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MMQ : King - 10 Things i Think i Think ~ ~ ~


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1. I think this is what I liked about Week 9  :

~ ~ 3. I think I had no clue an excellent writer, Nicholas Dawidoff, shadowed the New York Jets for an entire season, 2011, and was free to write a book about it. That book is due out later this month (odd the book comes out 22-plus months after the season ends), and it’s called, Collision Low Crossers: A Year Inside the Turbulent World of NFL Football. (Turns out that “collision low crossers’’ is a phrase some Jets coaches used to describe the five-yard bump zone beyond the line of scrimmage, where defenders could legally hit offensive players.) Men’s Journal excerpted the book this month. This chunk, about the tension between Brian Schottenheimer’s offense and Mike Pettine’s defense, was interesting  :

“On the Jets, where the defense was not only tough but original, there was the growing feeling that Schottenheimer and his offensive players were holding the team back from winning a championship. The previous year, the Jets had begun their season with a game against the Ravens and lost, 10-9. The Jets offense was one for 11 on third down and secured a franchise-low six first downs. The game had been personal to the former Ravens coaches on the defense, and before it they had given Schottenheimer many suggestions regarding the Ravens players they used to coach. None were taken. Afterward, Pettine was so upset he could barely speak. ‘We knew them,’ he kept repeating. The defense’s superior attitude, Pettine knew, ‘chaps some asses across the hall,’ but this was the way football teams worked. He liked Schottenheimer, considered him ‘a great, great guy,’ and he knew that with a young, shaky quarterback and such an accomplished defense, ‘Schotty’s in a tough spot.’ If Pettine had been the head coach, he would have sought Schotty out, tried to help. Pettine hoped someday to be a head coach. But now he was the defensive coordinator, and ‘I never want to farm somebody else’s land. That’s how you get in trouble.’ ‘’

The book sounds like it digs into the real game.

> http://mmqb.si.com/2013/11/04/gary-k...quarterback/6/

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