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New PSA: Here's A Quick Run Down On Unacceptable Behavior At JetNation

The Gun Of Bavaria

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Things that could get you censured, suspended or permanently banned at JN (Not in any particular order)

  • Making fun of people who have been victims of sexual assault, disease or otherwise significant unfortunate conditions that a normal person would me most thankful they do not have to contend with. in any way.
  • Making fun of people whose family members have been victims of sexual assault, disease or otherwise significant unfortunate conditions that a normal person would me most thankful they do not have to contend with.
  • Attacking other posters via normal forum threads or private messaging with vulgar, insulting or offensive language.
  • Use of language that would be considered vulgar, insulting, disgusting or otherwise offensive to a normal person during general posting.
  • Posting with the sole intention of causing static, severe contention, or otherwise needless drama as a member of an opposite team's fan base. (a/k/a Oppositional Trolling)
  • Posting with the sole intention of causing static, severe contention, or otherwise needless drama as a member of the prevalent team's fan base. (a/k/a Friendly Trolling)
  • The placement of graphic ads, URLs or other items which specific purpose is to pursue the commercial interest of a third party entity. (Spamming)
  • Intentional disruption of a thread for the sole purpose of changing, damaging or derailing the original subject contained within for purely malicious purposes. (Hijacking)
  • Routinely posting in such a manner where a common person could reasonably determine that an individual behind a screen name, if met in person, would be the same cruel, angry & miserable human being portrayed by their online personality. (Degenerate Scumbagging)
  • Attacking other members of the board, both supporters and non supporters the the prevailing sports teams at JN for merely having an opposite opinion on any particular matter. (Bullying)

The rules here are fairly simple. Act like a reasonably responsible adult, be capable of discussing and/or debating matters of opinion in a professional manner and respect other posters as you would want to be respected by them. Act as if this is a forum available to you at NO cost, maintained through the hard work and dedication of people you've most likely never met, with cash that does not come out of your pocket.

Finally, remind yourself that none of us are currently being shot at in a routine manner or deployed to areas of the world with temperatures of 110 degrees. None of us are being taken away from our loved ones for long period of time, made homeless, or are so poor that we cannot afford food, let alone electricity and the internet. None of us are being dragged out of our homes and/or being imprisoned for having a different opinion. We're all pretty fortunate in our own way, living and posting in one of the greatest countries in the world. It's the internet, it's not life or death. We're here to have fun, unwind, commiserate, and most importantly, plan for the upcoming New York Jets Super Bowl victory.

Being a fan of the NY Jets can be hard enough....having to deal with self-inflicted drama can make it unbearable.

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