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A quick Yankees recap since the WS ended?


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My old dear who is 61 shortly is somewhat of an avid NY Yankees fan.

Quite why this is I don`t know, but she stays up overnight whenever they are on the TV over here and I`m often awoken by her screaming and shouting.

"Catch it you prat" & "That was out" are her favourite cries.

She adores Derek Jeter, but she hates Boston so at least some good has come of this!

Anyhow, she has asked me to have a look and see what has happened since they won the World Series (I had NO sleep the night they clinched it).

As she is dangerous with a credit card I`ve banned her from the internet, so I wouldn`t want to leave it on during the day for her to play around with, my house would be gone when I got back from work.

So could some kind person please post a brief summary of what if anything has happened recently, players released or signed or any trades etc?

Nothing major, just anything involving the big names that she will know.

It`s my turn to keep her awake screaming at the TV tonight! :D

Many thanks

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