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Sean Avery


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Sorry ranger fans,but remember when avery came back and the rags dramatically improve? Well now they will go back down,because Avery is out 3-4 weeks with a wrist surgery. He says he hopes to be back in 2 weeks,but the Doc says 3-4 weeks. I feel sooooooooooooooooooo bad that loud mouth is injured again. I really am mad though,because now theres noone for the isles(well mostly Witt) to pick on thursday.

BTW isles will beat ottawa 4-2 tonight and then beat the rags 3-2 For a PERFECT 4-0


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Avery or no Avery we will kick your ass your little string of luck will come to an end tommmorow night and we will expose you for the sh*tty team you are.

It's funny how the only time you guys say you'll kill us is the night after we play the best team in the east. Tell you what, even though we will be tired we will still win,because of our confidence after we extend ottawa's losing streak to 4.

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It's funny how the only time you guys say you'll kill us is the night after we play the best team in the east. Tell you what, even though we will be tired we will still win,because of our confidence after we extend ottawa's losing streak to 4.

Oh so now you already got the "tired" excuse ready for when you guys lose. Brilliant.

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