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The starter of threads has something to say................

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It's more like 15 for 12 and most craft beers have higher alcohol content than your Bud Light or whatever other horse piss you ingest has. So technically, you're doing it wrong on multiple levels. But everyone likes what they like, so you just have to decide if you'd rather spend a few extra bucks or drink terrible beer. Choose your own adventure.

Don't drink light beer

Don't see the point. I'm not one of these weight conscience pansies who gets bent out of shape about the amount of calories I'm taking in.

But regular Budweiser, Yuengling, even PBR?

Yeah, sure. Decent, cheap beer that is easily drinkable and does the job.

But you stick to your expensive "microbrews" and overpriced imports. And be sure to raise a pinky in my honor.

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