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Week Three Report Card


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I disagree with the QB, RB, and WR assessment.

For QB, Favre only started performing well and padding his stats when we were down big. His first interception was inexcusable, the second a result of bad communicaion. Schotty didn't let him do his thing until too late, but when it mattered Favre was nowhere to be found. That first interception was huge towards killing any momentum in our favor.

RB: That fumble killed any momentum after our early TD. Other than that play, Thomas Jones was worse than the average RB per down, but we had to abandon the running game early anyways. It's disappointing to see Leon only have one carry, we have to mix it up more and give him more carries. He was a no show running, although that's not his fault. Bad playcalling restrained him.

WR: These guys still need time to gel with Favre. That second INT was a perfect example of this. Coles had a decent game, still dropped a ball and didn't help much on that first pick 6, but made up for it a bit with a TD. Cotch had a decent game, as did Stuckey. Stuckey's been a surprise these first few games, we'll see how long that continues when teams start gameplanning more towards him. As a unit though, our receivers were at best decent. Nobody was getting open downfield, leading to numerous check downs by Favre. This just highlights our need for a speedy receiver as a deep threat.

The rest of the grades were pretty good, but I disagree with those. I probably would've bumped those down a grade each.

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Just watched the game again, Here's my thoughts:

Favre was absolutely shocking in the 1st half. Overall I'd give him a kind C. He showed some positive signs in the 2nd half (And regardless of what aec4 might say, SD did not switch to a prevent. They blitzed throughout). I am pleased in that regard, he looked much more comfortable with the quick routes out of the 5 WR shotgun set.

Coles had a very good game. Regardless of what some people think he did not give up on the Pick 6. You can see he immediately sprints when he sees Cromatie have the ball, he was turned around when the pick was made, probably presuming the pass had been batted away, 95% of the CB's in the league do not have the athletic ability to pick that ball. Coles was very good in the recieving game, I just know that as the Chemistry between him and Fave develops we will become a much better offense, they seem to be on track.

Cotchery seemed invisble until late on, he had some nice plays but overall was dissapointing. Nice to see another TD from Stuckey, I like him a lot.

Thomas Jones was simply awful. I know people think that's harsh but he really is no threat at the second level. The lines were creating BIG holes for him and as he always does he dances like a ****ing **** until they dissapear. He did have some 5-6 yard gains which more talented back will take further, simply put - I still think he's a terrible running back.

Leon Washington got one carry, on a draw out of the shotgun - Complete ****ing joke!

I think they O-line was very good against a strong front. D'Brick looks like a new player, he had no problems all night and looks great in pass protection. He was the player I was focusing on most on the line and was very impressed. The line as a whole was very good, the protection for Favre was there - The execution simply was not.

On defense we simply need Kris Jenkins. He simply doesn't get pushed backwards and makes it SO much easier for the LB's to get to the line and make plays. He needs to be double blocked on passing downs and he was, every time! I don't think it's a coincidence that the one down (Third down) that we really seem to struggle on, Jenkins sits out. When he was out for the game we really were pitiful. There was some nice moments early on but the lack of pass rush really killed us. Neither Pouha or Mosley were consistently being double blocked and they weren't able to make any kind of plays regardless. We can't play D with these guys in, it's that simple.

In the LB's I was VERY dissapointed with David Harris. He is great against the run but is simply awful in coverage. It was something I noticed in the first two games and he just seems to be getting exposed more and more. I know he's still young and I'm in no way giving up on him, still think he can be a real stud in this league, but he just simple NEEDS to get better vs the pass. He doesn't need to be great, just decent. His partner in crime Eric Barton is also susceptable vs the pass. Hence we've been absolutely killed with underneath stuff early on. Pace was decent (The only one who looked like he was ever going to get a sack) and was very solid in tackling. Gholston didn't get too much action but finally showed some glimpses.

In the secondary Revis is simply an outstanding CB. Chris Chambers had one catch and that was vs zone where Revis was not assigned to him. By my count Darrelle has still only given up 3 catches for like 30 yards, No TD's and has one pick. He's an absolute stud. Doubt he'll ever get the credit or exposure that he deseves though, can't see many CB's throwing his way too often.

Lowery had some great moments but he also reminded us that he is a rookie and got roasted a few times. I am very excited about him though, really has the makings of an outstanding CB. There's no reason to go ape**** over a few mistakes. Every rookie experiences growing pains in this league.

Rhodes dissapointed me a lot. He needs to get himself involved more. He didn't make any mistakes so I can't really come after him but he's too talented to be this quiet. He needs to start making more plays which we all know he is capable of doing. Hopefully we see more of him soon.

Smith is awful and although Barrett got the pick he's still pretty awful in coverage. He gave up quite a bit after his INT. Should also have had another.

The Special teams was outstanding and it looks like The Cane's return is finally making its impact. Leon was brilliant on those returns and if he gets a better block from Brad Smith he gets a TD. The coverage was great considering we were going up against Sproles and Graham looked very good. My guess is we keep him now. Special teams was the highlight of the game. Nice to know this group seems back to form, because when they are, they're one of the best in the game.

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