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Mets are No. 2 in New York

Lil Bit Special

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Never one to shy away from speaking his mind and providing back-page fodder, Mets

"We're kind of like the second team, kind of like we were with the White Sox [against the Cubs]," the former Chicago manager said yesterday while explaining the dynamic of the city's Subway Series against the crosstown-rival Yankees. "It's a good stage for us."

Manuel held firm even after reporters pressed him to elaborate and reminded him that his proclamation was not one many people in his position would feel comfortable making.

"I don't speak for everybody else, but that's just my opinion, and as a baseball person over the years, from the outside, I've seen it that way," Manuel said. "In Chicago, if you asked what was the favorite team in New York, I would have to say the Yankees. I don't have a problem with that. I love playing them."

Manuel wasn't trying to be negative, just frank. He repeatedly said he didn't have a problem with the second-team stigma; instead, he said that should push the Mets to do better.

"Use that as motivation," he said. "You wanna be first? Win. Win some world championships. Not just first by popularity or who wears what jersey or whatever. Win. Win some championships and then you can claim first."

When asked to respond to Manuel's statements, Yankees manager Joe Girardi effectively sidestepped the issue and said a two-team city works both ways.

"It's really hard for me to make that opinion because I'm not here on a daily basis, and I don't know what it's like to be in a Mets uniform," Girardi said. "If you're a Mets fan, I'm sure the Yankees are second fiddle in this town. If you're a Yankees fan, I'm sure the Mets are second fiddle."

With last week's fertilizer references, Manuel proved his candor can be controversial. Realizing that his most recent remarks could be viewed as inflammatory to some, he joked about the possible reactions.

"I might have some people in my office when I get out of here," Manuel said with a laugh.

Aside from the reaction his comments are sure to elicit from the Mets' fan base, Manuel acknowledged, albeit with good humor, the possible implications from the Mets' front office. General manager Omar Minaya has said he wouldn't want to fire a manager in uniform, and ever since, Manuel has said he'll keep his on for any meetings with Mets brass. Yesterday, he said he'll stick with that plan.

Ultimately, Manuel knows the best way to deflect any heat from his bosses and the fans alike.

"Championships seem to elevate you a little bit," Manuel said, "and that's what we need to do: Win championships." interim manager Jerry Manuel anointed his team as the "second team" in New York's baseball hierarchy.

I'm really starting to like this guy. I dont want to, but I am. He tries to be funny and tries to put in some motivational comments and also is honest... this is what we need. Too bad he doesnt have the talent that will rise up and compete for him.

Truth is we are #2 in NY.

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