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Is Greg Mc Elroy a Twitter Rock Star?


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Jets Twit

a Blog by Erik Manassy

Is Jets QB Greg McElroy a Twitter Rock Star?


by Erik Manassy on May 9, 2011 · View Comments

in Player Tweets


When the New York Jets drafted Alabama QB Greg McElroy this year, I immediately followed him on twitter and for the most part he was a casual tweeter, UNTIL last night. He ran a Q&A session and he was replying quite a bit, in fact it took up most of my timeline and hey I follow over 3k people.

What I didn’t realize about Greg on Twitter is that he’s a ROCK STAR online. Did you know that he has over 30,000 people following him? HOLY COW. That’s impressive considering that most players are under the 10k mark. I notice that the superstars of the NFL have a lot of followers but 30k for a rookie is nothing to shake a stick at.

So what was Greg talking about during his Q&A session, LOTS but I’m only going to cover the Jets topics:


Mothers Day Q & A begins now. I will answer questions till my phone dies. I’m at 13% now so let’s get it started. Fire away!

5/8/11 8:28 PM

Great guy. Known him for years. RT @bamafootball: @GVMcElroy Met Mark Sanchez yet? Cool dude?

about 16 hours ago via EchofonReplyRetweetFavorite


Greg McElroy


Learning as much as possible and being a great teammate RT @Nebkreb: @GVMcElroy What are you looking forward to about playing for the Jets?

5/8/11 8:31 PM

I didn’t know that Mark knew Greg. Now this is probably my own conspiracy theory, but I wonder how much influence Sanchez had with the drafting of McElroy. I know many people were already saying that the only reason that Scotty McKnight was drafted by the Jets was because Mark and Scotty were best friends that grew up together and it was Mark who got him on the team. I don’t buy that Sanchez got both on the team alone, but I’m POSITIVE that he talked both players up and endorsed the moves.


Not sure yet. Possibly 5? RT @andrewmarchese: @GVMcElroy Since #12 isn’t an option what number do you plan on wearing as a Jet?

5/8/11 8:33 PM

Brooks Bollinger #5

Yeah Greg, number 12 is off the list and it has been for a while. Other numbers you will want to stay away from for a QB, 7 and 4. 5 is available but the first person I though of was Brook Bolinger. Remember him Jets fans, wow.


Rent. Ha RT @TeamMarkSanchez: @GVMcElroy what are you gonna buy with your first nfl paycheck?

5/8/11 8:41 PM

Jets. RT @dwn323: @GVMcElroy do u think of Joe Namath first, as a legend of bama football or new York jets football?

about 16 hours ago via EchofonReplyRetweetFavorite


Greg McElroy

Who thinks of Joe as a Bama Legend? Anyone? Crickets. Look no disrespect to Bama fans, but Joe Namath is one of the most famous NFL players EVER, and he was a New York Jet! He changed the game forever and people still talk about it. Oh and that happened over 40 years ago. The man still own New York, maybe until Mark wins a SB then the town is his forever.


Troy Aikman and my Dad. RT @Gregtheman7: @GVMcElroy Who was your childhood idle?

5/8/11 8:38 PM


Throwing off balance and adjusting arm angles at LOS. RT @jct4ua: @GVMcElroy whats gonna be the biggest change from college to pro for you?

5/8/11 8:34 PM


Surreal. I can’t wait for it to get here! RT @wbourland: @GVMcElroy How does it feel to play the Cowboys week 1?

5/8/11 8:30 PM


That’s it guys. 1% left. Enjoyed it. We will do it again soon.

5/8/11 9:00 PM

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