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Kyle Shanahan


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The NY Jets fans for years have been saying 

1. We have no skill players

2. All our skill players are hurt

3. Its not the coaches or the QB's fault (see 1 or 2 above)

Yet somehow in San Fran Kyle Shanahan with half his team Injured just as much as the Jets maybe even worse and with a back up QB was able to destroy 2 teams in consecutive games and probably should have won their first game as well. You can get by in this league with a Descent HC and great talent but you can't ever do well with a bad NFL coach under any circumstances. You can scheme bad players open, maybe not consistently but you can do it and you can be competitive because all these players are superior athletes. 

Now some may say the Jets and Giants are terrible and that's why Shanahan won those games  but at this stage do you think the Giants and Jets can beat anyone including teams just as terrible as they are ? Also keep in mind both the Giants and Jets weren't just beaten by a hobbled San Fran team they were destroyed by a well coached well schemed football team. Great coaches win games with players who cant do it elsewhere because of the system they play in another good example of this is Bill Belichick who did it for years with WR's who were never able to stick elsewhere and he did it year after year. His players have to work and study or they get shown the door, That's also why the only Diva WR to ever make it there was Randy Moss because he was just an exceptional talent. if you don't buy into Belichicks system its simple you are gone. 

We blame the QB for so many years but tell me besides Parcells and possibly for a very short time Mangini and Rex when has this team ever had a really good NFL coach ? Weeb in the late 60's ? 

This team will win when we get  a real coach in here, no telling when that will happen and keep in mind getting that smart HC is just as elusive as getting that franchise QB.

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