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'Professor Cope': NFL linebacker's offseason job? Teaching 'Life 101'


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PHILADELPHIA -- When Brandon Copeland steps in the classroom at the University of Pennsylvania, he isn't viewed as a New York Jets linebacker heading to free agency next month. He isn't seen as a Wharton graduate returning to his alma mater.

In front of these 30 students, he is something else.

He is Professor Cope.


This is a first for the 27-year-old and a rarity for an active NFL player. From 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. every Monday, Copeland works at the offseason job: co-professor of URBS 140, Inequity and Empowerment, Urban Financial Literacy along with Dr. Brian Peterson, the director of Makku, Penn's Black Cultural Center.



super long so adding link if you want to read whole thing

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