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"Happy New Year!" Edition of Post of the Week - January 2, 2009


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Topic: Stop acting like this is our first rodeo!!!!!

Come on, guys!!! We all know the friggin deal! This is BEING a JET fan!! it comes down to the FINAL game and several things have to happen for us to win.

This IS ALWAYS how we do it.

Remember Raul Allegre in 91, or John Hall vs Raiders, Remember the "Ray Lucas" Lions game.

THIS IS NY JETS SUNDAY! It's the most exciting sunday ALL year!

First the Bills/ Pats, then playing our fiercest rival at home with Favre playing Pennington and possibly watching the Jaquars score!

The whole time though consoled by the fact that we beat the fins they are going home!!!!

THIS IS THE PEAK HIGH FOR US JETS JUNKIES!!! ENJOY IT!!! and stop acting f%$king surprised!

Go #4, Go Leon, Go TJ, Let's go funking D! this is the peak of what we love!

The Nomination: "awesome." PatriotsSuck17

Editor's Note: Same old Jets...

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Topic: According to WFAN: Gholston Hiring LT to Tutor Him in Offseason

It is a very smart move by Gholston. And should not by itself be reason to consider the Jets FO a mess.

Fact is the while the Jets will have an off season work out program, they do not have the resources to work with one player one on one starting at the end of the season thru camp. Once the season is over the Jets primary concern is getting ready for the draft and after the draft they can start focusing on players, but once again that will be enmass not 1 on 1.

Gholston is very smart and clearly dedicated to want to start working on improving his skills as soon as this season is over instead of waiting until camp.

And the hiring of private coaching is not unheard even in well run organizations. Matt Cassel hired an independent QB coach to assist him, knowing that he was not going to be the Patriots primary concern, they were more concerned with Tom. The initiative worked out well for Matt.

The Nomination: "Very educated/quaility post! Good Job" Mandarinia

Editor's Note: Excellent post, and I do not think I've ever said that about our friend Gray Hoodie. Nice post.

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Topic: Since We're Using Bills Avs this weekend...

Meh. I guess when in Rome, act like Romans.

The Nomination: "Damnit n00b!" BP

Editor's Note: "What are you doing? No, get off. See, you gotta make my bunk. See, we're in Italy. The guy on the top bunk...has gotta make the guy on the bottom's bed all the time - it's in the regulations. If we were in Germany...I would have to make yours. But we're in Italy, so you've gotta make mine. It's regulations." - Dewey Oxburger

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Topic: Wesley Walker on Max Kellerman at 10:30

Seriously..Who gives a f**k what Wesley Walker or Joe Klecko think..flip'em there done...Hey.... Lets make Joe Willie the HC, Klecko the DC and Wesley the OC..There's our answer..Why would their opinion have anymore validity then say some of the Mensa members on this site?

The Nomination: "awsome" chadharmamoon

Editor's Note: You choose - Klecko, Namath, Walker with some say or accountants deciding who to play based on PSL sales...

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Topic: I have ****ing jury duty

Jury duty can be rewarding 3 years ago I too was summoned to jury duty. I met a really hot cougar who was dressed to the nines. I wound up banging her at her house at lunchtime and till this day still see her occasionally. Justice was served.

The Nomination: "Civic Duty at it's Best" Montreal Jet

Editor's Note: All this and $10's for your time, niiiiicceee.

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Topic: Mangenious fans?

Truth be told, if they pick a quality long haul guy, I don't care. Odds are they will pay some name figurehead who will make all the right noises and disappear with a ton of money in two years or less. Say Parcells runs out on Miami, how long do you think he'll last at his next stop?

The Nomination: "This is what every fan should be thinking." Lil Bit Special

Editor's Note: Odd's are you are correct - unless Woddy gives The Tuna a piece of the team, then things might just be different.

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Topic: Woody Johnson and the Jets brass should be ashamed of themselves

Heres the toy that Eric Mangini never played with as a child.


His insistence on taking 4-3 players and shoving them into spots where they don't fit is unacceptable. As for taking over Herms 'mess'. At least Herm sucked with a smile on his face.

The Nomination: "nice use of a children's toy to point out how pathetic Mangini was." Lil Bit Special

Editor's Note: I love that toy - very challenging. :bag:

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Topic: It could be Mooch as our new HC

Why is Brett Fraud the deciding factor in people's minds? F**k him. He choked, pure and simple. 22 picks, with nine in the last five games, is a total disgrace on any level. Pick the best coach and forget what that prima donna wants. His game decision making skills are atrocious at this point. Why bring him back? For what, another year at best? Plus he will play as he did this year, badly.

The Nomination: "Great post." Irish Jet

Editor's Note: Not only great, but unfortunately true concerning BF#4.

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Topic: Possible Head Coaches (Not named Cowher, Parcells or Spags)

It's really amazing for a guy to get to be a mod for adding NOTHING to a site but hey it's obviously not my call.

The Nomination: "For Thor and SD. I bring NOTHING to this site.

:rl:" BP

Editor's Note: Well, you do use the ":rl:" better than anyone I know, so Mike is obviously incorrect. ;)

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Topic: Somebody needs to S-L-A-P Kerry Rhodes in the face.

Fault Favre all you want. Rhodes leads the NFL in celebrating tackles 20 yard upfield for a 1st down like an 8-year old opening Christmas presents. That, and blitzes that NEVER get to the QB. We had RBs and TEs open in the middle of the field every game, running virtually in open fields. That's a safety's job.

Do us all a big favor Apology Boy-SHUT THE PHVCK UP. Your brilliant insight would be much more appreciated had you done ANYTHING spare 1 game all season. You;re 5 weeks late, and your wallet is bulging. Go make some sh1tty rap video, douche.

Your piss poor unit played 1 complete game in Tennessee all year. May be the one defense of Favre and the offense felt it was necessary to wing the ball around because your unit except for Jenkins totally sucked, couldn't stop a team if invalids and special ed kids and gave up 3rd down big gains against everyone.

I have no sympathy for Schott or Mangini. They got what they deserved. But one thing the next coach has to change is enough of these guys who haven't won D1CK strutting around like they've accomplished anything. We lead the NFL in those kids of guys-especially on the defense.

The Nomination: ""Rhodes leads the NFL in celebrating tackles 20 yard upfield for a 1st down like an 8-year old opening Christmas presents." - lol" Sperm Edwards

Editor's Note:My kids are much better behaved and aware of their surroundings...




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Topic: Favre Has Torn Biceps Tendon

Hey, Farve did NOT throw Mangini under the bus. Someone else must have.

If Farve had attempted to throw Mangini under the bus, it would have been intercepted and Eric would still have a job. :P

The Nomination: "I really wish that this line wasn't from a Patsie fan, but it was too good not to nom." shutout

Editor's Note: Sad but true - hey, who said sad but true:


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Topic: Marty to Browns?

Im with 124. If its not Cowher get Marty in here. He has had some bad playoff performances but also some MISERABLE luck. The Elway drive in 86, the Ernest Bynars fumble in 87, he had the Pats beat on 06 when that defender intercepted the ball then fumbled it rather than just kneeling down and ending the game.

Granted he has played very conservatively in the post season and has hurt himself (Jets 04), but its not like the Jets make it every darn year anyway. Lets get to the postseason and take it from there. Guys like Cowher and Dungy got over their playoff failures, no reason why a guy like Marty Schott cant do it either. The Browns, Chiefs and Chargers were all doormats when he took over and he built them into contenders. It cannot be denied. He eveon won 8 games with a horse crap Red Skins team.

The guy has like 13 double digit win seasons. He knows football.

In short, the Jets can do A LOT worst.... A LOT.


The Nomination: "The Truth." 124

Editor's Note: If you are looking for meaningful games in December and January, Marty will bring them. If you are looking to win the whole thing, probably not. How many games does Marty win with this year's Jets team do you think?

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Topic: Cowher's talks with Jets are over, he's not interested[Merged eleventy billion times]

This is stupid. You're a Jets fan, right? Why are you enjoying rubbing it in that we lost out on the best candidate. It makes no sense, just like those Chad fags rubbing it in about Favre collapsing at the end of the year. What the hell kind of fan is happy about such things?

The Nomination: "Glad someone said it." Sperm Edwards

Editor's Note: Well, it really is more important to be right than to worry about how well your favorite team is doing. :bag:

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Topic: There was a backup plan, right?

When I first watched Woody in the presser after the game, I thought, "Wow! He's finally getting tougher as an owner".

So great, he was going to take a week to evaluate what happened, and where we would go (coaches, QB, etc.). He left a definitive impression that Mangini, in particular was not safe.

He implied he would also look at the players, etc. as 9-7 was not as good as he had wished to go.

Again, great! I have no problem that he was considering replacing Mangini, that was the obvious thing to do. Favre was something he should have thought about too.

But when he fired Mangini outright, the very next morning, I figured he must have already had a coach in mind that he could tap, that would be an immediate step up.

The more this drags on though, the more it is obvious that this is not the case.

It seems that this was a decision made on "fan-like" emotions, by the seat-of-his-pants, rather than a business decision with the best interest of the team in mind.

I'm not excusing Mangini, he certainly deserves some blame, although it does not lie entirely on him.

And yes, fire him if you think you can replace him with someone better. But it has to be like Parcells better, or Cowher better, otherwise it just isn't worth it.

Sheesh, some of the names now being floated prove that it certainly can be worse.

Not only that, but we just threw away the last three years, because a new coach will want to start all over, ...... from scratch, ..... again!!!!


Oh, and Tannenbaum needs to go too, for this to really work.

The Nomination: "POTW" victorjets

Editor's Note: Spot on, LadyJet, spot on.

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Topic: Shanahan to the Jets? -- Ugh, please no

124, when was the last time Schottenheimer won a playoff game? He made it to the playoffs 3x in the past 9 years and all of them were 1-and-done. One of them was him blundering the clock vs Denver, one of them was failing to outsmart Herman Edwards armed with an arm-less Chad Pennington, and one where he should have annihilated the Patriots with the league's most dominant team.

The last time a Marty Schottenheimer team won a playoff game or made it as far as the conference championship game was in the 1993 season when you were 5 years old. He has never BEEN to a superbowl in 20 full seasons as a head coach, let alone won one.

If you cannot take any of your teams to a superbowl even once in 20 years, become an assistant coach or find something else to do.

The Nomination: "pwned" BP

Editor's Note: Martyball == playoffs, but not the SuperBowl.

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Topic: Shanny to Dallas ??????

Nah, you can't compare the two. Smith at least has a working knowledge of the sports he covers plus he's got nowhere near the gay quotient Rome has.

Remember, Rome is the guy who constantly refers to Manny Ramirez as "ManRam" and giggles every time he says it.

They really should change the name of his show to "Rome is Flaming." It would be much more appropriate.

The Nomination: "Jim Rome sucks. Talentless hack." Lil Bit Special

Editor's Note: I hate Jim Rome.


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Topic: Gholston snubbed---Mayo wins DROY


Mayo wins Defensive Rookie award

By BARRY WILNER – 5 hours ago

NEW YORK (AP) — Jerod Mayo firmly answered everyone who criticized the Patriots for taking him with the 10th pick in April's draft by winning The Associated Press 2008 NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year award.

Mayo was a nearly unanimous choice, earning 49 of 50 votes Wednesday from a nationwide panel of sports writers and broadcasters who cover the league. He was the outstanding performer on a linebacking corps that often struggled during New England's 11-5 season, leading the team with 137 tackles.

Mayo's versatility, highlighted by quickness and a physical style, made him stand out even though the Patriots didn't make the playoffs.

"Jerod's done a lot for us," coach Bill Belichick said. "We've asked a lot of him and from Day 1 he's really been a well-prepared, very mature player who can do a lot of things: play the running game, play in the passing game, blitz, helps us in the kicking game.

"He's smart, makes a lot of defensive adjustments and calls for us there. He runs well. He's tough. He's a good all-around football player, very mature, very professional. For a rookie, he's probably as professional as anybody I've coached."

The sixth straight linebacker to win the award, Mayo was a starter all season. Seven times he led the Patriots in tackles, with five games of at least 10 stops. His best work came in a 34-31 overtime loss to the Jets when he finished with 23 tackles, 17 solo. The 23 tackles were the most by a Patriot since 1994.

"Jerod's taken his leadership up," veteran linebacker Mike Vrabel said. "I think he came in as a rookie and obviously learned the playbook and learned everything in and out and physically can go out there and make any play that we needed him to."

Mayo learned well from Vrabel, Tedy Bruschi and the other New England linebackers. And if the veterans' performances slipped this year, Mayo made up for much of it with his dynamic play.

He said even after Bruschi was sidelined with knee issues, he kept the longtime star's advice at hand.

"Yeah. Ever since I came in on the first day Tedy has taken me under his wing and showed me the ropes," Mayo said. "He's like an older brother to me."

The only other defensive rookie to get a vote was Cincinnati Bengals linebacker Keith Rivers. Of course, the rookie crop was far deeper on offense this year.

But that doesn't diminish Mayo's work.

"He's very, very fast, very physical, he runs around (and) makes a bunch of plays for them," Steelers coach Mike Tomlin said of the former Tennessee star.

"As a rookie, to come in and to step up to the plate and basically been thrown into the fire, I think he's handled it pretty well," Patriots nose tackle Vince Wilfork added. "He's one heck of a player and he's going to get better and better as time rolls on."

Mayo is the second Patriot to win the award; defensive back Mike Haynes got it in 1976.

Last year's winner was 49ers linebacker Patrick Willis.

The Nomination: "Great Thread Title.

Even Pats fans can be funny sometimes. Too bad its at the Jets expense." Lil Bit Special

Editor's Note: I mane, how can you compare their contributions on the inactive list and special teams and not come up with the answer "Gholston"? Another Patsie robbery...

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Topic: Jets interview questions

And a few examples from the math section of the interview quiz.

1) If you were at the 30 yard line and took two kneel downs for a total of minus 3 yards, would you be closer to a field goal or further away?

2) 4th and 2 from inside the 5 is closer to a first down than 4th and 9 from your own 30?

Again, feel free to add on

The Nomination: "excellent" i remember shea

Editor's Note: I'll take Mangini Math for 300, Alex.

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Topic: TJ on Hot 97



All Favre? No, hell no.

Look at it this way:

Chad was good before and after Mangini. The guy plays well, Mangini comes in, all of a sudden he’s mistake-prone and disorganized. The season after he gets let go, he returns right back to his old form of not turning the ball over and playing smart. Winning as well. Clemens was a very good prospect before Mangini, comes in and plays under him, then gets drastically worse as a player. Favre is the only other player in the entire league even remotely considered with Brady for MVP in ‘07. All of a sudden, he plays under Eric Mangini, and he sucks to high hell.

Am I just the only person who’s noticed this? Because it’s one heck of a pattern we have going on here.

It started hitting me mid-season when I began evaluating the history of this staff’s TD/INT ratios from the QB position over the course of their tenure. Between Favre, Clemens, and Pennington, all 3 QB’s have a ratio of 54/58. That is just god awful. Chad’s TD/INT ratio as a starter in non-Mangini years, including this year, is 72/37. That’s almost 2/1. Which he’s right at this year and pretty much was the years before sans that nightmarish ‘05 year. However under Mangini he was 27/28, which is par for the course with the other two. Clemens wasn’t turnover prone at Oregon at all (especially in ‘05) and hovered around the same ratio that Chad did as a pro. Hell, even Favre was around 2/1 in his season preceding this one.

That is not just some crazy coincidence.

The lesson to be learned here? Stay away from Brady Quinn in your fantasy draft next year folks.

The Nomination: "An impressive piece of analysis, and all by original research, too. It really puts the facts into perspective.

Definitely one of the best posts I have ever read here." kelticwizard

Editor's Note: Nice piece of research and writing here, folks. I'm not sure I'm buying the whole argument quite yet, but I certainly hope it is true IF BF#4 is a Jet again next year.

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Topic: Guess who just broke the top 10?

The Nomination: "Congrats to a true JN legend. If it werent for you (and greenbeans), Max might actually have to do something around these parts other than collect the .16 cents a day he makes off of our hard work and post whoring." Lil Bit Special

Editor's Note: WAIT A SECOND - 16 CENTS??? That liar told me 12 cents - he's cheating me again! (thanks for the nice words, lil bit :) AND congrats to the Tuna!)

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