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Some reasons why I feel Kellen Clemens deserves to be the Starter


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Chemestry, chemesty, chemestry and more chemesty is extremely important for a Quarterback to be succesfull in todays NFL.

It's so important for a QB to feel comfortable behind his starting offensive line, its really important for a young Quarterback to have a feel for his WR's (Coles, Cotchery and Baker), Be on the same page as the Offensive coordinator, have a mutual understanding with the head coach and also be on the same page as the teams starting runningback. I honestly feel that Kellen Clemens had none of the above as the starting Quarterback for the New York Jets last season.

Last year Chad was the starting Quarterback for the New York Jets, Pennington was the quarterback who was getting the starting reps with the starters during training camp, Chad Pennington was the player who was going up against opposing defenses starters during preseason and Chad Pennington was also the Qb who was gaining much needed chemestry for the tough season ahead during the summer with players such as Mangold, Ferguson, Moore, Baker, Thomas Jones, Brad Smith, Coles and Cotchery along with Martys Boy calling the plays.

Last year Kellen was simply thrown into the fire as a 2nd year player, 1st year starter, pretty much a rookie in my eyes. Not only was Kellen thrown into the fire, but Kellen was thrown into the fire with an O-Line that was arguibly one of the worst O-Lines in the league last year with Montgomery starting at LG, which is a position thats extremely important in terms of creating running lanes for Thomas Jones and Leon Washington, Lets not forget that Clement was Kellens starting RT, which is a position thats known for protecting the quarterback in obvious passing situations. Mangold and Ferguson have alot of talent and potential, but at the same time they were both only 2nd year starters and Thomas Jones was in his 1st year as the Jets running back. Some may agree, some may agree to disagree, I'm sorry... But the odds were stacked against Kellen to be a Pro Bowl type of QB.

I'm looking forward to Kellen Clemens building the much needed chemesty inorder to be a succesfull Quarterback this summer by working with players such as Coles, Cotchery, Brad Smith, Baker, Thomas Jones, Leon Washington and maybe even McFadden.

I'm also looking foward to Kellen Clemens feeling comfortable in the pocket with a much improved O-Line that includes two three year starters in Ferguson and Mangold along with a proven veteran in Alan Faneca who has been a 7 time pro bowler with the Steelers, a RT in Woody who has also been to the pro bowl as well as being a starter on a Patriots SB winning team with a RG in Moore who has blocked for a rushing champion, in Curtis Martin when he was the NFL's leading rusher.

And yes, Im also looking foward to watching Kellen under Center, as a 3rd year pro, 2nd year starter, playing behind a much improved O-Line while having a better understanding for Mangini and Martys boy. I look for Kellen to have a great season and learn from his mistakes from last season.

I also believe in a player adapting to the speed of the game. This year Kellen will understand what it takes to win IN THE NFL after playing behind an Offensive Line that couldnt block, an offensive line that couldnt create holes for Thomas Jones, and an Offensive line that completely died in the red zone.

Why would anyone want Pennington as the Jets starting QB? When Chad has already had his chance behind some solid O-Lines and a running back named Curtis Martin, Why slow down the progression of a young QB who was drafted as the "Most ready" QB 3 years ago for a QB who cant even make all the throws on the football field?

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