnight. He's still very limited right now.




jeff (ny)





rich am i naive to think the jets D can get back to their dominate ways or are there too many "what if" players? do you think they need a year to play together or can they surprise some people like the seahawks last year?



Rich Cimini


  (3:14 PM)





I think they could be a top-10 defense, but I don't see them as dominant. They need a pass rusher to emerge.




Scott (Connecticut)





Rich. Thanks for the great coverage. Your initial impressions on Sheldon Richardson in pads. I know he sat out today, but does he seem to have that quick burst off the line the Jets felt when they drafted him?



Rich Cimini


  (3:16 PM)





Thanks, Scott. yes, he has a quick first step. He's really a one-gap player playing in a two-gap defense. I wonder how he'll hold up against the run. He's not in the nickel package, as of yet, which I find curious. If you're gonna draft a DLM 13th, he'd better be able to rush the QB.




Anthony (Lower East Side)





Hey Rich - Hope you're enjoying Cortland and have indulged in some fish fry! Anyways, compared to years past, how would you rate the offense this early in camp? Do they look lost or do they seem to understand Marty's offense? Also, do you think Clyde Gates performance is legit? Thanks for your time!



Rich Cimini


  (3:17 PM)





Yes, Anthony, I hit Doug's FF yesterday. Highly recommend it for visitors to Cortland. Offense looks better than last year at this time. It's more organized, fewer big mistakes, better coaches, plain and simple.




Miguelle Ithier (New York )





From what I've heard from Cartland the past couple of days it seems as if Geno Smith is leading the qb race so far. I've said from the beginning Geno will start because Sanchez can't stop turning the ball over. From what you have seen from Geno and Mark who do you think will win the starting job? And also how is the body language towards mark or geno.



Rich Cimini


  (3:17 PM)





It's too early to make a prediction, but let me say thing: If it keeps going in this direction, it'll be Geno.




Vin (Stony brook)





Hey man, love your opinions for the jets, don't always agree but your honest, that counts. My question is as of now how can you see each rookie contributing to this season. For a bonus how's Antonio Allen look??



Rich Cimini


  (3:19 PM)





Thanks, Vin. Go Stony Brook! Allen is working with the starters. Looks ok, not great. I expect Milliner and Richardson to start. Smith and Winters will be eventual starters, maybe soon.




Moyask (Mexico)





What happened with Sheldon Richardson?



Rich Cimini


  (3:19 PM)





He has a toothache. I'm serious.




Scott (Connecticut)





Rich. I have read some interesting pieces on Geno Smith from national commentators. Brian Baldinger labeled him as being out of shape and Pete Prisco said he hasn't looked good early in camp. Seems the review from you and the other beat writers are contrary. Not that you make him out to be the second coming, but it seems from all of your pieces that he is having a pretty good camp so far (with the exception of today). Just curious on your impressions of him and whether he looks as bad as Baldinger and Prisco indicate. Thanks



Rich Cimini


  (3:20 PM)





I don't care what other people say. I go by what I see and what I hear from people who know. He has looked good.









With Eric Berry out for the season, does it really make sense to put Wilson at safety? With a healthy Berry I understand, but now I would think he has to be our #3 CB?



Rich Cimini


  (3:21 PM)





Good question, DMB. I don't think Wilson will play safety in the base. Actually, I don't think he'll be a safety at all. He'll be a CB playing where a safety might line up in the sub packages. I guess it's semantics.




Sean (Bergen)





Do you see the coples transition to OLB working out like the jets hope?



Rich Cimini


  (3:21 PM)





Going slowly so far, but that's to be expected.




Moyask (Mexico)





Is Sheldon Richardson looking like the best player on Defense? Thats what it looks like form reading the reports



Rich Cimini


  (3:22 PM)





Best player on defense? I don't think so.




Matt (Madison)





Hi Rich,As always, great job. With Holmes' return date looking totally up in the air, have any of the young WR made an impression?(I'm pulling for Zach Rodgers)



Rich Cimini


  (3:23 PM)





Thanks, Matt. Rodgers hasn't jumped out. Gates and Hill have stood out, even Spadola.




Gary (York, Pa)





Good Afternoon, Any educated guess on what's going on with Goodson?



Rich Cimini


  (3:24 PM)





Yes, I do have some thoughts, but nothing I can share publicly. I can tell you this: They have no idea when or if he'll be back, but they're hopeful.




Landolof (CT)





I'm sure the RB injuries had some effect, but in terms of the offensive strategy, are we seeing a lot more aggressive passing than in the past? Is ground and pound finally gone?



Rich Cimini


  (3:25 PM)





Fair question. Mornhinweg is a pass-oriented coach, but he'd better run the ball close to 50%. Can't rely on this passing game.




Bill H (Hoboken)





Rich... Braylon seems to play well with the Jets, at least he did in 2009 and 2010. Do you think part of that was an inner competetiveness vs Holmes to be a #1 WR? He recently said he wants to be a starter. If he gives 100% - and stays healthy - hopefully that type of competion will breed production. Thanks Rich!



Rich Cimini


  (3:26 PM)





Braylon doesn't have the separation ability he once did, but he's a big target and knows how to use his body to shield defenders. He could be a factor in the red zone, but I wouldn't expect him to catch 60 balls for 1000 yds.




IRA (Staten Island)





Rich, I think Winters will start opening day already he is taking reps with the first team. Thoughts?



Rich Cimini


  (3:27 PM)





Actually, Ira, he was in today because Peterman has a shoulder injury. But I think Winters will start at some point.




Bill H (Hoboken)





Hi Rich... was not resigning B. Moore more of a house cleaning/fresh start type of move by Idzik? Or is Moore more beat up than we thought? Given that they paid two vets like Colon and Peterman, from a continuity standpoint, why not resign Moore to hold down the fort? Thanks Rich!



Rich Cimini


  (3:28 PM)





Moore doesn't want to take a minimum salary and I don't blame him. If the Jets did make him an offer, I'm guessing it was for the minimum. I still think he can play.




V. Sassoon (Manhattan)





Hi Rich, any chance Idzik fires Rex during the season if things are going poorly or there are issue up top? Do you think Woody would let him if it made sense?



Rich Cimini


  (3:29 PM)





Don't see that happening at all.




Jack (Denton, TX)





Hi Rich,I've noticed a lot of Jets fans posting that they expect the Jets to win 10 to 12 games this season. Personally, I don't think they get close to those figures. Am I crazy?



Rich Cimini


  (3:29 PM)





You're not crazy.




Bob (London)





Hey Rich,Really enjoying all the updates from Cortland. Pat Kirwan reported this week that Greg McElroy was outperforming both Smith and Sanchez at camp- is this consistent with what you've seen or is it just a red herring?



Rich Cimini


  (3:30 PM)





I have not seen or heard that at all.




Geoff (Hoboken, nj)





Hi Rich. Who has been the biggest surprise of camp thus far? Who has been the biggest disappointment? Any undrafted free agents making a name for themselves?



Rich Cimini


  (3:31 PM)





Biggest surprise -- young WRs like Hill, Gates stepping up. Biggest disappointment -- lack of bodies at RB.




Steve (NJ)





Rich, as always thank you for the good work! From your vantage point, does it appear that Geno Smith's conditioning is an issue? I'm not sure how much weight someone should put into "gassers" at the end of practice. I remember going to Hempstead in 1998 and players seemed to be jogging, as opposed to sprinting, during the "gassers" portion of practice...and that was with Bill Parcells at the helm. In my layman's opinion, a true test of a player's conditioning is there performance during the duration of the practice session (i.e. sprinting out of the huddle, mannerisms between plays, etc.).



Rich Cimini


  (3:32 PM)





This is what I'm told: Geno is not in bad shape. Is he in awesome shape? No, but he'll work his way into game shape.




FIRE REX (Fieldchatter)





Hi Rich, Is Rex Ryan awake with this wildcat stuff? Is he the only person alive that didn't see it mess with momentum last season? I thought he was going to stay far away from the offense this season?



Rich Cimini


  (3:33 PM)





It messed with momentum because the plays were duds. He thinks he'll get more production out of it with Kerley, Powell, and with Geno running the read-option.









Other than Ryan Spadola, Hill, and Kerley what receivers do you think are a safe bet to make the roster ?



Rich Cimini


  (3:34 PM)





Spadola is not a safe bet. I'd say it's Kerley, Hill, Gates, Holmes (if healthy) and somebody else.




pj (midlo)





is Ivory in your mind that much better than Shonn Greene. any RB at NO seems to get benefit of a defense scheming to take away Brees and passing game so not surprised to see some RBs there with 5 ypa



Rich Cimini


  (3:34 PM)





I honestly don't know, pj. Ivory hasn't been on the field yet.









How was McIntyre looked so far? I feel he has the potential to be the best outside rusher on the roster.



Rich Cimini


  (3:34 PM)





I don't know about that, but he has flashed.









It seemed that Berry was in the running for dime back, who do you think is involved in the competition? Lankster, Trufant and Fletcher?



Rich Cimini


  (3:35 PM)





Lankster not having a good camp. I'd say trufant and Darrin Walls are leading for the 4th CB.




Paulie (NY)





Rich, I enjoy your updates on the Jets minicamp and the position battles, but any update on Demario Davis? How is he adjusting to the starting MLB position? Is he better at dropping off into coverage than Scott or Harris?



Rich Cimini


  (3:36 PM)





Yeah, he can run. I prefer to evaluate LBs once they do actual tackling.




Junior (NY)





Rich, a little off topic, but why is Kerry Rhodes still unemployed. He had a pro bowl level year last year. Does it have something to do with the rumors of him with another man named Hollywood?



Rich Cimini


  (3:36 PM)





Great question. Don't have an answer, other than his asking price probably is high.




Amanda (Sullivan county, ny)





Do you think John griffin will make the team? Been seeing that he has shown flashes of speed at camp, as well as some good blocking skills



Rich Cimini


  (3:37 PM)





The coaches like Griffin. He has good vision, finds holes. He has a chance.




Amanda (Sullivan county, ny)





How does Braylon look so far?



Rich Cimini


  (3:37 PM)









Salvatore (NY)





Rich, I had to laugh at Rex's comment about Clowney. If they were to end up with the Number 1 overall pick next year, do you think they would pass on a sure thing like him. That would be 4 1st round picks on d-lineman in 5 years though.



Rich Cimini


  (3:38 PM)





Good point, but you don't pass on a potentially great player.




Sil (NY)





Rich, how has Stephen Hill looked? Does he still have the case of the drops?



Rich Cimini


  (3:39 PM)





Dropped a long pass today, but he has looked good otherwise. More mature, better routes. Looking forward to seeing him in a game.




JP91 (Babylon, NY)





So close to some real football!!! ... Is Dee Milliner fully healthy with no restraints? Or, maybe the better question is: Will he be fully healthy with no restraints come Sept. 8th?



Rich Cimini


  (3:39 PM)





Yes, he'll be ready by Week 1, barring a setback.




Mr. E (youdontknowfootball.com)





Any chance Idzik tries to make another low-cost trade for an under the radar role player similar to the Ivory deal? ...or will he just wait to upgrade through waiver claims?



Rich Cimini


  (3:39 PM)





I wouldn't rule out anything. And I mean anything.




Amanda (Sullivan county, ny)





What do you think the missing piece is for the jets to be a contender. Can you name just one?!



Rich Cimini


  (3:40 PM)





Alas, I can't name just one. Sorry, Amanda.




JP91 (Babylon, NY)





How much of an improvement will the O-line be on the running game this season? Do you think guys like Willie Colon and Brian Winters can make a big difference from last year?



Rich Cimini


  (3:41 PM)





Colon looks good. I think he'll be a positive factor, especially in the run game, if he can stay healthy. Haven't seen enough of Winters yet.




Jerod (North Country)





Hi Rich - In your opinion, what is one thing that Jets fans should be excited about for the upcoming year? And, how about one thing thing that will make for a long year? We're headed out to Cortland for a day of camp later this week, so I hope you don't mind one more question: Where's the best place to eat? Thanks so much!



Rich Cimini


  (3:42 PM)





You can be excited about the defense. It'll be fun to watch. Long year if the QB play doesn't improve. Places to eat in Cortland: Dougs, Hairy Tonys and Fabios.




rafy (Freehold, NJ)





What's your view of the TE situation? Has Hayden Smith continued to play as well as he did in OTAs? Do any of the rookie FAs have a chance to make it?



Rich Cimini


  (3:43 PM)





Smith has faded a bit. Right now, the TE situation is a jumbled mess.




Jay (Woodbridge, NJ)





How are special teams units doing since Westhoff left?



Rich Cimini


  (3:43 PM)





Less cursing on the field.



Rich Cimini


  (3:44 PM)





Sorry, folks, but I'm out of time. Gotta get back to work here in Cortland. If you see me around town, stop over and say hello. Thanks for the questions. Take care. Rich

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