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Chat with Rich Cimini

Welcome to SportsNation! On Friday, ESPNNewYork.com writer Rich Cimini stops by to chat about the Jets.

Cimini, longtime Jets beat writer for the New York Daily News and a Syracuse University graduate, covers the Jets for ESPNNewYork.com.

Send your questions now and join Cimini Friday at 1 p.m. ET!

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Rich Cimini

(12:58 PM)

Hello, hello. Thanks for checking in today, a beautiful Friday...unless you're a Knicks fan. Let's get started.

Rich (@ Hall of Fame)

Enjoyed seeing the all the great players & artifacts @ the Pro Football Hall of Fame. What current or past Jets players should or will here in Canton some day?

Rich Cimini

(1:01 PM)

Great question, Rich. Let's see. I think Klecko belongs. He was a Pro Bowl player at 3 different DL positions, a dominant player in his era. Clearly, Curtis Martin belongs and I suspect he will make it next year. Among current players (not counting LT, who was a lock before he arrived), I'd say Revis and Mangold are on the right track. They still have a lot of career left, but they've done just about everything ... except win a championship.

Chris Fiegler (Latham,NY)

Will the Jets use QB Greg McElroy at all in 2011? If so where will he fit in?

Rich Cimini

(1:02 PM)

Nothing against McElroy, but if he's playing in 2011, the Jets have problems.

Derek Hamilton (The Great White North)

Hey Rich. With all this talk about how much this shortened offseason with affect the rookies were not hearing much about how it will effect free agency. If this goes long enough would it work in the Jets favor with all their big free agents. Would teams be less willing to give Holmes, Edwards or Cro big money knowing they will have very little time to learn a new system. Or am I just grasping at straws looking for any ray of hope that our big 3 FA?s stay put?

Rich Cimini

(1:05 PM)

You're not reaching, Derek. All valid questions. One thing to watch for: If the owners win this appeal, as everybody suspects, it won't be good for the Jets. Here's why: It means the '11 FA rules will have to be determined via negotiation. If the players win and the league is forced to open for biz, it means '10 rules could be in play. That would mean Holmes, Cro, Smith would be RFAs -- a benefit to Jets. A short/late FA period will hurt the 'B' and 'C' FAs, guys like B Smith, E Smith, Pool, etc. They won't be in as much demand because teams filled holes in the draft. The A list guys (Holmes, Cro) will get the big money no matter what.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich, Quess the lockout news and talks have to be a positive sign? Maybe they can get this done before it heads to court in July. If so do you see them starting right away middle of July with OTA's and workouts?

Rich Cimini

(1:07 PM)

I think both sides are afraid of the unknown right now, which probably explains why they're talking. If they agree to a deal in late June/early July, I could see FA beginning after 7/4, followed by a few OTAs and an on-time start to t camp. But that's a big if.

Rachel (Hattiesburg)

What type of player will Lowery be this season and how much do you think he'll play? I think he's a solid play myself. Thanks!

Rich Cimini

(1:09 PM)

I agree, Rachel. I like Lowery. He's not fast enough to be an effective CB in the Jets' man-to-man scheme, but he's a useful, versatile player. I think the Jets recognize that. I suspect he will start the season at safety. He's smart and has the recognition skills to be an effective safety. Not sure how he'd be as a tackler.

Tom (new york)

Rich, with the lockout taking up so much valuable time, especially for the rookies, wouldn?t it make more sense for the jets to make sure they resign veterans like Shaun Ellis and Jason Taylor, rather then counting on mainly rookies to get a pass rush?

Rich Cimini

(1:11 PM)

You make a good point, Tom. I think older vets that may have moved on in a normal year will get a chance to stick around. I'm fairly confident that Ellis will be back. Taylor? I suppose it's not out of the question, but I think they should be able to fill that spot with a younger player.

MorristownJetFan (Los Angeles, CA)

BTW it is Morristown not Morris City!! :) Go CUSE!!!!

Rich Cimini

(1:11 PM)

Who said we were in Morristown? And, yes, Go Cuse!

Oz (CT)

Hi Rich,How on earth can the Jets seriously consider Randy Moss after the season he has last year ? I know they consider Rex to be able to handle anyone, but why bother, what has he done lately ?

Rich Cimini

(1:13 PM)

You're preaching to the choir, Oz, but I'm telling you, the Jets will be interested in Moss if they lose Holmes or Edwards. Rex thinks Moss still is a vertical threat and would open up things for the rest of the guys. Moss was going through the motions last year, which is alarming because it was a contract year.

Michael-Patrick Hogue (The Best Coast)

Rich, Must be tough filling columns rite now, but so far, so good. Keep your "pen" up! With all the confusion, who do you see from our draft having the best shot at making an impact in 2011, if there is a 2011. Personally I gotta believe that the $$$ will prevail eventually...

Rich Cimini

(1:15 PM)

Thanks, MPH. I'd have to say Wilkerson, he's gonna get a lot of PT. Ellis will need time. Powell is in a crowded backfield. Kerley could be a factor if B Smith moves on. McElroy and McKnight will be red-shirted, basically.

Alex (North Jersey)

Hi Rich. Are visitors allowed to observe the Jets defensive workouts, and if so, where exactly are these workouts being held?

Rich Cimini

(1:17 PM)

Sorry, Alex, I was sworn to secrecy. Wish I could tell you, but I don't want to piss off a bunch of 300-pound men.

Jimmy (Huntington)

Rich, When will we know if the NFL will resort back to last year's free agent rules? If they do, it seems to me that this would favor the Jets....they would be able to retain just about everyone except Braylon Edwards.......which leads me to my next question......Are the Jets really serious about Randy Moss?!Thanks Rich

Rich Cimini

(1:18 PM)

The only way they go back to last year's rules is if they have to make a quick start to the league year -- i.e. if the players win today's appeal. And it doesn't look like that's going to happen. And, yes, they will be interested in Moss if they lose a WR.

Rich Cimini

(1:18 PM)

The only way they go back to last year's rules is if they have to make a quick start to the league year -- i.e. if the players win today's appeal. And it doesn't look like that's going to happen. And, yes, they will be interested in Moss if they lose a WR.

Billy (Boston College)

Rich: I still have a huge problem with the playcalling down at the end of the Steelers game. Shonn Greene was tearing up the Steelers D on that drive. How about 4 attitude plays to get 2 yards w/ #23. If they couldn't get it, they wouldn't deserve to go to the Super Bowl.

Rich Cimini

(1:20 PM)

I assume you mean the goal-line sequence, which occurred at the start of the 4th Q. You can't run it 4 straight times against that defense. The only call I had a problem with was 3rd down -- the quick slant to Holmes. Should've tried a fade to Braylon, not a quick hitter in traffic.

Chris M (Brooklyn NY)

By the Jets not drefting a S in the draft, one would assume Lowry will be the starting safety, educated assumption?... and what are the scouts sayign about Kyle Wilson - does he have potential as a starting CB?

Rich Cimini

(1:23 PM)

I still think they'd like to re-sign Pool, who came on toward the end of the year. E. Smith could be back as well. I'm not sure Lowery is ready for a starting role, but I think he belongs in a sub package. Obviously, the Jets think KW has starting potential or they wouldn't have drafted him in the 1st round, but starting this year? That might be pushing it. The Jets need a proven vet opposite Revis.

Andrew (Westchester)

Rich: Love your insight on the Jets. Whats going on with Moss/Ochocinco to Jets? And any pass rushers or free agents (Namdni) there looking at?Thks

Rich Cimini

(1:24 PM)

Thanks, Andrew. Moss? Definitely an option. Ochocinco? I don't see the appeal. I know Ochocinco would kill to play for the Jets, but what has he done lately other than ride a bull and play soccer? With Nnamdi, like I've said many times, the Jets will be interested...but it's a long shot.

Billy (Boston College)

Also if Shotty is so "damn good" at his job, why have the Jets only been in the top 10 in either yards or points once in his years as OC (2008 #9 in points)?

Rich Cimini

(1:26 PM)

It's a valid question, Billy. And in '08, they had Favre. But, to be fair, consider that Schotty was handed a rookie QB two years ago. That's tough. It's a delicate balance, managing the rookie while trying to keep the vets around him happy.

matt (pittsburgh)

the only reason to get moss is if you think NE will sign him for nothing and he starts to care again. I would rather them try to sign someone like Plax (if they do has to be an incentive filled contract), cause i don't know how there going to keep brad, holmes, and braylon.

Rich Cimini

(1:28 PM)

I'd be shocked if NE re-signed Moss. Belichick got rid of him for a reason. I'd like to see Plax with the Jets, but it sure sounds like he wants to play in Philly.

Luis (Piscataway )

Hi Rich, Thanks for the chat. How important is Coleman and Cole as defensive backs to the Jets? Is Coleman their best slot corner? Also what is are the chances that the Jets can pick up Carr from Baltimore?

Rich Cimini

(1:29 PM)

Coleman and Cole are decent role players. Rex needs a lot of corners to run his scheme (remember, they dressed 10 DBs vs NE in the playoffs) and Coleman and Cole are good 4th and 5th corners.

Scott Laurentz (Valley Stream, NY)

What are the odds of the Jets signing some more D-Line pass rushers from the undrafted free agent pool or regular free agent pool? Also do you think the Final Four rule to free agency will be in affect in the new CBA?

Rich Cimini

(1:31 PM)

I don't see the Jets making any significant moves on the DL -- other than re-signing Ellis. They finally have a young line with good depth. The Final Four rule won't be in place unless it's an uncapped year, and the only way that happens is if there's no new CBA and they're using 2010 rules.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich, Looking back to the 09 draft. What are your feeling on Sanchez and Freeman?

Rich Cimini

(1:33 PM)

Freeman has better physical tools, no question. I'd give an edge to Sanchez in intangibles. The Jets really liked Freeman in the draft that year, but they went with Sanchez because of those intangibles. It also takes a special person to handle NY, and it looks like Sanchez has the proper mindset. But Freeman is gonna be a good one for a long time.

Oz (CT)

Do you think Rex's book will have any effect on his relationship with his players, like Santonio ?

Rich Cimini

(1:34 PM)

I honestly don't know. If I were Santonio, I'd feel a little deceived by that whole Goodell stunt. Whether Rex informed Santonio about it before the book came out, I don't know. From all indications, they had a great relationship last year. I'm not so sure Mr. Goodell appreciated that coming out like it did.

Alex (KCMO)

So do you see both Edwards and Holmes resigning with the Jets?

Rich Cimini

(1:36 PM)

No, I don't see that. With a salary cap, it would be hard to pay $16M per year (an educated guess) for 2 WRs in an offense that likes to run the ball.

Chris M (Brooklyn NY)

I think schotty has done a really good job, although i can see why some may critique him. But you have to realize it will always be defense first with this team, and it will always be a 'better safe than sorry' scenario more often than not. do you agree Rich?

Rich Cimini

(1:38 PM)

Yes, to some extent, I agree. When you have a defensive-minded HC, you're gonna be a running team. That plays to the defense. Obviously, the Jets have done a fantastic job running the ball. The passing game made strides last year, but I still think it underachieved. Part of that was Sanchez's growing pains, but I also think Schotty needs to do a better job of exploiting matchups and making quicker adjustments in games.

Andrew (Westchester)

Rich, Just one more question: Plax? Any interest

Rich Cimini

(1:39 PM)

Yes, but he's a backburner option, along with Moss.

jc (bw)

what do u think about j-west? im thinking a breakout season....maybe 8-10 sacks?

Rich Cimini

(1:40 PM)

You mean, Jamaal Westerman, of course. Well, this is his shot. With JT probably not coming back, I think JW will get a real shot to convince the coaches he deserves to be the No. OLB. Remember, Ryan was very high on him two years ago as a rookie.

Denis (Manhattan)

I like the drafting of Bilal Powell primarily because I beleive in drafting talent first before drafting for needs. However, it seems like it very well may be an indirect concession that we blew it by drafting McKnight last year. Which of course led to losing Woodhead - a loss that will piss me off for years to come. Thoughts?

Rich Cimini

(1:42 PM)

I wouldn't be surprised if you're right, Denis. McKnight didn't light it up to say the least. Powell is gonna be an interesting guy. When I spoke Schotty this wk, he absolutely gushed about Powell. But I spoke to a GM from another team (a real good talent evaluator) and he told me he's not a huge BP fan. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so we'll see.

matt (pittsburgh)

any word on vlad's development? I thought slauson did a decent job last year, but I think that he is more of a fill-in, rotation than a starter. Any chance vlad plays G next year?

Rich Cimini

(1:44 PM)

Schotty told me he expects Vlad to be ready to roll as soon as this labor mess is resolved. Methinks that's wishful thinking by the O.C. Vlad is way behind and it would be tough to play catch-up in an abbreviated training camp. Guard? I wouldn't rule it out, but they have to be careful. The kid's head will be spinning if they keep moving him around. Know this: When they drafted him, the plan was to make him a RT in year 2.

Walter (Iphone)

Rich, I think it is more important to keep Edwards and Holmes than it is Cromartie, because Rex could scheme around Cromartie's loss, while the Jets will need the two widereceivers to continue to develop Sanchez. I disagree with you on cromartie's importance. I hope they resign him though.

Rich Cimini

(1:46 PM)

It's hard to scheme when you play man-to-man and blitz a lot and you don't have two outstanding CBs. They need a proven vet opposite Revis, if not cromartie, then someone else. I don't know if Wilson is ready for that just yet.

Justin (Connecticut)

Rex mentioned uring the "Hard Knoks" series that Ropati was on the edge of being an elite end, have you eard anything about his progression from surgery? and where do you think he stands amongst the rotation that is in place with the new rookies?

Rich Cimini

(1:48 PM)

Funny you should mention Pitoitua. I saw him yesterday in the flesh at their workout in NJ. He seemed to be moving well, but he told a couple of my colleagues that he's 75 pct right now and that the docs told him it takes 18 mos to fully recover from an Achilles tendon tear. It'll be 12 mos in August, so I'm not sure you'll see the real Ropati in 2011 ... but I think he can be a contributor off the bench.

nate (nyc)

thanx for takin the time to talk with the loyal jet fans

Rich Cimini

(1:49 PM)

My pleasure, Nate. You're right, you guys are loyal.

Alex (KCMO)

So will Wilkerson be the Missing Part at the Jets D-Line?

Rich Cimini

(1:51 PM)

Well, Alex, he defintely passes the look test. Mo Wilk has great size to be a 3-4 DE. The man is 6-4, 315 and he moves well. DeVito told me yesterday that he thinks MW will be an "instant star." That may be pushing it, but the point is, he was impressed. I'll be interested to see if MW plays a lot on third down. If he can be a productive, every-down player, it will be a great draft pick.

Denis (Manhattan)

Sorry, but a follow up thought to my prior question: am I (as well as many other Jet fans) being a bit ridiculous with our anger towards MT for letting Woodhead go, in favor of McKnight?

Rich Cimini

(1:55 PM)

You have a right to be angry. He screwed up. Not only did they lose him, but he lost him to the PATRIOTS ... all because he needed a roster spot for David Freakin Clowney. But I think MT and his staff learned a hard lesson ... you keep good football players even if it means going heavy at 1 particular position.

rich (quuens) [via mobile]

Are there any talks about letting go of braylon edwards in order to bring plaxico burress?

Rich Cimini

(1:56 PM)

I think the Jets would like to re-sign Braylon, especially if they lose Holmes. But like I stated earlier, they'd look at Plaxico as a fallback option. I don't think the Jets are gearing their off-season game plan around signing Plaxico. But he'd be one of the guys they'd consider if BE bolts.

Sam (NY)

Was McKnight 147 yd an indication of his talent or the bills need for rush defence

Rich Cimini

(1:57 PM)

More of the latter, I'd say.

Alex (KCMO)

The Jets slump last year from about week 9 to 16 what was that due to?

Rich Cimini

(1:57 PM)

A lot of it was Sanchez. Ryan even admits that in his book.

Chris M (Brooklyn NY)

i always wondered how a scheme like rex's could last for so long when the other team know what's gonna come for the most part ( good coaching). did you notice that towards the end of the season and in the playoffs they faked the blitz and dropped back numerous amount of times? do you think we'll see more of that this year with DL acquisitions, or was it a lack of pass rush that made rex play a lil more coverage last year?

Rich Cimini

(1:58 PM)

Lack of pass rush + depth in secondary QBs like Brady and Manning that are hard to blitz.

Sam (NY)

What are the chances the jets get Asomugha if these loose cromartie

Rich Cimini

(1:58 PM)

Slim, but I wouldn't rule it out.

Alex (KCMO)

the Jets drafted 2 Wr's in the draft, Kerley and McKnight. DO you see either of them developing into evential starters?

Rich Cimini

(1:59 PM)

I think Kerley has a shot. He has some special gifts.

IRA (Staten Island)

Rich, How come jets fans don't give Drew Coleman any credit? He had the most sacks and FF's at the CB position?

Rich Cimini

(2:00 PM)

Maybe they should make him a pass rusher. Ha!

Scott (Long Island)

hey Rich, do you see the Jets going after an olb and or a safety via free agency or trades...... and who could be possible targets....thanx

Rich Cimini

(2:00 PM)

Safety, yes. Not many good OLBs on the market.

matt (pittsburgh)

also any news on the nick folk replacement search...i guess it is hard with the labor situation, but i don' think i can deal with folk next year

Rich Cimini

(2:01 PM)

Remember, they signed Novak before the lockout. They like him.

Jackson Spilka (Chappaqua)

Rich, I am hearing that Miami is very high on Plax's list and so are the Jets and Eagles but Miami is the highest

Rich Cimini

(2:02 PM)

I'm surprised he'd want to play for a team with orange colors. After 2 yrs in the slammer, I'd think he'd want to try a new color.

Mike (Waldwick NJ)

Are finally going to see Shonne Greene in the dosage we need? And when the heck, if ever are we playing football again!!!????

Rich Cimini

(2:03 PM)

This should be his year, Mike. of course, last year was supposed to be his year, too.

Rich Cimini

(2:05 PM)

That's gonna be it for me, folks. Sorry, but thanks for the great questions. I think the beat writers should have their own workout at a local HS. What do you think? We'd definitely need paramedics on site. Take care and have a great weekend! Rich

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