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Patriots Broncos INACTIVES


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Patriots: DL Issac Sopoaga, CB Justin Green, OG Chris Barker, TE D.J. Williams, DE Jake Bequette,
WR Kembrell Thompkins, LB Steve Beauharnais. OL Braxston Cave T Jordan Devey WR Reggie Dunn DL Marcus Forston OL R.J. Mattes WR Sam McGuffie WR Greg Orton LB Taylor Reed

Broncos: QB Zac Dysert, RB Ronnie Hillman, DB Marquice Cole, OL Vinston Painter, OL Chris Kuper, TE Joel Dreessen, DL Sione Fua S John Boyett T Paul Cornick DE Hall Davis G Ben Garland WR Nathan Palmer TE Gerell Robinson DE John Youboty WR Greg Wilson

Jetsrule128 Picks the Broncos to win 38-24

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